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Season Ticket Waitlist BS!


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You mean we are going to get PSLs Gainzo? that is awesome I cannot wait!!! I have always wanted my own psl. Do you think I will be able to frame it and show to my friends?

have a PSL. I play Madden on it every night!

Oh, that's PS2. Sorry

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for PSL's...I put my son on the Giants list when he was born...almost 19 years ago...an looks like he is about to get his tixs.,,so now I will have access to ALL GAMES at the new stadium...WHOOOHOOOO....

Party on..........:cheers::wine::cheergal::vactiontime:

The Giants waiting list is longer than that I believe.

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Hi All, I just received my waitlist # in the mail. Last year I was 700+ now according to my calculations from moving up 1000 spots a year for 13 years now and also talking to a season ticket agent a month ago and being assured I should receive my tickets this month do I get them, Nope. I get another waitlist # of 400+!!!

Now I am not a rocket scientist. But the math doesn't add up. Justification is not there as I cant believe after the Jets had a 4-12 season that ONLY 300+ people gave up there tickets!

Anyone else see a large discrepancy like this?

Oh by the way the $50 waitlist fee is terminated I guess it took them 4 years to realize they were totally wrong in doing that.


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