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Canseco call Mitchell report "laughable"


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Jose Canseco barred from attending news conference on Mitchell Report, calls it 'laughable'


December 13, 2007

NEW YORK (AP) -- When Jose Canseco tried to get into the Mitchell Report news conference Thursday, the man mentioned most often in those 409 pages wasn't welcome.

Major League Baseball officials refused to let him in, saying it was a "media only" event.

The former Oakland Athletics slugger didn't force the issue and was unimpressed with what he heard of the report.

"It's a slap on the hand," he told Fox Business Network. "The report proved nothing. It just proved what we already knew."

Canseco's name appears 105 times in the Mitchell report, more than that of Bonds (103) or Clemens (82).

"I saw the list of players, and there are definitely a lot of players missing," he told Fox Business Network. "I don't know what they accomplished or what they are trying to prove."

Prodded further about players not included, Canseco said this of Alex Rodriguez: "All I can say is the Mitchell Report is incomplete. I could not believe that his name was not in the report."

Canseco was one of the first to admit using steroids in his 2005 book "Juiced." There, he gave specific names of other players who allegedly used, including teammate Mark McGwire.

In Mitchell's report, Canseco is reported as the first target of public speculation about steroids in baseball. In 1988, Washington Post writer Thomas Boswell claimed Canseco was "the most conspicuous example of a player who has made himself great with steroids."

Canseco, coming off the first 40 home run-40 steal season in baseball history, denied using steroids at the time. He won the MVP award that year.

He changed his tune in his book, in which he recounts his use of anabolic steroids and human growth hormone, and claimed widespread use throughout the league.

According to Mitchell's report, former Oakland manager Tony La Russa told "60 Minutes" in 2005 that Canseco used to laugh about how other players were spending time in the gym, and how he didn't have to, because he was doing the other 'helper.'

"You know, the easy way," La Russa had said.

Dave McKay, an Oakland coach from 1984 to 1995, told the Toronto Sun at the time: "We had one guy who talked about steroids and that was Jose. ... The most common question I was asked was: 'I won't get too big, will I?"'

When interviewed in connection with the report, however, La Russa and McKay said they had no direct knowledge Canseco used steroids.

After Canseco's book came out, he and McGwire were among the players subpoenaed to appear before the House Committee on Government Reform. McGwire refused to answer specific questions.

In the course of the Mitchell investigation, a number of people who knew McGwire were interviewed. No one other than Canseco alleged use by McGwire.

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Prodded further about players not included, Canseco said this of Alex Rodriguez: "All I can say is the Mitchell Report is incomplete. I could not believe that his name was not in the report."

Jose, you got any proof??? Mitchell report wasnt able to dig any up... maybe you can.

otherwise, listen to Thai Jet and STFU. Thank you.

I just find it funny the one guy who was the most brazen in the steroid era is now a champion of releasing names... is he honest or trying to sell more books...

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Guys, we all initially laughed at Jose canseco but then the sh*t hit the fan and almost everything he had claimed before was true. Why would we doubt him again? He has been almost spot on in his claims that were later verified.


I'll tell you why, because why didn't he mention ARod in his first book? What's the title of the next book..."Oh By the Way, I Forgot to Mention"...please, enough with the ARod bashing already.

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jose said before he had no firsthand proof of a-rod using roids, only that he had heard things

the thing about all of this is, if you are Jose, you can throw out ten names that are accurate, and 5 false names of people you hold a grudge against who are innocent, just to be a dick

just like that list that had Albert Pujols on it

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