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John Sterling- Class of the Yankees

Lil Bit Special

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YANKEES radio announcer John Sterling is being called out for foul behavior in the stadium's press dining room.

"Sterling has made a habit of walking over to the dessert table and dipping his finger into the ice cream barrel," one stadium worker told us, adding that the play-by-play vet has also used the same tablespoon to repeatedly take samples.

During the Boston series, "He wandered over to the cake and pie section, broke off a piece of a cake slice, ate it and wiped his grimy hands on the linen tablecloth, leaving the remainder of the slice for someone else to eat - which indeed happened," our spy continued.

A rep for WCBS Radio declined to comment, and a team spokesman said the Yankees "know nothing about it."


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YANKEES radio announcer John Sterling is being called out for foul behavior in the stadium's press dining room.

"Sterling has made a habit of walking over to the dessert table and dipping his finger into the ice cream barrel," one stadium worker told us, adding that the play-by-play vet has also used the same tablespoon to repeatedly take samples.

During the Boston series, "He wandered over to the cake and pie section, broke off a piece of a cake slice, ate it and wiped his grimy hands on the linen tablecloth, leaving the remainder of the slice for someone else to eat - which indeed happened," our spy continued.

A rep for WCBS Radio declined to comment, and a team spokesman said the Yankees "know nothing about it."


I saw this at 9:30 this morning and thought better of posting it. If it was Suzy Waldman I would have started the thread at 9:31!

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So the man is guilty of double dipping. LOL. I'm sure none of us here have ever done that. I am also 100% sure all you guys wash your hands after touching your trouser trout in the restroom. :)

cant for once you people not defend the yankees... geez. cant you just go along with something for once?

and no i've never double dipped when other people are eating.

and i wash my hands in shame after tickling my pickle.

plus its a page 6 gossip piece... im sure there isnt a lot of truth in it anyway.

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So the man is guilty of double dipping. LOL. I'm sure none of us here have ever done that. I am also 100% sure all you guys wash your hands after touching your trouser trout in the restroom. :)

Not for nothing but the guy wasn't double dipping. He was putting his finger in a bowl of ice cream and then walking away.

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A lot of Yankees fans think Sterling is a tool, too.

I grew up with Bill White and Phil Rizzuto. I must say the Scooter was quite dilusional towards the end of his career. I am not a Mets fan, but I really respected Bob Murphy as a broadcaster. He was something special. These days , you have a bunch of kiss butt announcers. If god forbid one of them steps out of line and says something different, teams sometimes get rid of them. Sterling does a decent job. Susan needs to iron her birthday suit and go back to the cave she crawled out of. I need more Kim Jones !!!! :P

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You're incredible. :P

You need to stop being such a moron and giving negative rep for no reason everytime you don't feel comfortable with a post. You are pathetic. Why don't you grow some stones and fire off a PM or something instead of giving a neg rep like a child.

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You need to stop being such a moron and giving negative rep for no reason everytime you don't feel comfortable with a post. You are pathetic. Why don't you grow some stones and fire off a PM or something instead of giving a neg rep like a child.

Wouldn't have to if you weren't such a tool. You had to mention suicide in one of your posts, real classy.

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Wouldn't have to if you weren't such a tool. You had to mention suicide in one of your posts, real classy.

Are you new to the internet ? What do you do when you are cruising the clicker and see something you don't like ? Do you act like a big baby and call the channel and complain ? You must be one of those obnoxious people who bitch and moan about everything. I hate everything you post. Should I start hitting you with neg rep like a big baby everytime I feel uncomfortable? Grow some skin . Are you 16 or something ? It amazes me how people like you can walk and scratch your butt at the same time.

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cant for once you people not defend the yankees... geez. cant you just go along with something for once?

and no i've never double dipped when other people are eating.

and i wash my hands in shame after tickling my pickle.

plus its a page 6 gossip piece... im sure there isnt a lot of truth in it anyway.

When did John Sterling ever play for the Yankees?
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His table manners are better than your posting ablilities too. Everytime you post, the nation's IQ as a whole drops. You know, sometimes suicide isn't such a bad thing.

The problem is you're a one trick pony, other than your gay/homophobic jokes you have nothing. Feel free to ask anyone over the age of 17 on this board as to what they think of your knowledge of baseball or how well thought out your posts are?

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Are you new to the internet ? What do you do when you are cruising the clicker and see something you don't like ? Do you act like a big baby and call the channel and complain ? You must be one of those obnoxious people who bitch and moan about everything. I hate everything you post. Should I start hitting you with neg rep like a big baby everytime I feel uncomfortable? Grow some skin . Are you 16 or something ? It amazes me how people like you can walk and scratch your butt at the same time.

Hmmm real funny. You didn't seem to mind my posting with you all night during the wild fires last year when you thought you might lose your home. You were quite appreciative and I enjoyed helping out some. Then afterwards you make a totally classless remark about not wanting the prayers or good wishes from any Red Sox fans. What a totall classless, stupid thing to say. Just put me on ignore Mr. internet tough guy. Tool

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Why should I put you on ignore ? Do you see me neg rep'ing you every other day like a child ? NO. You're a big baby. Admit it. You seem to have a tough time handling anything that makes you uncomfortable. I could give 2 squirts about what you post. If I don't like it, I'll fire off a response and that's about it. I don't feel a need to neg rep you 4 times a month. Seems like you made a new friend with birdbrain. Maybe the both of you should get a room together. I think I have more torque in my lug nuts than both of your IQ's combined.

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The problem is you're a one trick pony, other than your gay/homophobic jokes you have nothing. Feel free to ask anyone over the age of 17 on this board as to what they think of your knowledge of baseball or how well thought out your posts are?

Are you a homosexual ? Just curious. It's a simple question.

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You need to stop being such a moron and giving negative rep for no reason everytime you don't feel comfortable with a post. You are pathetic. Why don't you grow some stones and fire off a PM or something instead of giving a neg rep like a child.

FYI I just neg rep'ed you for two personal attacks in this thread. No need for any of that.

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