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I'll admit it


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A few worst announcers:

Mariners announcer who has birth on the air when someone hits one out

Padres announcer Vaskeshian who yells " Santa Maria " for homeruns

I've heard a couple of more that I don't recall off the top of my head. I would say that Kay is fine . Even the blowsux announcers I have heard are a lot better than what you hear around the country.

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Honestly I don't mind Kay... I think he calls a decent game aside from the Rah-jreegez thing.

John Sterling, however, is the worst to EVER sit behind a microphone. I loathe him.

They both stink.

More Jim Kaat is a good thing.

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I don't mind Michael Kay. At least he says "See Ya!" when the opposing team hits a home run.

There is no worse announce team than Hawk Harrelson and his little buddy in the booth. Complete homers and they know nothing to boot.

My favorite announcers that I hear regularly are the Cubs' and Rangers'.

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Remy for the sox is a good announcer I have to admit.

Kay gets annoying sometimes though, and I wish Sterling would call the yes games instead of him.

But the white sox announcers are the biggest homers I have ever heard in a booth. "GOOD GUYS", "HE GONE!", "C'MON PAULIE, CMON PAULIE", "PUT IT ON THE BOARD...YES!" They are so f'n annoying.

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There is no worse announce team than Hawk Harrelson and his little buddy in the booth. Complete homers and they know nothing to boot.

But the white sox announcers are the biggest homers I have ever heard in a booth. "GOOD GUYS", "HE GONE!", "C'MON PAULIE, CMON PAULIE", "PUT IT ON THE BOARD...YES!" They are so f'n annoying.

Good to know I am not alone in feeling this. Those guys suck.

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