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A-Rod/Posada = Idiots/morons


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Terrible job of using his brain there. Dice K has control problems and cant get the ball over. so you swing at the first pitch in the dirt and bou nce into a double play.

I'm sorry a-rod lovers, but he is one of the worst situational hitters in the league. just awful.

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how about Damon?? Is he another idiot for not coming through in the clutch?

Girardi an idiot for taking out Molina so Tostada Shell Shoulder has to catch?

Kinda feel bad for Jorge, it's like watching a one legged man run a marathon.

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For a guy that's supposively one of the best hitters of all time, he sure looks lost at the plate a lot.

Him and Manny are on complete different levels in the batters box. It's not even close as to who's the superior hitter.

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I was saying the same exact thing to myself, BP. A-Rod is the worst clutch hitter, he's the anti-Jeter in that regard (or Manny, the base hit on Hughes' 3-2 curve ball was a great at-bat...)

I wouldn't have been upset at all if they hadn't resigned him...

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how about Damon?? Is he another idiot for not coming through in the clutch?

Girardi an idiot for taking out Molina so Tostada Shell Shoulder has to catch?

No. but Posada and A-Rod are still idiots/morons.

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