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Mets Beat Giants- Move within 1.5 games out of 1st place!

Lil Bit Special

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Most important stat. 0 Walks. Big Pelph is growing up before our eyes. He seems like he can be a top of the rotation guy. He throws 95+ with crazy movement. In the past, he seemed like he had no confidence and fidgeted with that stupid mouth piece every time he got in trouble. Over the past month and a half, he's just been completely different, absolutely challenging guys when he gets in trouble. All of a sudden the Mets rotation don't look so bad for next year with the top 3 of Johan, Maine and Pelfrey.

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Most important stat. 0 Walks. Big Pelph is growing up before our eyes. He seems like he can be a top of the rotation guy. He throws 95+ with crazy movement. In the past, he seemed like he had no confidence and fidgeted with that stupid mouth piece every time he got in trouble. Over the past month and a half, he's just been completely different, absolutely challenging guys when he gets in trouble. All of a sudden the Mets rotation don't look so bad for next year with the top 3 of Johan, Maine and Pelfrey.

Pelfrey's confidence has got to be soaring. He's pitched great since the end of May and should have at least 2 more wins , that I remember, with a little offensive support. He is just what this team needs right now. If we can get a little win streak going we'll be fine.

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I always thought the Mets would win that decision, even during the slow start.

Lucky for them, they play in a **** division and the Phillies are just not that good and did not bury the Mets when they had a chance to do so.

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Weak-ass division, weaker league

Is any team over .500 in the West??

What a joke, what's an ever bigger joke is some yahoo banging his chest over the fact his team is a winning turd

only thing that matters is who makes the playoffs. There are no awards for playing in a difficult division.

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The Mets are playing with some spark and energy since Manuel took over- big difference.

The difference in Pelfrey is remarkable. His transformation and ability to spot pitches and actually pitch has been a Godsend for this staff.

Give Minaya credit for steadfastly refusing to include Pelfrey in any trade talks surrounding Santana.

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The Mets are playing better in all facets of the game since Manuel took over- big difference. Don't use the word spark. It annoys me.

Spark = enthusiasm. Youre not arguing that it doesnt exist in baseball, are you?

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The Mets are playing better in all facets of the game since Manuel took over- big difference. Don't use the word spark. It annoys me.

yet they still are making simple mistakes.

Look at the throw Beltran made on Sunday. Tying run is on first and he throws to third to get a guy who's run doesnt count. Mistake #1.

Wright should have also known this runner was unimportant and should have come off the base and kept the ball from getting past him.. instead he tries to make a play and misses the ball. Mistake #2.

Wagner the firestarter decides he's too upset with himself to do the basics of his position- BACK UP 3rd BASE! Nope, he gets there too late and the ball squirts away and allows the tying run to move up to 2nd base. Mistake #3.

On one play, our veterans, our stars made 3 mistakes that are fundamentals of the game. And then after the game Beltran has the balls to blame Wright for not blocking the ball. No mention that he should have never even made that play.

This team still has a long way to go to be a contender. I just wonder if they have it in them to compete.

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The Mets are playing better in all facets of the game since Manuel took over- big difference. Don't use the word spark. It annoys me.

Fact of the world, thing are going to annoy you.

Jose Reyes running out balls and playing aggressively equates to a spark in my venacular.

Hitting and running on hitters counts to avoid double plays equates to providing a spark.

I can go on and on.

Matt hit on it when he said enthusiasm. The other Met team look old and tired. This one looks fresh and invigorated. I know winning does that to you.

It also is a small sample size on a flawed team. But they are playing with a spark right now.

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Teams are always going to look sluggish when they're losing.

On the contrary, they're always going to look more "excited" and "enthusiastic" when they're playing well.

I'm not saying there's no place for it in baseball, but the Mets are just playing better over the past few weeks, and that's the main reason they've been making up ground--well, along with the Phillies sucking.

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