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I am going to see Rambo


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I thought that movie was violent and then I had to clean up the awards thread with the madmike vs the rest of the board fight.

You think Rambo is brave? What I did in that thread defines courage. An angry mob yelling and screaming. I got in and out -- moved 90 posts.

No civilian casualties.

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I thought that movie was violent and then I had to clean up the awards thread with the madmike vs the rest of the board fight.

You think Rambo is brave? What I did in that thread defines courage. An angry mob yelling and screaming. I got in and out -- moved 90 posts.

No civilian casualties.

see what happens when you announce you are disappearing for a few hours???

We just cant control ourselves when we know you wont be around. Just the fear of you logging in and giving us a quick butt whipping keeps us in line most of the time.

BTW, how was the gay porn you went to see??? Too much 'roids?? Too much old man wrinkly dinkly???

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I thought that movie was violent and then I had to clean up the awards thread with the madmike vs the rest of the board fight.

You think Rambo is brave? What I did in that thread defines courage. An angry mob yelling and screaming. I got in and out -- moved 90 posts.

No civilian casualties.

Hey, me and Lil Bit was play fighting Max. Like WWF.

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Anyone see this movie? Did I miss the SJ review thread? Just curious what everyone thought of it.

From the popcorn and soda thread

Another peeve,,,

at Rambo last night, two dopey parents bring i na 3 year old,,to freakin Rambo,,

nudity, beheadings, body parts blwon off,,mega swearings etc..

then to top it off, the kid keeps sqwaking with multiple people sayoing 'shooosh', to no avail..

well , needless to say , old SJ got the manager to come in and read the rio tact to them,,kid sqwaked again and parent left the theter to a several patrons applause..

what are trhese idiots thinking, taking a little kid to a R rated flick with nudity, killing etc..

borderline child abuse..

either too cheap for babysitter or they think thier little angel just cant be left alone with someone other than them or relatives..knuckleheads...

I hate it when the theater seat looks like someone rubbed one out on it :(
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