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Rank your teams performance, player by player


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I did this last year with just the Yankees, and Mets fans, but that was all before I knew there were fans of teams like Boston, and Detroit on this forum. Fans of all teams rate your teams' players performances.


Jorge Posada: B-

Francisco Cervelli: A

Jose Molina: Incomplete


Mark Teixeira: B

Robinson Cano: B

Derek Jeter: A

Alex Rodriguez: C+

Ramiro Pena: A

Cody Ransom: Incomplete


Melky Cabrera: B

Brett Gardner: B+

Johnny Damon: B-

Nick Swisher: C-

Hideki Matsui: C+


CC Sabathia: B

A.J. Burnett: A-

Joba Chamberlain: D-

Andy Pettitte: D

Chien-Ming Wang: F

Phil Hughes: A

Mariano Rivera: A

Alfredo Aceves: A

David Robertson: C+

Phil Coke: B+

Brian Bruney: D+

Everyone Else: F

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Jorge Posada: B

Francisco Cervelli: B+

Jose Molina: Inc


Mark Teixeira: B

Robinson Cano: B

Derek Jeter: B+

Alex Rodriguez: B-

Ramiro Pena: A-

Cody Ransom: D


Melky Cabrera: B

Brett Gardner: B+

Johnny Damon: B

Nick Swisher: B

Hideki Matsui: B


CC Sabathia: B

A.J. Burnett: B

Joba Chamberlain: D-

Andy Pettitte: C

Chien-Ming Wang: F

Phil Hughes: A

Mariano Rivera: A

Alfredo Aceves: A

David Robertson: C+

Phil Coke: A-

Brian Bruney: D+

Everyone Else: F

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C: Tek B+. Funny, to see . 240ish hitter with a B+, but he has almost eclipsed last year's number sin half the games.

1B: Youk B. About what you expect.

2B: Dusty B. Ditto Youk.

SS: Green C; Lugo: F; Lowrie: Inc :bag:

3B: Lowell B. Hopefully injuries will pass him by.

DH: Ortiz D. In the running for ****tiest Sox player of the first hald until recent resurgence.

RF: Drew C-. Hitting is off and injured.....again.

CF: Ellsbury B. A tad immature who hopefully comes around after returning to the leadoff spot.

LF: Bay A. Pay the man.

P: Beckett A. After slow start has been en fuego since May.

P: Lester B+. An even slower and more inconsistent start, but has been lights out the last month.

P: Wakefield A. Despite the complaints on his AS selection, he has been consistent which for a knuckleballer is incredible.

P: Penny B. Has been decent in his return from injury.

P: Dice-K F. Gets an F because there is nothing lower.

Set-up: Ramirez B; Okijima B, MDC B; Saito B. Overall, they have been good leading the AL in ERA (if they did not lose it with Friday's or Saturday's performance). However, there are times when they can get hit as evidence the 10-1 collapse a few weeks ago.

Closer: Papelbon C+. Like the set-up men, he has a good season, but he seems to make things interesting every save opportunity.

Overall: All things being equal, it has been a decent first half despite inconsistent play from any one of a half dozen players. If you told me Ortiz would be hitting under his weight and Dice-K would have one win, but the Sox would lead the division by 3 games. I would tell you you are crazy. The Sox have the potential to win it all, but unless Beckett and Lester continue to dominate, they have enough issues to lose in the playoffs or finish third.

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C: Tek B+. Funny, to see . 240ish hitter with a B+, but he has almost eclipsed last year's number sin half the games.

1B: Youk B. About what you expect.

2B: Dusty B. Ditto Youk.

SS: Green C; Lugo: F; Lowrie: Inc :bag:

3B: Lowell B. Hopefully injuries will pass him by.

DH: Ortiz D. In the running for ****tiest Sox player of the first hald until recent resurgence.

RF: Drew C-. Hitting is off and injured.....again.

CF: Ellsbury B. A tad immature who hopefully comes around after returning to the leadoff spot.

LF: Bay A. Pay the man.

P: Beckett A. After slow start has been en fuego since May.

P: Lester B+. An even slower and more inconsistent start, but has been lights out the last month.

P: Wakefield A. Despite the complaints on his AS selection, he has been consistent which for a knuckleballer is incredible.

P: Penny B. Has been decent in his return from injury.

P: Dice-K F. Gets an F because there is nothing lower.

Set-up: Ramirez B; Okijima B, MDC B; Saito B. Overall, they have been good leading the AL in ERA (if they did not lose it with Friday's or Saturday's performance). However, there are times when they can get hit as evidence the 10-1 collapse a few weeks ago.

Closer: Papelbon C+. Like the set-up men, he has a good season, but he seems to make things interesting every save opportunity.

Overall: All things being equal, it has been a decent first half despite inconsistent play from any one of a half dozen players. If you told me Ortiz would be hitting under his weight and Dice-K would have one win, but the Sox would lead the division by 3 games. I would tell you you are crazy. The Sox have the potential to win it all, but unless Beckett and Lester continue to dominate, they have enough issues to lose in the playoffs or finish third.

Good analysis. Although, I think you're being a bit harsh on Papelbon.

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I think Joba is being rated too harshly.

Think about it, if Joba never had the dominance in the bullpen no one would be complaining about a 23 year old starter in his first full season so far in the rotation. He would be buried in the back of the rotation and people would be happy that he was developing.

Instead, everyone thought his 8th inning dominance and a small sampling of triple A success would translate into ace type stuff.

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Verlander: A (Rough start but has been lights out dominant with 10 wins)

Jackson: A (If he had run support, he'd have over 10 wins easy. Steal of a trade)

Porcello: B+ (Can't ask much more of a rookie, but last 2 starts have been concerning)

Galarraga: D+ (Not sure what the hell happened to this guy about a month into the season)

Willis [DL]: EPIC FAIL

French: Inc. (Brought up to pitch for Willis. Solid in last start but wait and see)


Seay: A- (He's been a dependable lefty for Leyland)

Dolsi: C (Brought up from AAA for Robertson, shaky thus far)

Miner: B (Jack of all trades. Spot starter, long relief. Failry solid save his last IP)

Ni: B (Came up in bullpen shuffle after Perry was sent down. So far, no complaints)

Robertson [DL]: F (For a guy whining about not being in the rotation, you'd think he'd show something)

Perry [AAA]: D (Started out solid, but was getting too wound up and it finally showed. Sent down to AAA for work)


Zumaya: C- (Hit & miss. Fastball is back but movement isn't and it's getting him burned)


Rodney: A for Save Situations, D- for Non-save Situations (Has yet to blow a single save, but in Non-save situations, he's a train wreck with an ERA 6.00 higer than his save ERA and 2 losses)


Laird: B+ (Wasn't brought in for his bat, but his defense more than makes up for it)

Ryan: Inc. (Brought up after Treanor's injury.)


1B - Cabrera: B+ (Solid, but not crazy numbers we've become accustomed to)

SS - Everett: B- (Brought solid Defense to SS, bat has been its usual hit and miss self)

3B - Inge: A (What more can you say about this kid. Sick Defense, high HRs and RBI)

2B - Polanco B (Not his usual self thus far, but warming up)

2B/SS -Santiago B- (Go to sub for 2B and SS. Solid Defense and sporadic bat)


LF - Guillen [DL]: F (Injury plagued..again. Bat was ice cold before latest injury)

OF - Anderson: C+ (Fast as hell, but has made some bone-headed base running decisions lately)

CF - Granderson: B (Great defensively but offensive numbers are cooling off.

RF - Ordonez: F (What a disaster this year. Officially platooning with Thomas per Leyland)

OF - Raburn: B (Filled in nicely as a reserve OF/1B and has a bat when he's on)

OF - Thomas: B (Just came back from a swing refinement assignment in AAA which appeared to work)


Thames: B (Thames is a perfect DH. His power numbers aren't there, but he's warming up)

Larish [AAA]: C- (Needs some more work in Toledo)

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I think Joba is being rated too harshly.

Think about it, if Joba never had the dominance in the bullpen no one would be complaining about a 23 year old starter in his first full season so far in the rotation. He would be buried in the back of the rotation and people would be happy that he was developing.

Instead, everyone thought his 8th inning dominance and a small sampling of triple A success would translate into ace type stuff.

If Joba didn't come up a few years ago and dominate in the bullpen, he would be a starting pitcher in the minors today. The Yankees rushed this guy too fast and now they are paying for it.

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Alright, I'm bored with very little to do at work so I'll give this a go. I'm going to grade them on how (I think) most people would: by how the players have performed up to my expectations and their career stats. So here goes.


Jorge Posada: B+ He's been raking so far when he's been in there, but his defense has obviously declined and his CS% reflects that)

Francisco Cervelli: A- Did everything anyone could hope for with Posada and Molina out and more. I don't think he'll ever be a starter because he doesn't walk and doesn't have a lot of pop, but he'll be a solid backup for years to come and he was great during his stay here.


Mark Teixeira: A- Probably the MVP of the team so far, and he's not even up to his career averages. Has brought excellent defense that I've already gotten used after the 7 years of Giambi debacles in the field.

Robinson Cano: B Rebounded from a horrible '08, but his hitting w/RISP has to get better.

Derek Jeter: A+ Maybe he's the MVP. Everything has gotten better, most notably (and improbably) his defense.

Alex Rodriguez: B He probably doesn't deserve this, but the team's record since he returned can't be ignored. And I also don't think it's a coincidence Teixeira turned into an MVP candidate once A-Rod started protecting him in the lineup.

Cody Ransom: Vomit


Melky Cabrera: B+ He's really been one of the biggest surprises. Lots of big hits, solid defense, and good overall numbers.

Brett Gardner: A- Probably a bigger surprise than Melky. His range has been unbelievable in CF. He's showing more pop than his minors numbers would suggest, and he's been getting on-base at a good rate. And when he gets on base, he "makes things happen." :)

Johnny Damon: B Defense is anemic, but offense is great.

Nick Swisher: B Maybe it's just me, but he's doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing. He's never been more than a .240-.250 hitter with power and a great eye.

Hideki Matsui: C+ Whatever

Yeah, I got bored. Maybe pitchers later.

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Posada- C+(Awful defense...decent bat, should be DH'ing.)

Cervelli- A (why he's in the minors, beyond me)

Teixiera-B(the slow starts still counts against him,killed the Yanks early on)

Cano- B- (Gets the minus because he's been batting 5th and cant hit with runners on)

Jeter- A- (Great season so far, needs to cut down on the DP's.)

Arod-B+ (At times, he's looked his best as a Yank, other not somuch...playing good D)

Melky- B+( Better than expected)

Garnder- A(cant ask for anything more)

Damon- B (nightmare in left, great bat)

Swisher- B- (overrated around here, way too streaky...power has gone away,poor defense)

Matsui- Blah

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