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The official the world ends in 2012 thread


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Not necessarily. They predicted that each period represented a period of growth or evolution of some form. This form of evolution, whatever it is, begins on the first day of the long count calendar (, and ends on the final day ( In other words, the changes, evolution, etc. are occuring CONSTANTLY, not overnight.

It is basically the theory of evolution - take away the science- and add in time periods.

And still no reason to show that what they predicted is any more right than anything else any other ancient civilization predicted and was wrong about. There is no great upheaval or change that is going to occur overnight based on some rogue planet or outdated calendar.

I can read what you're saying, it seem you can't read what I'm saying. You're saying a great change in consciousness and cycles and all that other stuff. I'm asking for some scientific proof of this. Something that is an undisputed measurable fact. And you have yet to provide one.

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i would definitely agree with that. this is just a heightened time of such things, which just happens to coincide with the cycles. what is significant about the end of the long count calandar is the fact that many different cycles are all ending at the same time.

like you said, things don't change overnight. it is a definite gradual process, which i have already stated, has most likely already begun. just look at all of the extinctions within the past few decades.

The world has been *****ed since the beginning of ancient civilizations. There's always been killing, war, crime, etc. etc. I dont think you can just look at how the world is *****ed up now and say, 'yeah, its definetly coming to an end'. The Romans and Mayans and Mongolians all could have said the same thing back when they were around as well.

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And still no reason to show that what they predicted is any more right than anything else any other ancient civilization predicted and was wrong about. There is no great upheaval or change that is going to occur overnight based on some rogue planet or outdated calendar.

I can read what you're saying, it seem you can't read what I'm saying. You're saying a great change in consciousness and cycles and all that other stuff. I'm asking for some scientific proof of this. Something that is an undisputed measurable fact. And you have yet to provide one.

The Mayans based their calendar on observation not only of the sun and moon, but all of astronomy.

I don't know how, but they were able to calculate that the first time in which the sun was directly in the middle of the solar system, or all the planets on both sides of the sun lined up in a straight line, was approximately 3114 BCE, which is when ancient civilizations began to arise. This, they also calcuated, occurs once every 26,000 years, and brings about massive changes immediately. They then, based on planet alignment in relation to the sun and the moon, devised a calendar (Long Count) based on a pattern which occurs once every 5,125 years.

However, you are partially correct in that there does not seem to be any reasoning as to why the Mayans felt that massive changes, or any changes for that matter, would begin to occur as a result of such alignment, at least not that I am aware of, meaning that these are in effect no more then just guesses.

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if you want all the answers, you should start researching mayans and their civilization. you would be astonished. that is if you really have that open mind you think you have.

If the Mayans were so smart, why'd they get their asses pwned by the Spanish?

I can't believe people actually buy any of this crap.

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This whole Mayan prediction is completely false and fluff.

First of all, the Mayans never predicted that the world would end in 2012. In fact, they dont predict the world actually ending until approximately the year 22, 886 AD (Gregorian).

The December of 2012 date is when the current period on the Long Count calendar ends. After this period ends, a new one will begin, with each long count period representing approximately 5,125 years. This Long Count calendar continues to repeat itself until it reaches 26, 000 years, starting in August of 3114 BCE, approximately 22, 886 AD as stated above.

By no means did the Mayans predict that the world would end in 2012, it is a misintepretation that people have continued to spread because it sounds scary, or interesting, or whatever the case may be.

Fear is man's worst enemy. It's a disease that spreads like wildfire. It's a raw primal emotion that takes control of you. People will buy into fear more than they will buy into stocks or a gallon of milk. It strikes at us unexpectedly and strikes hard. Humans have been living here for tens of thousands of years if not many more and we have endured the worst this wonderful earth has to offer. All you have to do is take a walk deep into the woods and look up and realize the earth is here to stay. We will endure just as long as we choose to endure. Fear sells. Don't buy it.

If the Mayans could predict the future, they would've predicted their own demise. They didn't.

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If the Mayans were so smart, why'd they get their asses pwned by the Spanish?

I can't believe people actually buy any of this crap.

They were too busy looking up at the sun, moon and stars and didn't notice the Spanish Armada sailing into their backyard.

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Listen people. Early man, with a severe lack of knowledge on how and why the earth and all existance came to be, made up many stories and theories of what runs this whole existence and who/what creates it. Some stories and theories died with the people who hypothesized them. Some carried on throughout in small pockets of civilization (often referred to as cults). Others carried on and were supported by large masses of people (where originally force was generally used to convert people into these beliefs). We call these religions.

Let's be really clear on this-the smartest, the most knowledgeable men and/or women on the planet still have no idea how we exactly came to existence, how and if we are going to die as a civilization, and where we go (if anywhere) when we do die.

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Listen people. Early man, with a severe lack of knowledge on how and why the earth and all existance came to be, made up many stories and theories of what runs this whole existence and who/what creates it. Some stories and theories died with the people who hypothesized them. Some carried on throughout in small pockets of civilization (often referred to as cults). Others carried on and were supported by large masses of people (where originally force was generally used to convert people into these beliefs). We call these religions.

Let's be really clear on this-the smartest, the most knowledgeable men and/or women on the planet still have no idea how we exactly came to existence, how and if we are going to die as a civilization, and where we go (if anywhere) when we do die.

you think the mayan had a severe lack of knowledge? wow. they were VERY technologically advanced.

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Too bad they didn't predict that one. Well whatever, I'm sure all their other predictions like the end of the world are going to happen.

can you not read either? have you not read any of the posts or a single book about the subject? they never predicted the end of the world.

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Fear is man's worst enemy. It's a disease that spreads like wildfire. It's a raw primal emotion that takes control of you. People will buy into fear more than they will buy into stocks or a gallon of milk. It strikes at us unexpectedly and strikes hard. Humans have been living here for tens of thousands of years if not many more and we have endured the worst this wonderful earth has to offer. All you have to do is take a walk deep into the woods and look up and realize the earth is here to stay. We will endure just as long as we choose to endure. Fear sells. Don't buy it.

If the Mayans could predict the future, they would've predicted their own demise. They didn't.

they didn't predict the future. they never and no one should ever claim they did. what they did was decode celestial cycles, which whether you believe it or not, do have many correlations with what happens to life on earth.

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you think the mayan had a severe lack of knowledge? wow. they were VERY technologically advanced.

Compared to today, in having the ability to predict anything to do with the end of the world and or civilization? Yes, they were not even zygotes in terms of technological advancement. Also, if you think the Mayans were "early man" you seriously need to stop sleeping in your history classes.

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Compared to today, in having the ability to predict anything to do with the end of the world and or civilization? Yes, they were not even zygotes in terms of technological advancement. Also, if you think the Mayans were "early man" you seriously need to stop sleeping in your history classes.

i never said the mayans were early man. you are the one who brought up early man when we are talking about mayans.

and, no compared to today, we are not even close to their level in some subjects, while they weren't close to ours in many others. the mayan are one of the most technologically advanced human civilizations to be known to live on earth.

you may want to read more. you would be suprised with what you would learn.

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