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Usuckbury skips practice future with Knicks in doubt


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please, oh please get him out of here ASAP. Fat Eddy on notice as well.


Stephon Marbury AWOL from Knicks' morning practice



Tuesday, November 13th 2007, 1:58 PM

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PHOENIX - Knicks point guard Stephon Marbury was conspicuously AWOL from this morning's team practice, putting his Knicks' tenure in jeopardy and throwing the team's season into chaos.

On the day the Daily News reported that the club had decided to reduce Marbury's role and may be discussing severing ties with the Brooklyn-bred hoops star, head coach Isiah Thomas informed the media at this morning's shootaround that second-year guard Mardy Collins will replace Marbury in the starting lineup tonight against the Suns.

Thomas also said that everyone on the team is on notice and hinted that center Eddy Curry may be benched against Phoenix tonight.

Curry attended the shootaround, unlike Marbury, whose whereabouts as of this afternoon were unknown. Marbury made the trip out west with the team on Monday. Tonight's game is the first of a four-game road trip out west.

According to a team source, Marbury became upset after learning he would not start in Phoenix, at which point he threatened not to suit up for the game.

"Any type of penalty or suspension will be in-house and we'll try to keep it within the confines of our team. This is an in-house matter with our team and we'll keep it and leave it at that," Thomas told reporters today. "We hope to see (Marbury) tonight at the game. However, if he's not, make no mistake about it, we want him as a member of our basketball team."

Thomas was unsure if Marbury was still in the Phoenix area. There is a possibility that Marbury returned home to New York. All any of the Knick players would say was that Marbury was not on the team bus when the team departed for their morning practice at the U.S. Airways Center.

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Wild rumor!



According to my sources:

On the way to phoenix, IT informed Marbs that he was benching him for mardy.

Marbs told IT he cant do that and that if he did, he had so much dirt on IT that it would ruin his career. They began to argue and it escalated into a full on brawl on the airplane. Marbury after it was broken up said he was outta here and said he was going back to NY (reason he is reportedly AWOL).

In addition, Rose has told people "he is tired of babysitting this team and wants out"


This is from ...


This is ****ing ridiculous.

The team is a circus.

Peter, all we need now is Ron Artest, right?

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Wild rumor!



According to my sources:

On the way to phoenix, IT informed Marbs that he was benching him for mardy.

Marbs told IT he cant do that and that if he did, he had so much dirt on IT that it would ruin his career. They began to argue and it escalated into a full on brawl on the airplane. Marbury after it was broken up said he was outta here and said he was going back to NY (reason he is reportedly AWOL).

In addition, Rose has told people "he is tired of babysitting this team and wants out"


This is from ...


This is ****ing ridiculous.

The team is a circus.

Peter, all we need now is Ron Artest, right?

I cant understand why anyone is still a fan of the NBA??? A guy who is going to make $42 mil the next 2 years leaves the team because he's getting benched?? all you nba fans should just give up. Its total bullsh!t. Let the league fold and start over with ownership and a commissioner who has balls and stands up to these thugs and dont let the inmates run the asylum.

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I cant understand why anyone is still a fan of the NBA??? A guy who is going to make $42 mil the next 2 years leaves the team because he's getting benched?? all you nba fans should just give up. Its total bullsh!t. Let the league fold and start over with ownership and a commissioner who has balls and stands up to these thugs and dont let the inmates run the asylum.

I love the NBA.

Thanks, though.

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but why?? Its not that good of a game, with crooked refs, spoiled babies for players..

I just dont get it.

I love the Knicks, man.

Spoiled babies exist in every sport.

Every sport also has thugs.

Basketball is a unique sport in a way that the players are much more visible to the viewing audience and public. Also, there are fewer guys in the NBA in general.

It may not be a league without problems, but it is also a league that has integrated international players and a fan base.

Basketball is now only behind soccer in terms of worldwide popularity.

As it grows even larger, basketball will continue to evolve and become a better game. It will become one of the only true international sports. I like that.

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Stephon Marbury threatens to dish info about Isiah Thomas



Wednesday, November 14th 2007, 4:00 AM

The rift between Isiah Thomas and Stephon Marbury has exploded as the guard bolts the Knicks for home and threatens to reveal 'stuff' on his coach.

PHOENIX - Stephon Marbury was 30,000 feet in the air on Monday when he learned that his run with the Knicks was about to crash and burn.

The controversial point guard went AWOL yesterday, casting his future with the club in doubt and placing the Knicks in a state of chaos after only five games. The Daily News has learned that Marbury made his decision to return to home to New York once he was informed on the charter plane Monday afternoon that he would not be starting against the Phoenix Suns.

According to a person close to the team, Marbury's air rage began when Eddy Curry, following a conversation with Isiah Thomas, told Marbury that he and Marbury were being pulled from the starting lineup against the Suns.

Upon hearing that he would back up second-year guard Mardy Collins, Marbury marched toward the front of the plane to meet with Thomas. Five minutes later, an enraged Marbury told his teammates that if he wasn't starting he wouldn't suit up for the game. But it was something else Marbury said that stunned his teammates in the back of the luxury plane.

"Isiah has to start me," Marbury fumed, according to the source. "I've got so much (stuff) on Isiah and he knows it. He thinks he can (get) me. But I'll (get) him first. You have no idea what I know."

It is unclear if Marbury made the same threat directly to Thomas, whose first big move as team president was trading for Marbury. But clearly, the Marbury-Thomas war is officially underway and it promises to get uglier. Early yesterday, Marbury and a friend boarded a plane and returned to New York. Marbury, 30, could conceivably fly to Los Angeles today and rejoin the Knicks for tonight's game against the Clippers. Marbury faces a fine and suspension for every game he misses.

"It seems like he and I kinda go through this every November," Thomas said. "And then a couple of weeks go by and we kinda kiss and make up and we get back to the business of trying to win basketball games. Hopefully, in the next couple of days this will be resolved."

Marbury didn't show up for yesterday's morning shootaround on the same day The News reported that Thomas and Garden chairman James Dolan had been in discussions about reducing Marbury's role with the idea of eventually severing ties with the former All-Star.

Two media outlets reported that Marbury sent them text messages to say he had Thomas' permission to leave the team. The Knicks would not comment on the reports.

Marbury is scheduled to earn $42million through next season, so a trade seems out of the question. A buyout is a possibility since Dolan has given lucrative severance packages to Scott Layden, Don Chaney, Lenny Wilkens, Larry Brown, Shandon Anderson, Maurice Taylor and Jerome Williams. Thomas denied that the Knicks are looking to either trade or release Marbury.

"That is an in-house matter and we will continue to keep it in-house," Thomas said. "Make no mistake about it - we do want him as a member of this basketball team. He is welcomed back."

For years, Thomas has been Marbury's strongest advocate, always siding with him whenever Marbury feuded with teammates or coaches. But their relationship was strained this summer after Marbury acted in a bizarre manner during several television interviews. Also, Marbury's testimony during the Anucha Browne Sanders sexual harassment trial reflected poorly on Thomas, who was eventually found liable in the case.

The trial revealed what those around the team already knew - that it was Marbury's show and whatever antics he pulled, he always had Thomas' blessing. But Marbury's testimony and Dolan's testimony damaged Thomas' case and now Thomas is the one whose public image has taken a beating.

Thomas is under the microscope more than ever, and his decision to remove Marbury from the starting lineup looks like an act of desperation as well as a case of trying to use Marbury as a scapegoat.

Marbury is still a better starting point guard than either Collins or Nate Robinson. Thomas said Marbury can regain his starting job as long as he does the "things I want him to do."

"We need leadership from that position and we also need defense, and those are two things that he is definitely capable of doing," Thomas said. "When he returns that's what I expect from him. I expect him to lead from that position and I expect him to defend from that position. Those are the only two things I require from that position."


"Isiah has to start me," Marbury fumed, according to the source. "I've got so much (stuff) on Isiah and he knows it. He thinks he can (get) me. But I'll (get) him first. You have no idea what I know."

That quote right there defines Suckbury to a T.

He is the biggest POS and the biggest black eye this franchise has ever had

or ever will have.

For once Dolan do the right thing and get this pile of dog crap out of here.

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Wild rumor!



According to my sources:

On the way to phoenix, IT informed Marbs that he was benching him for mardy.

Marbs told IT he cant do that and that if he did, he had so much dirt on IT that it would ruin his career. They began to argue and it escalated into a full on brawl on the airplane. Marbury after it was broken up said he was outta here and said he was going back to NY (reason he is reportedly AWOL).

In addition, Rose has told people "he is tired of babysitting this team and wants out"


This is from ...


This is ****ing ridiculous.

The team is a circus.

Peter, all we need now is Ron Artest, right?

Unlike Marbury, Ron Artest is actually good and plays defense. If the Knicks get rid of Marbury they'll make the playoffs this year.

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New York Knicks fine Stephon Marbury more than $180,000 for skipping game at Phoenix

td.yspwidearticlebody { font-size: 13.5px; }By BRIAN MAHONEY, AP Basketball Writer

November 14, 2007

NEW YORK (AP) -- The New York Knicks fined Stephon Marbury more than $180,000 for skipping Tuesday night's game at Phoenix.

The Knicks sent the guard a letter informing him of the fine, according to a person with knowledge of the penalty who spoke to The Associated Press. He requested anonymity because he wasn't authorized to discuss it.


b?P=Ebx.bUWTeB_t1pMLRxzqMgGSxi0TMEc7PPwACn7b&T=140d2svij%2fX%3d1195064572%2fE%3d95861899%2fR%3dsports%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d2.1%2fW%3dH%2fY%3dYAHOO%2fF%3d3851668464%2fQ%3d-1%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3dF6789345&U=13b6o331d%2fN%3d535aStgnMuQ-%2fC%3d625283.11672667.12182996.1414694%2fD%3dLREC%2fB%3d5009017The Knicks would not confirm the fine.

The team plays Wednesday night in Los Angeles against the Clippers. It isn't known if Marbury will attend that game.

According to the NBA's collective bargaining agreement, players are docked 1/110th of their salaries for a missed game. With Marbury scheduled to earn $20.1 million this season, that would be about $182,800.

Marbury told the New York Post on Tuesday he had permission from coach Isiah Thomas to leave the team, but Thomas would not confirm that. He did say Marbury would be welcome.

Several of Marbury's teammates said his departure took them by surprise, but they expressed no hard feelings.

"You always support your teammates," forward Jared Jeffries said Tuesday night. "A lot of people on the outside don't understand what guys go through with their family, their friends, with this team, with anything. Whenever somebody goes through a tough time you support your teammate."

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Marbury is the best player the Knicks have. Just because he's got off the court issues doesn't mean he can't ball.

Half the league can't play defense.

Here is the quote from Today's Daily News

"Isiah has to start me," Marbury fumed, according to the source. "I've got so much (stuff) on Isiah and he knows it. He thinks he can (get) me. But I'll (get) him first. You have no idea what I know."

Now is this the kind of guy you want on your team ? The guy who was admitted to banging interns during the harassment trial. The guy who five minutes after meeting Dolan for the first time was asking for two of his cousins to be set up with jobs in the organization.

The Knicks have done nothing with him in terms of winning. They can be just as bad without him.

Dolan, if he has any guts buys out the contract, the same way he has done with other players and coaches get him as far away from here as possible and maybe (and then make Isiah go away as well) just maybe Knicks fans can start looking at their team with some pride again.

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You could only hope it's both

Seriously, why can't James "The Joke" Dolan just get rid of both of them and end the Isiah-Marbury circus. This team has some pieces, Randolph, Balkman, David Lee, Crawford. Mardy Collins has the potential to be a decent combo guard in the nba. The Knicks can still be a decent team and win 40 games this year if they just rid themselves of these two.

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Isiah put this team of high character individuals together and now he is reaping it. Wasn't Isiah the point guard expert who was going to extract every last bit from Marbury's talent? Oh yeah and he was going to be able to work his magic with Steve Francis too. What a ****ing moron. What dirt do you think Marbury has on him? More sexual harassment? That Isiah is actually gay? I wonder.

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