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eric gagne


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I snse him melting down in the Baastaaan papers sometime soon. He doesn't handle pressue well. He looks like he did in the beginning of his Dodgers career.

14 hits and 3 walks in 6 innings

and Texas was afraid to throw Gagne in there 2 days in a row becaues of his paper arm, now they got a youngster in Kasan Gabbard who looks pretty decent

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14 hits and 3 walks in 6 innings

and Texas was afraid to throw Gagne in there 2 days in a row becaues of his paper arm, now they got a youngster in Kasan Gabbard who looks pretty decent


The Red Sox somehow managed to ruin the best bullpen in baseball.

Cant say I wasnt right.


check my signature

it'll take 24.1 scoreless innings for Gagne to get his ERA under 3 ;)

F*ck Gagne!

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Wow that is so cool.....can you add Mo's last 3.1 innings while you are at it?

go worry about Jeremy Bonderman and Carlos Guillen and Cleveland

Carlos Guillen's OPS+ has dropped from the mid 150's to the low 130's, whats going on with him? he's the man but not preforming like it!

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go worry about Jeremy Bonderman and Carlos Guillen and Cleveland

Carlos Guillen's OPS+ has dropped from the mid 150's to the low 130's, whats going on with him? he's the man but not preforming like it!

Cecil Fielder has more range than Guillen.

And we all thought Jeter was bad...

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Boston's acquisition so far is backfiring on them- the Yankees are looking very wise on bypassing Gagne.

George probably made him a minority owner in the Yankees as bad as he is sucking.

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