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do you think that a q.b. will be drafted?

jets rooter

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with all the free agent signings by the jets and looking towards the jets draft.do you think that a q.b. will be drafted by the jets.I hear so many rumors about flacco and other q.b.s. being interviewed by the jets.if penny is traded.I can see the jets drafting a q.b. as insurance if clemens does not pan out.I don't see much value on the draft board as far as q.b.s. are concerned.

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with all the free agent signings by the jets and looking towards the jets draft.do you think that a q.b. will be drafted by the jets.I hear so many rumors about flacco and other q.b.s. being interviewed by the jets.if penny is traded.I can see the jets drafting a q.b. as insurance if clemens does not pan out.I don't see much value on the draft board as far as q.b.s. are concerned.

I honestly wouldn't mind us drafting Ryan if he's available. I think he could be a great NFL QB.

Flacco in the 2nd would also merit consideration.

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I would keep chad and still draft a qb. Honestly Clemens didn't really assure me he is our qb of the future. The only thing that is keeping him here is that we had the crappiest line in the league last year. Keeping Chad as the back-up is a no brainer. Their isn't anyone out there as good as him that we could get in fa's. I would take a look at Falco real hard.

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I honestly wouldn't mind us drafting Ryan if he's available. I think he could be a great NFL QB.

Flacco in the 2nd would also merit consideration.

That's my ****ING boy! If Ryan or McFadden is up I won't care who we take. Ryan will be a monster in the leagues.

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I would keep chad and still draft a qb. Honestly Clemens didn't really assure me he is our qb of the future. The only thing that is keeping him here is that we had the crappiest line in the league last year. Keeping Chad as the back-up is a no brainer. Their isn't anyone out there as good as him that we could get in fa's. I would take a look at Falco real hard.

It depends on what Mangini really thinks of Clemens, he is the guy who watches him in practice every day or not. If KC isn't capable to lead this team and be the franchise QB then we need to find someone who is. Ryan or Flacco could be that guy.

I also agree that if we do draft a QB it will more than likely be Chad who'll be the stop gap, rather than KC.

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I wouldn't be surprised if they drafted a QB after they trade Chad.

I would, if they're going to draft a QB you might as well have a vet to bring him along. In that case would you propose having Clemens start until the rookie is ready or would you throw the young guy in right away to take his lumps???

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I think that they take a flier on a QB somewhere in the later rounds. There's a lot of potential talent to be had in the likes of Brennan, Booty, or Ainge.

Not saying any of them will amount to anything, but not bad options to pick up and let ride the bench as a third stringer for a year or two to see if hey pan out.

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I would, if they're going to draft a QB you might as well have a vet to bring him along. In that case would you propose having Clemens start until the rookie is ready or would you throw the young guy in right away to take his lumps???

The problem with getting rid of Chad is that there really isn't a vet out there who would be good enough to be a solid contingency plan in case Kellen sucks.

The draft may be the only way to go and even though this isn't great draft class for the position there will be good prospects in round 2.

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The problem with getting rid of Chad is that there really isn't a vet out there who would be good enough to be a solid contingency plan in case Kellen sucks.

The draft may be the only way to go and even though this isn't great draft class for the position there will be good prospects in round 2.

I agree but if we did draft Ryan/Flacco would we not be better served with Chad there to show him the ropes rather than Kellen. Surely if we draft a QB the message is that the franchise does not believe in Clemens.

It would be an interesting situation.

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I agree but if we did draft Ryan/Flacco would we not be better served with Chad there to show him the ropes rather than Kellen. Surely if we draft a QB the message is that the franchise does not believe in Clemens.

It would be an interesting situation.

Who cares what the message is I want to win a Super Bowl. These spoiled Giants fans have won two SB's in the last two decades meanwhile the Jets haven't done squat.

If Kellen is good enough he shouldn't worry if we draft another QB.

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Who cares what the message is I want to win a Super Bowl. These spoiled Giants fans have won two SB's in the last two decades meanwhile the Jets haven't done squat.

If Kellen is good enough he shouldn't worry if we draft another QB.

Three superbowls. And have been to a fourth.

I'm still hanging my hat on temporarily leading in the 2nd half of the championship game 10 years ago.

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Who cares what the message is I want to win a Super Bowl. These spoiled Giants fans have won two SB's in the last two decades meanwhile the Jets haven't done squat.

If Kellen is good enough he shouldn't worry if we draft another QB.

I know and I agree, but why have Kellen there and not the veteran???

Chad would be a good stop gap.

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I would, if they're going to draft a QB you might as well have a vet to bring him along. In that case would you propose having Clemens start until the rookie is ready or would you throw the young guy in right away to take his lumps???

But chad will stomp around insinuatin that he is a starter. You want a guy wo wants to play but accepts his role. That ain't golden boy.

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Three superbowls. And have been to a fourth.

I'm still hanging my hat on temporarily leading in the 2nd half of the championship game 10 years ago.

Yeah. Face it, we root for the Clippers.

On topic, I don't see the Jets targeting a QB in this year's draft. If one stands out as THE value pick they might pull the trigger, but I don't expect it. I think they're pretty set at the position for this year with KC, Chad, and Tui. Next year they'll need to draft a QB, and they'll have a better idea at that time whether they need to draft one early or late.

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