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Woody's not cheap this offseason


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He gave 35 million to Jenkins. He's offered a big amount to Faneca, and it may get bigger. Were closing in on Pace.

I think Woody has realized paying the big bucks makes oyur team better.

Pace I think is the second coming of Bryan Thomas and I think he's in Miami talking with BP about playing for them.

Honestly, and I hate this because I think he's not going to be anything great, all of these move open us up to taking Gholston.

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Woody was never cheap. Look at the deals he gave out just a few years ago to a bunch of aging vets then ended up doing crap. Maybe Woody wised up and said "hey, lets stop pissing money away on garbage and wait 'til we can spend big on several good players at one time"

the D-Rob contract

Curtis contract

Chrebet contract

Mawae contract

Revis contract

Coles contract

J-Mac contract

The money offered to Lamont the he turned down for a starting job

The money offered to Winfield before he fled to the Vikings

All these guys signed for league minimum right?

I think it was three years ago that Woody spent more on payroll than any other owner in the NFL. A real penny pincher that Woody Johnson.

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