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And this little guy is wide awake farting up a storm and won't go to sleep because of it. Everytime he's about to fart he starts to cry, ips a huge fart, then stops crying for a while while he lays wide awake until he's about to fart again. Any suggestions??

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4:50am. Same shyte. No formula for this guy, he gets it straight from the tap. Any suggestions that might get me some sleep before sunrise?

Duh, no one is here. Oh well, looks like an all nighter for me tonight. Thanfully the wife is getting some shuteye. :baby::yawn:

You're a Father now, so suck it up and stop whining like a bitch :)

Just kidding..I only know how to fix that problem with an adult..never did it with kids..

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I used to use Di-Gel, but they don't make that anymore. so I use Gas-X now.

BP's been soakin' the cork since he can remember. They say he's the best cork soaker in all the land!


= mod status.

I've took a logic class in college. I knew that!

I never went to college. I'm smart smart, you're book smart. :P

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I used to use Di-Gel, but they don't make that anymore. so I use Gas-X now.


I never went to college. I'm smart smart, you're book smart. :P

I forgot to put the ;) icon to show I was kidding, but glad you can take it BP....the joke, not the cork. ;)

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did mrs. b76 have something different to eat yesterday? the food that she has can effect the breast milk.

as for relieving it.. did you try holding him in the football hold ( not a joke ;) ) it worked for my daughter .. :D


good luck my friend! golly i remember those days.. wouldnt want to go back :lol: the sleep deprivation is ridiculous. but you are a good guy to let mama sleep.

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Boozer he's adorable man. Seems like yesterday that mine was that tiny.

It's funny, every other parent on here is saying the same thing.........

Oh god I remember those days of no sleep........LOL

I remember becoming so frustrated at times, you just had to put her down in the crib, walk away, and take 10 minutes to collect yourself.

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And this little guy is wide awake farting up a storm and won't go to sleep because of it. Everytime he's about to fart he starts to cry, ips a huge fart, then stops crying for a while while he lays wide awake until he's about to fart again. Any suggestions??


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did mrs. b76 have something different to eat yesterday? the food that she has can effect the breast milk.

as for relieving it.. did you try holding him in the football hold ( not a joke ;) ) it worked for my daughter .. :D


good luck my friend! golly i remember those days.. wouldnt want to go back :lol: the sleep deprivation is ridiculous. but you are a good guy to let mama sleep.

You beat me to it GG!!!!!:D

Try mylicon dropsMyliconLarge.jpg

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did mrs. b76 have something different to eat yesterday? the food that she has can effect the breast milk.

as for relieving it.. did you try holding him in the football hold ( not a joke ;) ) it worked for my daughter .. :D


good luck my friend! golly i remember those days.. wouldnt want to go back :lol: the sleep deprivation is ridiculous. but you are a good guy to let mama sleep.

Did not try the football hold, however I was trying the "tiger in a tree" hold (also not a joke ;) ). To no avail. Next time I'll switch it to the football hold to see.

You beat me to it GG!!!!!:D

Try mylicon dropsMyliconLarge.jpg

Tried those. It was the first time I ever gave him Mylicon. He certainly was shocked at the prospect of something other than breastmilk going in his mouth, but he swallowed it.................... That was at 3am. I finally caught some sleep around 7:30am when Mrs B76 woke up. Now I'm just awake for the day.

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Did not try the football hold, however I was trying the "tiger in a tree" hold (also not a joke ;) ). To no avail. Next time I'll switch it to the football hold to see.

Tried those. It was the first time I ever gave him Mylicon. He certainly was shocked at the prospect of something other than breastmilk going in his mouth, but he swallowed it.................... That was at 3am. I finally caught some sleep around 7:30am when Mrs B76 woke up. Now I'm just awake for the day.

He is so cute!!! When all else fails try a car ride or just a walk!

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I think I'm going to start telling my family if they want to visit him anymore then they must do so between the hours of 1am-5am. It seems anytime they come over during the day he just sleeps in their arms and stays up all night. Any time it's just the wife and I during the day, he sleeps at night like a champ. Funny thing is they complain because he's always sleeping when they see him.

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I think I'm going to start telling my family if they want to visit him anymore then they must do so between the hours of 1am-5am. It seems anytime they come over during the day he just sleeps in their arms and stays up all night. Any time it's just the wife and I during the day, he sleeps at night like a champ. Funny thing is they complain because he's always sleeping when they see him.

He just has his days and nights mixed up. As he gets a little bigger he will stay awake longer during the day and eventually get it right!;)

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He is so cute!!! When all else fails try a car ride or just a walk!

I tried the car ride at 4am or so. Went well until I had to take him out of the seat when I got home. He was just being a big fussy guy last night. I hung out in his nursery while he screamed his head off. My Ipod was extremely helpful after a while.

I'm sure there will be a day when one o the younger JN whipper snappers will post their woes of being up all night with their newborn and I'll get to have a good chuckle reading all about it. :D

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Have you considered just letting him sleep with you when he is fussy at night. Sometimes a baby cries at night because he just wants tobe with mommy and daddy. It took me a while to figure that one out when my son was a baby

Tried that too. He just plain old wanted to fuss and there was just nothing that was going to be done about it. The thing that scares me is he is sleeping now and has been since about 7:30am or so, minus about a half hour to feed around 11am. Mrs B76 thinks we should let him rest since he was up all night. I'm thinking I should keep him up now so he'll sleep tonight. Lord knows 2 nights in a row with barely any sleep might send me straight to the loony bin.

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Tried that too. He just plain old wanted to fuss and there was just nothing that was going to be done about it. The thing that scares me is he is sleeping now and has been since about 7:30am or so, minus about a half hour to feed around 11am. Mrs B76 thinks we should let him rest since he was up all night. I'm thinking I should keep him up now so he'll sleep tonight. Lord knows 2 nights in a row with barely any sleep might send me straight to the loony bin.

your idea makes sense. It will force him to correct his internal clock.

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Woohoooo!!! He slept all nigh last night!! Didn't even want to get up when my wife tried to feed him. Success!!

Congratulations. Now, what happens tonight? LOL. The first year is beautiful and maddening. All babies are complete maniacs. Unlike us, who have the ability to decompress after our day with a drink, video games, a good book, etc., babies cry in the evening or night as an attempt to process their day--which is chock full of firsts--and put themselves to sleep. Although it will cost you and your wife valuable sleep, pick him up and comfort your son when he's crying at night, even if you know he's been fed and doesn't need changing. In this way, he will develop trust that you are always there if he needs you. That's what we did with our son and he became a kid that sleeps through the night--anywhere--and never had a problem with nightmares. You could put a bomb in his room and he won't budge. Soon, people will be telling you that you are spoiling your son, or to start Ferberizing him. Forget this nonsense. Go to your son when he's crying, and you will raise a healthy well-adjusted person. Why not spoil him in the first year? Isn't that what babies are for?

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Woohoooo!!! He slept all nigh last night!! Didn't even want to get up when my wife tried to feed him. Success!!

Don't be too excited, that could be short-lived! My sister's twins are finally sleeping through the night... they are little over 6 months now. They go down at around 9PM and wake sometime around 5AM. And they hang in the cribs for another half hour or so just chillin' out. Olivia fights sleep and anyone listening to her would think we were ripping her limbs off the way she screams bloody murder.

I spent many nights helping my sister through the night when her husband was traveling for work. That was NOT easy. We were sleeping by 9PM LOL, then up at 11PM, 1AM, 3AM, 5AM. ****! And a big "screw you" to anyone that says get twins on the same feeding schedule. That's BS!

Anyway... enjoy this time, they grow so fast. :baby:

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