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Pearl Harbor Day


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Lest we forget: On a Sunday morning 67 years ago today, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, resulting in the USA entering WWII. As FDR said, it was "a day which will live in infamy."

Some of my uncles battled in the Pacific theater, while my father and other uncles were in France and Germany. A special thanks this morning to all those men and women from the "greatest generation" who served their country.

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Lest we forget: On a Sunday morning 67 years ago today, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, resulting in the USA entering WWII. As FDR said, it was "a day which will live in infamy."

Some of my uncles battled in the Pacific theater, while my father and other uncles were in France and Germany. A special thanks this morning to all those men and women from the "greatest generation" who served their country.

Well said. My dad, father 'n law and 11 uncles served in that war...one uncle gave the ultimate sacrifice on D-Day...they were in fact "the greatest generation".

It's too bad the government waited so long to build the WWII monument in DC...I know none of my relatives lived to see it.


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also Don Vito Corleone's B-day-remember this scene from the end of Godfather 2?

[sONNY sits down and begins to smoke.]

Ah, say -- what do you think of the nerve those Japs -- those slanty eyed bastards, huh. Dropping bombs in our back yard -- and on Pops birthday ya know.


Now they didn't know it was Pop's birthday.


They didn't know it was Pop's birthday.


We should have expected it after the Oil embargo.


What do you mean expect it -- expect it or not they have no right dropping bombs. What are you a Jap lover or something -- are you on their side?


I understand thirty thousand men enlisted this morning.

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Thank you Lone Star Lady for remembering and thanks to the many thousands who fought and died to let us maintain our freedom. They also gave freedom to millions living under tyranny or that were about to.

My dad chased the Japanese back to their homeland extracting them from island to island with the 3rd Marines all the way back to Iwo Jima where US bombers were finally within range to repay what went down at Pearl Harbor. Repay they did - and then some. But it brought an end to the war.

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Lest we forget: On a Sunday morning 67 years ago today, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, resulting in the USA entering WWII. As FDR said, it was "a day which will live in infamy."

Some of my uncles battled in the Pacific theater, while my father and other uncles were in France and Germany. A special thanks this morning to all those men and women from the "greatest generation" who served their country.

Great thread LSL. RIP all those brave service men who lost their lives that day and in the war that followed. Almost 1200 are still aboard the Arizona which sank in under 10 minutes. God rest their souls.

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