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When and if does Clemens make Hall of Fame?


When does Roger make HOF? Or does he ever?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. When does Roger make HOF? Or does he ever?

    • 1st ballot, same year he is eligible
    • 2nd year of eligibiliy, they make him sweat one year
    • 3 to 5 year range, bigger slap on writs
    • Only via the Old timers committee
    • He never makes it, Shoeless Joe has company

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I think if he came out early and just admitted he did it to compete with all the other cheaters out there, he would have been good. But after the way he's been denying denying denying, I don't think the writers are going to treat him so kindly.

What if you are wrong and he didnt do it?

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If Roger Clemens is not a first-ballot hall of famer, the BBWA should be stripped of the power to make those choices. The same goes for Barry Bonds, much as I hate him.

In that case I guess you are beside yourself that Mark McGwire didn't get in.

The bottom line is if Clemens, Bonds, and any other player used illegal PED's, they should immediately be stripped of their eligibility to the HOF.

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In that case I guess you are beside yourself that Mark McGwire didn't get in.

The bottom line is if Clemens, Bonds, and any other player used illegal PED's, they should immediately be stripped of their eligibility to the HOF.

I agree with what your saying but the only grey area is when there is no proof and it's just someones word against theirs.

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I don't want Clemens in the Hall of Fame. If he makes it, all the Bonds and McGwire apologists will be screaming bloody murder.

The writers will all have their faves just as certain members of Congress did today.

I think they all should go in as we know there will be other cheats who get in and simply were not caught. History will recall that they were accussed of cheating no matter what so let them in. This will be known as the steroid era anyway with all achievements out of the norm viewed with a raised eyebrow.

Roger as a person came off much worse today than Roger the cheater. There was no-one he didn't throw under the bus in his child like defense of the accussations.

Curious to see as Mad Dog stated if Andy simply walks away from the game. Probably not as the 16 mill he is owed this season covers his legal cost in all this mess.

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