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I have to beat a dead horse!!

Green Jets & Ham

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Who the heck are these "scouts" who claimed the Yankees had "nothing" at the minor league level last year? #-o

Are these so-called scouts actually stealing money from some major league organizations?

Were these more of Peter Gammons "make believe sources" who are always wrong about everything simply because they exist only in his own mind?

Or were these "sources/scouts" just some old drunks who used to scout the Brooklyn Dodgers back in the day, but haven't actually "SCOUTED A PLAYER" in decades?

I mean, someday has some splainin to do!!

Just this year alone we have brought up two bona-fide candidates for the AL-ROY award {Wang and Cano} and now I have to listen to Michael Kay reciting a conversation he had with Melky Cabrera's AA manager, where he tried to get an idea of this kids upside, and his AA manager flatout labeled this kid a CAN'T MISS ... even BLEW ME AWAY with some of the things he had to say about this kids potential {while saying there is NO WAY he would deal him for Mark Kotsay}, even going so far as to project he will win a Batting Title someday ... which may or may not be the case, but Melky sure made him look good as he was lining his second rope of the game {2 for 3} as Kay was repeating what he was told

Anyhow, this is not about whether or not Melky will win a BT someday so let's not make it about that ... obviously he's an outstanding prospect coming on the heels of Wang and Cano ... and THAT is the point of this post

POINT BEING: Just who in the heck were these imbeciles impersonating scouts last year ... the ones who insisted the Yankees minor league system was bare ... do they actually steal money from major league organizations ... were they a few old drunks telling war stories out of school and reliving the glory days of their youth ... do they even exist outside of Peter Gammons {and other idiot reporters} minds ... WHAT GIVES HERE?!?! #-o

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Ham in fairness this talk did not start last season. And the book on the Yankees last year was that they had talent in the low minor league levels but nothing immediately ready.

The book on them wasn't that far off because the past few years they produced nothing. But some of these kids are obviously here earlier than expected. Which is great news.

But the Yankees didn't believe these kids could do it either. Otherwise Wang would have been given a shot over Jaret Wright and Cano over Womack. They could have saved a little money along the way.

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