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A Decade Later...


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the '98 staff was one for the ages

HC= parcells

DC =belicheat

DL =crennel

OC =either weiss or henning, I always get that one mixed up

I think mangini was a waterboy

That staff was incredible. It is like the AFC East coaching All Stars (plus Notre Dame).

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The '98 Broncos game was painful. 10 - 0 at halftime. Super Bowl opponent was going to be an easier game. Ah, the memories.

remember the broncos KO that got caught in the wind and bounced at like the jets 30 right to a donkey ?

weirdest thing I ever saw in a football game, an unintentional onsides kick

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It's hard to believe it's already the ten year anniversary of that game, when the Jets were up 10-0 against the Broncos, in Denver, and then blew it in the second half.

Curtis Martin was a non-factor in that game and had a critical fumble. The tandem of Jones and Washington is better.

O-Line is a wash.

The secondary is a wash. It would be nice to throw in Victor Green in his prime on this years squad.

The '98 defense was a bend dont break, this defense bends way to much, particularly in the second half. The defense has to improve dramatically if this team will make through the playoffs.

At WR, Keyshawn was a one man army in the '98 championship game, but during the season he and Chrebet were a top WR duo that year. Having said that, I like the this years bunch, better. Coles and Cotchery as starters and throw in Smith and Stuckey and overall just a much better bunch of wideouts.

TE, what happened to Bubba Franks? Keller is good, but he still scares me in big spots. So does Baker.

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It's hard to believe it's already the ten year anniversary of that game, when the Jets were up 10-0 against the Broncos, in Denver, and then blew it in the second half.

Curtis Martin was a non-factor in that game and had a critical fumble. The tandem of Jones and Washington is better.

O-Line is a wash.

The secondary is a wash. It would be nice to throw in Victor Green in his prime on this years squad.

The '98 defense was a bend dont break, this defense bends way to much, particularly in the second half. The defense has to improve dramatically if this team will make through the playoffs.

At WR, Keyshawn was a one man army in the '98 championship game, but during the season he and Chrebet were a top WR duo that year. Having said that, I like the this years bunch, better. Coles and Cotchery as starters and throw in Smith and Stuckey and overall just a much better bunch of wideouts.

TE, what happened to Bubba Franks? Keller is good, but he still scares me in big spots. So does Baker.

Loved Victor Green, he we huge shoulder pads and hit like a truck. His shoulder pads must of have been lineman pads.


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The '98 Broncos game was painful. 10 - 0 at halftime. Super Bowl opponent was going to be an easier game. Ah, the memories.

I'll never forget that. Up 10-0 at the half in Denver and remembering that we had beaten Atlanta earlier in the year 28-3 in the Meadowlands. Man I really thought at Halftime that that was it that we were going to win the Super Bowl just two years after we completed a unforgetable 4-28 joyride.

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