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Word on the Street....Glavine..


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Word on the Street is that Glavine is a goner. It appears that Glavine has contacted Maddux and that he wants to reunite with Maddux to give the Braves one last go of the Three Amigos before they each retire.

If that is true, its sad but what can you do. I know if that happens Omar will find a replacement....may overpay, but we will get an upgrade.

Who you say? The word is that teh Mets are targeting Zito and Mulder. Mulder has not pitched well since he left Peterson and apparently there is some interest there. Additionally, Ted Lilly is apparently also being targeted.



El Duque



That looks pretty good to me. When Pedro comes back....




El Duque




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Word on the Street is that Glavine is a goner. It appears that Glavine has contacted Maddux and that he wants to reunite with Maddux to give the Braves one last go of the Three Amigos before they each retire.

If that is true, its sad but what can you do. I know if that happens Omar will find a replacement....may overpay, but we will get an upgrade.

Who you say? The word is that teh Mets are targeting Zito and Mulder. Mulder has not pitched well since he left Peterson and apparently there is some interest there. Additionally, Ted Lilly is apparently also being targeted.



El Duque



That looks pretty good to me. When Pedro comes back....




El Duque




I don't know if the Braves will and can spend the money. They have a tight leash on payroll right now.

They need a bullpen more than anything

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I don't know if the Braves will and can spend the money. They have a tight leash on payroll right now.

They need a bullpen more than anything

Glavine gets some sort of buyout from the Mets if he leaves. I forget the exact details, but he re-worked his contract this summer, and a buyout was in there for 2007, if either party declines the option. So he may take less money to return to the Braves.

Smoltz I also believe would stay for less. He has pitched nowhere else in his Major League career, and if his buddies were returning, he may give a "home-town discount".

To me, the issue is Maddox. Will he accept a discount to return? I know he can easily afford it, as he has made millions in his career. North of $70 million, but who's counting. But will he give the Braves a large discount to return? Knowing that if they pay him anywhere near 12 million or so, that the team probably does not spend much to improve their pen, or has to trade Andrew Jones to be able to do so?

I wonder?

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Tom Glavine has until November 10 to decide whether to exercise his $7.5-million option for 2007.

The Mets also hold an option, worth $14 million, but they have an extra 10 days to decide whether to use it. If both options are declined, Glavine would get a $3 million payment and could still return to the Mets

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Omar said on Mike and the Dog that they would pick up Glavine's option for next year.

Glavine though can decline the option and the Mets would have to pay him 7 million dollars next year.


Since the Glavine would already have 7 mil in his pockets from the Mets he could go to the Braves for around 7 or mil more.

It is going to be a wait and see.

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Not for nothing -- but if the Mets sign Mulder, Zito and Lilly then win the WS, wouldn't you agree they bought it?

Lilly is someone that would be AWESOME under Peterson. AWESOME. He would win 17 games easy. And would be postseason money. They should get him, seriously.

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Not for nothing -- but if the Mets sign Mulder, Zito and Lilly then win the WS, wouldn't you agree they bought it?

Lilly is someone that would be AWESOME under Peterson. AWESOME. He would win 17 games easy. And would be postseason money. They should get him, seriously.

Is this the same Peterson who needs 10 minutes to fix Zambrano?

Just asking...............:Typotux:

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Not for nothing -- but if the Mets sign Mulder, Zito and Lilly then win the WS, wouldn't you agree they bought it?

Lilly is someone that would be AWESOME under Peterson. AWESOME. He would win 17 games easy. And would be postseason money. They should get him, seriously.

Zambrano...that is an afterthought. he is gone...Goodbye..no longer part of the mets plans.

I have read various stories that the Mets will go after the following Pitchers...

The Japanese Phenom (try to post the highest fee)

If not the Japanese guy then




If the Mets Keep Glavine then we see...





O. Perez/Maine

Either way, I like O. Perez and John Maine. I believe that they are a good young nucleus. Also, we have Pelfrey and Humber waiting in the wings as well. We can't count on pedro SOOOO we need to stock up on Arms. As we have seen in the playoffs...Pitching wins games. So My plan would be to acquire

The Japanese Pitcher or Zito



PLUS get A. Soriano for the Outfield. and Tony Graffanino for 2b.

That would be SWEET.

Also there is talk of the mets acquiring D. Willis for Milledge and Heilmann...I say do it!


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Zambrano...that is an afterthought. he is gone...Goodbye..no longer part of the mets plans.

I have read various stories that the Mets will go after the following Pitchers...

The Japanese Phenom (try to post the highest fee)

If not the Japanese guy then




If the Mets Keep Glavine then we see...





O. Perez/Maine

Either way, I like O. Perez and John Maine. I believe that they are a good young nucleus. Also, we have Pelfrey and Humber waiting in the wings as well. We can't count on pedro SOOOO we need to stock up on Arms. As we have seen in the playoffs...Pitching wins games. So My plan would be to acquire

The Japanese Pitcher or Zito



PLUS get A. Soriano for the Outfield. and Tony Graffanino for 2b.

That would be SWEET.

Also there is talk of the mets acquiring D. Willis for Milledge and Heilmann...I say do it!


All good and well.

But, today's local, I believe the Post, had a blurb that the Mets will not persue Zito, because of his expected price tag, nor Soriano, because of a lack of interest.

So basically, no one knows what will happen.;)

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All good and well.

But, today's local, I believe the Post, had a blurb that the Mets will not persue Zito, because of his expected price tag, nor Soriano, because of a lack of interest.

So basically, no one knows what will happen.;)

Ok so replace Zito with Willis (trade Heilmann and Milledge) and get Carlos Lee?


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I LOVE the idea of bringing Mulder in. He'll be undervalued due to injury concerns and will be a bonafide ace that does NOT have the name Barry Zito (I do not want to hear his name at all this offseason for the Mets).

Glavine pitched great all season and was surprisingly effective in the postseason...but if he leaves and wins his 300th elsewhere, I won't be unhappy. He's 40 years old, and the downward spiral has to happen one of these days. It will probably be this year.

As for the rest of the Mets SP, I would stay within the organization. I'm not expecting much from Pedro next season, so anything good from him is icing on the cake. Keep El Duque, John Maine, and Oliver Perez. Get rid of Trachsel in any manner possible. If the rotation looks like this I'll be ecstatic:

1) Mulder

2) El Duque

3) John Maine

4) Oliver Perez

5) Phillip Humber OR Mike Pelfrey

DL: Pedro Martinez

In any case, I put my trust in Minaya at this point. I will give him the benefit of the doubt on how he handles the rotation. But I seriously doubt he does anything drastic; going outside the organization once, maybe twice to bring in pitching seems like the best strategy. I think they have enough talent already on the roster and farm system to come up with a solid rotation otherwise.

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Ok so replace Zito with Willis (trade Heilmann and Milledge) and get Carlos Lee?


Lee is a very nice player, but I find it rediculous that someone will pay 75 million for him, over 5 years. If someone does, I think they will find that they did not get their money's worth.

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