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Obvious misunderstanding.


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I've noticed that my last thread took a life of its own and many people here, people that I like in particular misunderstood what I was saying based off of what other people initially misunderstood and posted in the thread. Some decided to simply excite the situation instead of going off what was said.

I happened to get home today and seen my recording of Loudmouths on SNY and decided to post a piece of the show that stated exactly what I was trying to put across. This wasnt about all season ticket holders not being real fans....I never even said that but as I said, the thread took a life of its own. Take a look at the clip and listen to Chris Carley (Bald head guy). This will explain what I meant about "Boo'ing Sanchez". Not that you cant boo even if you are a season ticket holder. Again, never said.

This is my point of view and still is. Hopefully this thread wont take a life of its own like the prior. You dont have to agree with this, but I'd rather you guys understand what was said instead of continuing with this "he said Im not a real fan because I have season tickets" which was never said.

P.S. I made sure I made small Paragraphs for Gainzo. lol.


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This didn't need another thread...

You were not there, you don't know who or what was booed.

They booed the ****ing cheerleaders at one point... who is to say that 50,000 people all were booing Sanchez, not the play calling, not the clock management, not the outcome.


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This didn't need another thread...

You were not there, you don't know who or what was booed.

They booed the ****ing cheerleaders at one point... who is to say that 50,000 people all were booing Sanchez, not the play calling, not the clock management, not the outcome.


Oh, so Sanchez didnt get booed? Maybe that was my tv getting old and booing me for not buying a new one, IDK.

My original thread specifically stated dedicated to certain fans who booed a rookie QB for being a rookie QB. They know who they are. If you dont apply there thats cool.

I just wanted to clairify the stupidity about me saying that season ticket holders are not fans. this is what this thread is about just so you know. This is how threads take a life of their own. Instead of solely reading what was said, people assume and things are never understood.

Thanks BZ.

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Villian, we all know that you are the one Jet fan all us other fans shall be measured by.

Be proud.

I hererby declare you Fireman Villian.

I want my spleen back. :D

Thanks for the semi-sarcastic love. lol. Good luck on your JETi Council exam! lol. Oh, and your spleen is done for playa. Its now part of JETi history, which incorporates 1 superbowl victory and a whole bunch of "wait til next year".

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No, there was no misunderstanding. You were being an arrogant, judgemental prick and you were called out on it.

Why don't you just say "I'm sorry for being a prick" and be done with it?

Because you dont apologize for your point of view. You do however apologize for when you hurt feelings, which if you or anyone can show me where I said season ticket holders are not real fans I'll ante up that apology. And unless anyone can show me that quote then this will be my last comment about this. I try to clear up things, but I kiss no ones azz so there will be no more going back and forth.

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Because you dont apologize for your point of view. You do however apologize for when you hurt feelings, which if you or anyone can show me where I said season ticket holders are not real fans I'll ante up that apology. And unless anyone can show me that quote then this will be my last comment about this. I try to clear up things, but I kiss no ones azz so there will be no more going back and forth.

I can't stand "if I offended anyone, I'm sorry" apologies.


They're not very sincere.


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Oh, so Sanchez didnt get booed? Maybe that was my tv getting old and booing me for not buying a new one, IDK.

My original thread specifically stated dedicated to certain fans who booed a rookie QB for being a rookie QB. They know who they are. If you dont apply there thats cool.

I just wanted to clairify the stupidity about me saying that season ticket holders are not fans. this is what this thread is about just so you know. This is how threads take a life of their own. Instead of solely reading what was said, people assume and things are never understood.

Thanks BZ.

The point is (which you are ignoring) is you don't know who was booing who and why.

You are assuming.... projecting and calling out 70K people for something you don't have the facts on.


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The point is (which you are ignoring) is you don't know who was booing who and why.

You are assuming.... projecting and calling out 70K people for something you don't have the facts on.


Not to get involved in this, but when a QB throws his 5th pick, and the stadium starts booing, well ya can kind of assume

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My head hurts. Can we please close this thread (and the other thread) and just move on to more important topics? How about talking about if Devito and Pouha will even be half the nose tackle big Jenks is.

"Can't we all just get along?" - Rodney King

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I've noticed that my last thread took a life of its own and many people here, people that I like in particular misunderstood what I was saying based off of what other people initially misunderstood and posted in the thread. Some decided to simply excite the situation instead of going off what was said.

I happened to get home today and seen my recording of Loudmouths on SNY and decided to post a piece of the show that stated exactly what I was trying to put across. This wasnt about all season ticket holders not being real fans....I never even said that but as I said, the thread took a life of its own. Take a look at the clip and listen to Chris Carley (Bald head guy). This will explain what I meant about "Boo'ing Sanchez". Not that you cant boo even if you are a season ticket holder. Again, never said.

This is my point of view and still is. Hopefully this thread wont take a life of its own like the prior. You dont have to agree with this, but I'd rather you guys understand what was said instead of continuing with this "he said Im not a real fan because I have season tickets" which was never said.

P.S. I made sure I made small Paragraphs for Gainzo. lol.


Nobody cares....still

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