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season ticket holder question?


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i heard that it may not happen at all though right?...because the giants do not want it

I doubt the teams will do it differently, but if they don't do PSLs expect the ticket prices to sky rocket.

Either way, we are going to help pay for that $1.8 billion dollar stadium.


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I doubt the teams will do it differently, but if they don't do PSLs expect the ticket prices to sky rocket.

Either way, we are going to help pay for that $1.8 billion dollar stadium.


and these lovely high salaries for all these new jets, dont forget :D

lots of guarenteed money this week.. with more to come, i suspect. :D

still havent heard about my waitlist number either ;)

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I doubt the teams will do it differently, but if they don't do PSLs expect the ticket prices to sky rocket.

Either way, we are going to help pay for that $1.8 billion dollar stadium.


The money is already there to pay for the stadium without charging fans $1 for a PSL ,SO PLEASE DON`T try to sell this line of BS that they need us to help pay for it cause if they just raised season tickets $75 per game for both JETS & Giants they would make plenty of profit without priceing lifelong fans out of their seats with these insane PSL`s that will need to be paid off in a maximum 3 year period

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You're my number 1, and I can't wait any longer.

ya know.. you insult me in another thread and then in this one you play all sweet..

and you do the same thing to all the other women and half the men here also.

at least you are an equal opportunity flirt.


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The money is already there to pay for the stadium without charging fans $1 for a PSL ,SO PLEASE DON`T try to sell this line of BS that they need us to help pay for it cause if they just raised season tickets $75 per game for both JETS & Giants they would make plenty of profit without priceing lifelong fans out of their seats with these insane PSL`s that will need to be paid off in a maximum 3 year period

So, wait you think that there is already billions for the stadium and that came from money that has been coming in for years?

I don't think that math works.

We can't have it all, either we play in a 30 year old **** stadium with GIANTS written on it, or we get a brand new, state of the art, shared stadium and we pay for it.


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The money is already there to pay for the stadium without charging fans $1 for a PSL ,SO PLEASE DON`T try to sell this line of BS that they need us to help pay for it cause if they just raised season tickets $75 per game for both JETS & Giants they would make plenty of profit without priceing lifelong fans out of their seats with these insane PSL`s that will need to be paid off in a maximum 3 year period

Chris, you have to understand, BZ is the head of public relations and propaganda for Johnson & Johnson

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Chris, you have to understand, BZ is the head of public relations and propaganda for Johnson & Johnson™. he has blinders on, and in his eyes nobody wearing or representing the green and white can do no wrong. only Max can do wrong, because BZ couldn't block sigs with the original software for JN. he would whine and cry about that non stop, but paying the ridiculous psl's is not a problem. :roll:

Now you got me.


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You get what you pay for. You want a **** stadium for a second class team, your prices will stay low, no PSLs. You want a state of the art venue for your rejected Jets, the money is going to come from many places, including fans pockets.

Sometimes the simplest answer is the best.

I know that a lot of Jet Fans think that they are owed and that they own their tickets, but it just isn't the case. It is an entertainment business.


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It is an entertainment business? never had heard that before.... oh wait that was your argument along with supply and demand..clearly this thread is lost now. The Jets will be sharing a stadium and the naming rights will go for hundreds of millions and that situation can be compared to what other NFL team? the reality is like every other thing is the world, money talks bs walks...

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I agree that the naming rights will cover a lot but also unique is the size and cost of the stadium. It will cost more than the Cowboys new stadium.

That is why an apt in Dallas is not quite the same as an apt in NYC.

I am sure the cost of the movie also isn't the same.

It is entertainment and yes, it does work on supply and demand.


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Most entertainment is on a "one of" basis in that you go see a play or a movie and then pick and choose the next one you go to. Football tix (or any other sport) requires a commitment to go every week, in many cases fro many many years. Do you not think that there should be an appreciation for people that have provided financial and moral support over the course of years? It is basically the same people (in theory) that show up to the games year in and year out, good or bad. That makes it different from other types of "entertainment". Constantly banging us for more money every year seems like a funny way of saying "thanks" for the loyalty and support. Nobody is arguing that costs don't go up, it is the consistent annual increase that is grating.

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You get what you pay for. You want a **** stadium for a second class team, your prices will stay low, no PSLs. You want a state of the art venue for your rejected Jets, the money is going to come from many places, including fans pockets.

Sometimes the simplest answer is the best.

I know that a lot of Jet Fans think that they are owed and that they own their tickets, but it just isn't the case. It is an entertainment business.


What you don't seem to understand is that we are going to share this stadium with the defending world champs. whose owners don't want their fans paying psl's. but the 4-12 Jets owner (your hero) is demanding psl's. try and spin this, because it makes no sense.

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What you don't seem to understand is that we are going to share this stadium with the defending world champs. whose owners don't want their fans paying psl's. but the 4-12 Jets owner (your hero) is demanding psl's. try and spin this, because it makes no sense.

I agree, it doesn't make sense to have one team do one thing and another team not.

I have not read (recently) where either the Jets or Giants have said they wanted or didn't want PSLs. It has been very mum. My prediction would be that both teams will end up with the same ticketing system.

But, before you go down the "no PSLs" line make sure you know the other side of the coin. No PSLs means your tickets, parking, beer, hats, books, will ALL go up. Just take a look at the Patriots to see what happened. The built that cheap stadium ($350 million) and now have the highest fan cost in the entire league. They also charge $5,000 per ticket transfer fees, require you pay early (see this post) and otherwise are not very fan friendly.

If the Jets/Giants don't do PSLs you can expect a lot of that, but more.

Again, I am not FOR PSLs, or higher costs, but the reality is ticket prices are only going one way and with a brand new multi billion dollar stadium, they are only going one way fast.


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You get what you pay for. You want a **** stadium for a second class team, your prices will stay low, no PSLs. You want a state of the art venue for your rejected Jets, the money is going to come from many places, including fans pockets.

Sometimes the simplest answer is the best.

I know that a lot of Jet Fans think that they are owed and that they own their tickets, but it just isn't the case. It is an entertainment business.


Nobody is saying we won`t get what we pay for ! But quit being a A$$hole BS artist and trying to BS everyone into thinking this money has to be charged in order to pat this stadium off ,cause that is just plain B.S. JUST TELL THE TRUTH AND SAY you and Woodys Greenies don`t give a F@@k ABOUT THE FANS AND JUST PLAN ON RAPING THEM FOR EVERY DIME YOU GUYS CAN ..Cause the fact is the NFL UP UNTIL A FEW YEARS AGO ONLY ALLOWED THE PSL`S AS A WAY FOR STADIUMS WHO COULDN`T AFFORD THE NEW STADIUMS as a way to come up with cash ,and all that money was supposed to go towards the PSL_ NOT PROFIT ALSO THATS where the luxory box cash used to go also now they use that for all the cash ...Once again the stadium naming rights will go for $30,000,000 a year X 30 YEARS IS $900,000,000 right off the bat ,they are going to also sell naming rights for each gate entrance ,they could probably get $5,000,000 for each of those 4 gates is $20,000,000 a year X 30 years is another $600,000,000 over 30 years ,now we are at 1 .5 billion raised already ,now they are going to charge naming rights for these 4 huge Score boards in the corners of the endzone ,lets say they charge 2.5 million for each of those that 10 million a year X 30 years is another $300,000,000 that puts us at the $1.8 Billion needed to pay for the stadium ,And you haven`t even gotten into the 200 Lux. Boxes starting at $250,000 a piece going up to 1 million a piece that would be a minimum of $50 million a year raised by the luxory boxes ,then you have around 2000 club seats then you have the reg. seats , The 5 million a year rent from Xanadu both the JETS & g-men get,TV money ,concessions , they are already making a ton of cash A $75 increase by both the JETS & giants would be plenty more profit ,plus wouldn`t price the old fans out..

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Hey, joisey... gotta work on those anger issues man.

There is no BS, just my opinion and perspective. If it doesn't match yours, sorry.

Clearly you think it is some sort of big conspiracy against you and every other Jets fan. I just think it is economics and a business.

Yes, the Jets/Giants stand to make more money, but that is what they are, a business in it to make money. They produce a product and sell that product to people who buy it. I understand where dedicated, die-hard fans start to believe that the Jets are "theirs" and not a business, but it just isn't so.

You have no real ownership in the team, only emotional.


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I have not read (recently) where either the Jets or Giants have said they wanted or didn't want PSLs. It has been very mum. My prediction would be that both teams will end up with the same ticketing system.

I agree and think they are crazy if they end up with different ticket structures actually. Crazy.

Anyhow that's not my point. I have not read anything about PSLs because neither side will comment on it for obvious reasons. BUT -- BP has sources. Not sure how he knows this stuff but he has told me some behind the scenes Jets stuff that turns out to be right. He must be connected or something because his scoops are good.


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Hey, joisey... gotta work on those anger issues man.

There is no BS, just my opinion and perspective. If it doesn't match yours, sorry.

Clearly you think it is some sort of big conspiracy against you and every other Jets fan. I just think it is economics and a business.

Yes, the Jets/Giants stand to make more money, but that is what they are, a business in it to make money. They produce a product and sell that product to people who buy it. I understand where dedicated, die-hard fans start to believe that the Jets are "theirs" and not a business, but it just isn't so.

You have no real ownership in the team, only emotional.


You are right I am not an owner and after this team prices away my tickets ,I will be done as a JET FAN! ,I`ll be done with the 4-5 road games i`ve traveled for the last 4 years including the trip i`ve taken to Miami every year since 1980 ,I`m done buying those $200 jersey`s ,the sneakers ,the hats and all the other JET stuff ,I`m done with the taste of the NFL Benifit & Woodys Lupus benifit

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You are right I am not an owner and after this team prices away my tickets ,I will be done as a JET FAN! ,I`ll be done with the 4-5 road games i`ve traveled for the last 4 years including the trip i`ve taken to Miami every year since 1980 ,I`m done buying those $200 jersey`s ,the sneakers ,the hats and all the other JET stuff ,I`m done with the taste of the NFL Benifit & Woodys Lupus benifit

That would be a bummer.

You don't have to spend a cent to be a fan. You can watch the Jets on OTA TV (in HD if you have it). You can not buy jerseys and shoes. You can not travel to see them. You don't have to go on walks or give to anything.

Being a fan of a team isn't about how much you own or spend, but about the passion you feel for the team. About how you want them to do well and suffer through the losses to get to the brief moments of victory. It is about other fans you meet both on and offline that you befriend as part of your passion.

Put down the credit card and maybe you would enjoy the whole thing a lot more.


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You are right I am not an owner and after this team prices away my tickets ,I will be done as a JET FAN! ,I`ll be done with the 4-5 road games i`ve traveled for the last 4 years including the trip i`ve taken to Miami every year since 1980 ,I`m done buying those $200 jersey`s ,the sneakers ,the hats and all the other JET stuff ,I`m done with the taste of the NFL Benifit & Woodys Lupus benifit

You don't really believe this do you? See you in Miami next year and wherever else seems like a good trip ;)

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And what exactly are the sources saying? The $5,000 per ticket? The no PSL for Giants?


I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you if I did. and since I think your wife is pretty cool (for a Dolphins fan), I just can't do that. :)

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That would be a bummer.

You don't have to spend a cent to be a fan. You can watch the Jets on OTA TV (in HD if you have it). You can not buy jerseys and shoes. You can not travel to see them. You don't have to go on walks or give to anything.

Being a fan of a team isn't about how much you own or spend, but about the passion you feel for the team. About how you want them to do well and suffer through the losses to get to the brief moments of victory. It is about other fans you meet both on and offline that you befriend as part of your passion.

Put down the credit card and maybe you would enjoy the whole thing a lot more.


Well it matters ,& I am not going to continue pay them & support them for Priceing me out ,Loyalty goes both ways ,the JETS and their charities got over $4,000 from me at that taste of the NFL GIG ,not to mention I gave Tannanbaum the idea for 1 last bid with raised the most cash for a bid on item that evening there. The Nfl is killing it`s golden goose..

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And what exactly are the sources saying? The $5,000 per ticket? The no PSL for Giants?


Technically the sources aren't "saying" anything. The $5,000 part sounds about right though. I just never officially "heard" that.


To the 5 people that get that joke and think it was funny, yes I know you LOL'ed. To the other 5 people who read that joke and got pissed off -- I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations.

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And what exactly are the sources saying? The $5,000 per ticket? The no PSL for Giants?


Technically the sources aren't "saying" anything. The $5,000 part sounds about right though. I just never officially "heard" that.


To the 5 people that get that joke and think it was funny, yes I know you LOL'ed. To the other 5 people who read that joke and got pissed off -- I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations.

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Technically the sources aren't "saying" anything. The $5,000 part sounds about right though. I just never officially "heard" that.


To the 5 people that get that joke and think it was funny, yes I know you LOL'ed. To the other 5 people who read that joke and got pissed off -- I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations.

I got it, and it wasn't funny. In fact, that's ****ed up.

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