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Mike Lowell 4 yr 56M?


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Not Payrod. It's ok Gainzo. we will rebuild. We promise.Here is too the next 10 yrs being as good as the last 10 in this rivalry.

You guys should be all set. According to madmike Hughes and Chamberlain are going to be awesome.

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Doen't matter. Anyone who hits north of 0.136 in the playoffs will be an upgrade. Plus we save a little cash ;)

MadDog made a good point yesterday in that some Yankee fans when discussing ARod like to act as if there is no 162 regular season. They want to throw the regular season out the window (only when it comes to ARod mind you)because it fuels their agenda that ARod is easily replacable.

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MadDog made a good point yesterday in that some Yankee fans when discussing ARod like to act as if there is no 162 regular season. They want to throw the regular season out the window (only when it comes to ARod mind you)because it fuels their agenda that ARod is easily replacable.

Yanks had no problem making the playoffs before Arod showed up. I dont expect the entire rest of the team to be in a two month slump to start the season like they did last year.

The Yankees have a good lineup, with or without Arod.

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Yanks had no problem making the playoffs before Arod showed up. I dont expect the entire rest of the team to be in a two month slump to start the season like they did last year.

The Yankees have a good lineup, with or without Arod.

Too lefthanded dominated as of now. Cabrera would rectify that.

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