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The Mets are the 1980s Yankees

Lil Bit Special

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Their starting staff is Santana and Mo, Larry, Curly and hoping Maine or Pelfrey figure it out. So they will have Perez again screw the pooch and be forced to start the likes of Nelson Figueroa.

Bringing in 42-year old Smoltz is insane. he as done with the Sawx, so he cannot ptich vs. the Phillies, Cards, Dodgers9any NL team with power), nor hitters' parks (PNC, Petco,e tc.) nor vs. AL teams in interleague games. Good luck with that. Picture an old Tom Glavine.

Can understand the injury concerns with Sheets, But not looking at Garland or Piniero is inexcusable. They are on their way to being the Oakland Raiders of MLB. Sell the The Coupons obviously were burned bad by Madoff, but that doesn't excuse running this team like the Pirates or the Marlins(both of whom figure to have better records if this keeps up.) goddamn team and be done with it. This is pointless.

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I've had the same thought a few times this off-season. I just kept it to myself figuring most would take my opinion as being a Yankee fan trying to kick the Mets while they're down. I've said several times that New York baseball and this forum are better when both NY teams are playing good baseball. This off-season has been mind boggling though. To comepletely neglect your starting rotation while you're only established guy is getting up there in years and not having an established veteran catcher....it's just mind blowing. It's like when the Yankees signed Richard Dotson and Dave Lapoint to fix a weak starting rotation. It's flys in the face of common sense.

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It just seems like we have no philosophy for building this team whatsoever. If we're going to have one of the highest payrolls then we need to pursue FA's accordingly, meaning idiotic moves like Ollie over Lowe can't happen and you need to get guys like John Lackey when they make themselves available. None of this, "well, we'll sign one free agent for a lot of money but we won't pursue the other two." Bull****, the Red Sox don't act like that, nor do the Yankees or Phillies, and every other franchise that consistently wins. This offseason was mind-boggling. The first moves Omar made were for backup catchers and Japanese JAGS while Joel Pineiro is making it obvious he wants to be a Met. I mean come on, we're in the same division as Philly for Christ's sake. You either have to go all out in your farm system, all out in free agency, or find a balance between both. But you can't half-ass it in all three of those aspects and expect to do anything. Bottom line is the FO has no direction and that's really filtered down to the coaching staff and especially the play on the field.

Also, I really don't see how the hell they're treating it like some revelation that the Mets need to start over. That was obvious after the '07 season. But it's like Minaya and Wilpon keep thinking that this exact roster is going to finally get their act together every season and it never happens. When they're healthy, they choke, and when they're hurt, they have nobody to call up. Sooner or later you have to throw in the towel. Hang on to a few of the key guys and just go a different route already. I'm tired of this roster and I think it's safe to say that 99.9% of Met fans are too. They have no heart and the FO doesn't have the balls to realize it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Better comparison would be they are like the Pirates were early this decade, but with money to spend. lol

What happened to all that "cycle" talk about how the Mets were on the verge of taking over NY?

When I look back on the Pirates, it would have been cool if they could have kept Bonds and Bonilla back in the day.

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When I look back on the Pirates, it would have been cool if they could have kept Bonds and Bonilla back in the day.

Bonds, Bonilla and Van Slke. Loved the way that dude played the game.

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