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did you SEE Anthony Clement play last year Alk? I mean I don't think I EVER saw a RT get run over and put on his back the way I saw Clement go down. Damien Woody looks like a hall of famer compared to what we had last year-you can't blame us for being excited for at least addressing the most glaring need of our team

Well at least Clement was quick enough to get in the guy's way. I'm afraid that the DE is just going to be running around Woody while he's still working to get out of his stance. Yes he is that slow.

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Well at least Clement was quick enough to get in the guy's way. I'm afraid that the DE is just going to be running around Woody while he's still working to get out of his stance. Yes he is that slow.

Afraid? Aww shucks Alk, you really do care about us! :P

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I almost feel bad for you guys. I really do. This is like watching the Titanic heading for that glacier. Knowing that no matter how much you yell and try to warn them they're not going to hear you. After NE and Detroit I never thought I would see anyone excited to have Damian Woody.

One teams trash is another teams trash....I don't like the signing either. If he was any decent, why would two different teams let him go.

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Someone please remind me why I'm supposed to be excited about this acquisition. This guy isn't any better than the people we already have on the right side of the line.

wait a minute did you happen to WATCH any Jets games last year? Did you not SEE Anthony Clement get run over like he was flattened by a truck the next to last game of the season?

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