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Garroid Sheffield badmouths Yankee teammates!!!


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The latest scandal to hit Yankeeland does not involve a positive Jason Giamboo p*ss test, at least not yet. It involves........drumroll.........Gary Sheffield.

Wow. I am shocked that Garroid is the lightning rod again. Yup, according to Imus this morning, Garroid ran his gums to New Yorker Magazine (I think its NYer, anyhow) about a good many things concerning the Yankees. I cant find the link yet because the issue hasnt hit stands but among the many quotes he offered are:

-Jeter and A-rod get treated like gods by the media while the rest of us get treated like sh*t.

-Im the one the other teams defend against, they aint scared of anybody else on this team

-He said the Yanks have no team chemistry and nobody sits together at their locker because the team was pieced together without any concern for how the personalities would mesh (LOOK WHO'S TALKING!!!)

and my favorite:

-Jeter aint the leader of the team, we all know who is (read: himself)


I'm not gonna say I told you so...

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It means nothing. Chemistry, shemistry. Giambi hits, now he's beloved again.

What really is there to say? He's pulled the same stuff everywhere he's been. Sheffield is a nutball who's always an interview away from an embarrassing statement. Like wanting to renegotiate a contract he HIMSELF without an agent cut with Steinbrenner, who for reasons known only to himself has a Tampa soft spot for Doc Gooden(Sheff's uncle) and his dad(who is Sheff's grandpa). I love the guy on the field. But he's not a nice man. They would have been far better off with Vlady, but can't change it.

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Forget Vlad, how much better off would the Yanks have been with Andy Pettite instead of the likes of Kevin Brown, Javy Vazquez, Aaron Small and Al Leiter???

Sheffield (and Doc Gooden as you say) is the main reason for Andy leaving for less money in Houston. And now look at this latest embarrassment.

I know it serves the purposes of Yankee fans to downplay this. But think for a second, when the Yankees were winning, how many times did crybaby Paul Oneil make inflamatory comments about his teammates?

Keep telling yourself that this is no big deal if that helps you cope with the fact that 1965 is happening all over again, with a hint of 1980s era chaos.

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One thing-the Yanks did make a competitive offer to Pettitte. Pettitte is a good guy, but wasn't quite the great postgame pitcher you might think(game 6 in 2001 WS?). And he has had about a season and a half of arm trouble. Also, Pettitte was adamant that he wanted to be close to home, and taking him at his word and knowing that he is a nice man, money wasn't really an issue. Anyone with small kids knows they won't be that little forever, and it's to Pettitte's credit that he made his family a priority. Yes, it would be nice to have Andy Pettitte right now, but he wants to be in Houston.

The choice really was Vlady or Sheff.

Want to talk about the Lilly/Weaver/Brezobahn into Kevin Brown, or Stott sending numerous other solid MLB pitchers packing....

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no link?


Its in today's NY Daily News. Sheffield is an idiot. YOu keep chemistry issues to yourself. Now, the media is going to examine the yanks cohesiveness even more. What a jerk...

I am not a yank fan, but to make reference to Jeter and say he's not a leader...that is just wrong.


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When, Bugg, did this competitive offer come from george? At midnight when Andy already received Houston's offer?

Some 2 1/2 months after the '03 season ended?

Some 2 1/2 months after george spent every waking moment in the offseason at Malio's with Doc Gooden and Garroid trying to get the deal done with Andy, a 24 game winner who spent the previous decade in pinstripes, took the ball every 5th day and never said a word, sat idly by waiting for some attention.

Im so sick of you Yankee fans giving the Yankees a pass for this. Forget the competitive offer jibberish...it was never about money with Pettite. It was about showing him a little respect and not courting Sheffield the Cancer in his face!

Lastly, how can you say Andy Pettite wasnt a great postseason pitcher? He won more post season games than anyone else in Yankee history. I swear (I think) he's won more postseason games than anyone else but I could be wrong on that. Either way, for every one instance you can point to when he was lit up in FLA...I can point to 2 or 3 times when he took the ball in game 2 after the Yankees lost an opener and shut down the opposition. Thats was why I hated him for so long and cried tears of joy when he left.

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The guy said he wanted to go home to see his children grow up. Few players in baseball are successful and secure enough that they can do that. I'd love to have him now, but I take him at his word. The Yankee pitching is a mess, but Pettitte's absence is just one of the too many items that led to it. And given that he's spent the better part of the last season and a half until now injured, he wouldn't have been much of a help.

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The guy said he wanted to go home to see his children grow up. Few players in baseball are successful and secure enough that they can do that. I'd love to have him now, but I take him at his word. The Yankee pitching is a mess, but Pettitte's absence is just one of the too many items that led to it. And given that he's spent the better part of the last season and a half until now injured, he wouldn't have been much of a help.

If he wanted to go home to Houston so badly...why did it take 3 months to get the deal done?

He coulda just as easily been a Yankee for life, but george said "Bye bye" becuase he was busy courting Garroid, f*cking admit it already!!!

Geez, Bugg its not gonna kill you to blast your owner once in awhile.

And screw Pettite anyway, lets get back to the subject of this post:


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Some Yankee veterans noticed Robinson Cano reading a newspaper in the clubhouse yesterday as he answered questions regarding his brutal game Wednesday night.

Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez got on the rookie second baseman for his immature and rude behavior toward the media. While Cano answered the questions, his eyes stayed glued to a copy of Baseball America.

As for Cano's problems

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If George wanted Andy here it would have gotten done. It really is that simple.

George likes the bad boys. Andy stayed in on the road and read the bible. As a result he got rewarded by being treated crappy.

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waaaah waaaaah

And when Jeter dove into the stands last season and got all bloodied up it was Sheffield who was in the media and said "I had to run over there and see if our captain was hurt because he's our guy"

Jeter is definetly the leader in the lockeroom? Who was the guy who blasted the team night in night out when they were shooting themselves in the foot a few months ago? Jeter. Who was the guy that whenever he blasted the team went out and had a big night and the team won? Jeter.

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Jet/Blowme Fan

This thread is ******* sad dude. You really put yourself out there as this little pathetic sox fan who can't seen to get any control over his life because the Yankees own his every waking thought.

Not sure what's more pathtic...you hatered for the Yankees or the fact you willing to thrown your own players under the bus.

Did Garry Ask to be traded like Manny has?

Just so were clear...Sheffield is a POS...who i never liked and never wanted on the Yankees.

He's been a terrible teammate all his life.

Hey sheffield...You are garbage....your wife is a skank and you ******* cheated baseball...nobody like POS assholes.

which you are.

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The latest scandal to hit Yankeeland does not involve a positive Jason Giamboo p*ss test, at least not yet. It involves........drumroll.........Gary Sheffield.

Wow. I am shocked that Garroid is the lightning rod again. Yup, according to Imus this morning, Garroid ran his gums to New Yorker Magazine (I think its NYer, anyhow) about a good many things concerning the Yankees. I cant find the link yet because the issue hasnt hit stands but among the many quotes he offered are:

-Jeter and A-rod get treated like gods by the media while the rest of us get treated like sh*t.

-Im the one the other teams defend against, they aint scared of anybody else on this team

-He said the Yanks have no team chemistry and nobody sits together at their locker because the team was pieced together without any concern for how the personalities would mesh (LOOK WHO'S TALKING!!!)

and my favorite:

-Jeter aint the leader of the team, we all know who is (read: himself)


I'm not gonna say I told you so...

so what else is new? Yankee management did a lousy job of putting this team together. i think their record compared to their payroll speaks for itself. i am pretty confident that no Yankee fan will dispute the disappointment that season has been.

old news chief, old news.

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I'm Glad Sheffield stirred things up ... this team has been comatose at times this year ... and I mean, at least 50% of the time this team looks disinterested

So I'm Glad Sheffield rocked their comfort zone ... and yes, JETER INCLUDED!!

This team needed a slap upside the head

You asked for opinions, JBF ... well there's mine

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I'm Glad Sheffield stirred things up ... this team has been comatose at times this year ... and I mean, at least 50% of the time this team looks disinterested

So I'm Glad Sheffield rocked their comfort zone ... and yes, JETER INCLUDED!!

This team needed a slap upside the head

You asked for opinions, JBF ... well there's mine

Couldnt have said it any better myself.

Gimme 10 Gary Sheffield players each day and I guarantee the team will not underperform.

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10 Gary Sheffields...I'd say 5 of them would be locked up at any given time during the season. Some would probably be shot during the course of a season...some banned from baseball for life...some too busy making 3-way pornos with R Kellys and skanky Mrs. Sheffield.

I really cant believe that you guys are taking Garroid's side in this. He didnt just criticize Captain Overrated, he criticezed your whole team and their front office.

Yet, there u have it...some Yankee fans, albeit EB and Ham are borderline retarded, are defending Garroid. Well, wonders never cease!

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Id stop rooting for the Yankees if we had 10 Gary Sheffield's.

Honestly, what wrong has Sheffield done since joining the Yankees? I know you hate him because he has taken roids, I understand that. But as a Yankee he's been 1 of the emotional leaders in the clubhouse. He trys to light a fire under this teams a** more than anybody on our roster. He comes up big when the pressure is on, what more can you ask for?

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Manny and Sheff are two sides to the same bigmouth coin. What these guys say doesn't matter. It's what they do on the field that matters. If you think by virute of wearing the uniform of you favorite team makes a guy a better person, it's past time to take the stocking down-Santa isn't coming.

When I was a young lad, I was a big fan of the NY Rangers. One evening in Manhattan, when I was a bit older, I had occasion to see some of these guys out on the town, and it wasn't pretty. I'm still a Rangers fan, but it was a dose of reality. My dad has a similar story about the 1970s Yankees in Vegas.Most fans have a similar tale. And I was only watching from across a bar, not bugging for an autograph or any silly sheet like that.

Sheff's an a-hole-really? This is a surprise? This guy's been coddled since high school because he could hit a baseball. It's only a surprise he's not a bigger a-hole. He already has told the biggest BS story ever to hit a police report about getting shot.

And can't say this enough-chemistry is crap. Giambi's hitting-now he's again a great teammate. Millar sucks-suddenly he's not such an important component. MLB history is repleat with guys who hated each other winning-or losing.Miller Huggins and the Babe fighting, or Babe getting thrown out of Boston. Dimaggio hating Stengel and later Mantle. The A's and Yankees of the 70s. Rob Dibble and Lou Pinella rolling around the clubhouise, or O'Neill and Pinella arguing at top volume for a 1990 Reds team that swept a superior As squad.

I don't fault the writers for getting Sheff to say something stupid. But it doesn't matter. Red Smith, the biggest sportwriter of his time, never went in the lockerrom. While no writer today could do that, it's an idea. Just tell us the game story.

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