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Star Wars Mafia

Bleedin Green

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The more you push for my lynching, the more I suspect you.

If you can't see that I have been set up as a patsy by the mafia your brain is dumb.

Is it entirely impossible for you not to suspect someone for suspecting you? Sheesh, you are so hyper defensive.

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Is it entirely impossible for you not to suspect someone for suspecting you? Sheesh, you are so hyper defensive.

At this point in the game, knowing that I am innocent and understanding that I have been clearly set up, anyone who pushes for my lynching is going to automatically be suspect to me.

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I agree. Vic and AVm or an enigma at this point. What say you guys?

Me - innocent

Brett - Cop

Klekco - claimed

Crusher - claimed

Jif - kind of claimed, but not really (only 70 posts in teh game)

Vic - latched onto CTM's bandwagon early and often

AVM - who? yes... very withdrawn from this game

You - trainwreck of a game so far, the only thing you have going for you is my observation about your complete unawareness that the scum team usually has an offline chat concurrent with the game.

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Which he's done in every game I've played with him because he knows it annoys me. Guess what? He's 0 for 3.

this is true. but I28. Think about it...he had to "watch" somebody the first 2 nights.

Another question is would BG make the cop Luke. There is NO other role I could think of that would be so hard to kill besides Luke. If brett is Luke than I could only see the emperor with this power.

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Is it entirely impossible for you not to suspect someone for suspecting you? Sheesh, you are so hyper defensive.

This is what I am trying to keep controlled here... if Klecko starts getting uber defensive, then this day phase will go to ****.

Brett where are you?

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this is true. but I28. Think about it...he had to "watch" somebody the first 2 nights.

Another question is would BG make the cop Luke. There is NO other role I could think of that would be so hard to kill besides Luke. If brett is Luke than I could only see the emperor with this power.

We've discussed this add nauseum.

Nobody is assuming Klecko is innocent, we are just trying to do our due diligence in scum hunting...

Klecko could be Yoda, he could be Jabba (who ironically was strangled in th movie) or he could be Wedge... we don't know. Pump the brakes.

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this is true. but I28. Think about it...he had to "watch" somebody the first 2 nights.

Another question is would BG make the cop Luke. There is NO other role I could think of that would be so hard to kill besides Luke. If brett is Luke than I could only see the emperor with this power.

OMG, the more you post, the more suspect you become.

Is the Emporer a minor character?

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Me - innocent

Brett - Cop

Klekco - claimed

Crusher - claimed

Jif - kind of claimed, but not really (only 70 posts in teh game)

Vic - latched onto CTM's bandwagon early and often

AVM - who? yes... very withdrawn from this game

You - trainwreck of a game so far, the only thing you have going for you is my observation about your complete unawareness that the scum team usually has an offline chat concurrent with the game.

Well, even with me as the town reject we still look good at this point if Brett found another scum.

What did Jif claim again. I missed some stuff from yesterday.

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I agree. Vic and AVm or an enigma at this point. What say you guys?

What do you want me to say?

Personally I think keeping AVM, myself, JiF and you with our roles hidden now is probably a good thing.

Think about it, right now Brett needs to be doing his investigations, the more innocents he uncovers, the better for us.

If we role reveal we KNOW that one of the 4 of us is the doc. Right now our doc is probably protecting Brett, a good thing. The only way that the Empire gets to our cop is if they hit doc on the night phase. Right now, only they know they odds because they know who is innocent and who is scum, but it could take as much as 3 night shots to try and hit the doc. Then they gotta sit and wait an extra night to then hit the cop.

Brett is by far the biggest threat to the empire right now. Although CTM probably wants to be here helping with the scum hunting I think he'd agree that Cop > everyone right now. The longer he plays, the narrower the field gets for us to pick from. Keeping the doc hidden I think is pretty important right now. I'm open to being investigated as I know what I am and have nothing to hide.

I'm just merely talking from a strategy aspect. Once the doc is out and revealed. the scum are going to take a shot at him right away. Then we lose our protection for the cop who is key.

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We've discussed this add nauseum.

Nobody is assuming Klecko is innocent, we are just trying to do our due diligence in scum hunting...

Klecko could be Yoda, he could be Jabba (who ironically was strangled in th movie) or he could be Wedge... we don't know. Pump the brakes.

I am so hoping Bret invesitgated Hess right now.

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At this point in the game, knowing that I am innocent and understanding that I have been clearly set up, anyone who pushes for my lynching is going to automatically be suspect to me.

Good lord man. No offense, this game isn't centered around you. OH WOW YOU NEED AN EXTRA VOTE TO GET LYNCHED.

So what? That makes you town? It reeks when someone is this defensive with the OMG I'VE BEEN SET UP. It allows you to play the victim. If you were smart you'd stop being so insanely defensive and cool your engines a bit until there are say, 3 votes on you. For now, we're talking.

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Good lord man. No offense, this game isn't centered around you. OH WOW YOU NEED AN EXTRA VOTE TO GET LYNCHED.

So what? That makes you town? It reeks when someone is this defensive with the OMG I'VE BEEN SET UP. It allows you to play the victim. If you were smart you'd stop being so insanely defensive and cool your engines a bit until there are say, 3 votes on you. For now, we're talking.

...which is why I badgered him. To see the reaction. Will sit back and wait for brett's investigation now.

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Good lord man. No offense, this game isn't centered around you. OH WOW YOU NEED AN EXTRA VOTE TO GET LYNCHED.

So what? That makes you town? It reeks when someone is this defensive with the OMG I'VE BEEN SET UP. It allows you to play the victim. If you were smart you'd stop being so insanely defensive and cool your engines a bit until there are say, 3 votes on you. For now, we're talking.

Sorry bud. It's just a little annoying to start every ****ing day phase of the game with people pointing fingers at me instead of actually trying to find scum.

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Good lord man. No offense, this game isn't centered around you. OH WOW YOU NEED AN EXTRA VOTE TO GET LYNCHED.

So what? That makes you town? It reeks when someone is this defensive with the OMG I'VE BEEN SET UP. It allows you to play the victim. If you were smart you'd stop being so insanely defensive and cool your engines a bit until there are say, 3 votes on you. For now, we're talking.


Town doesn't benefit if this day phase turns into another day of Klecko hunting.

Brett, sounds like there might be a Role Blocker? Coudl they have stopped your investigation last night now that they know who you are???

Is there a vigilante in this game? Town, do we want the Vig to claim so we can find out why they have not been successful?

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What do you want me to say?

Personally I think keeping AVM, myself, JiF and you with our roles hidden now is probably a good thing.

Think about it, right now Brett needs to be doing his investigations, the more innocents he uncovers, the better for us.

If we role reveal we KNOW that one of the 4 of us is the doc. Right now our doc is probably protecting Brett, a good thing. The only way that the Empire gets to our cop is if they hit doc on the night phase. Right now, only they know they odds because they know who is innocent and who is scum, but it could take as much as 3 night shots to try and hit the doc. Then they gotta sit and wait an extra night to then hit the cop.

Brett is by far the biggest threat to the empire right now. Although CTM probably wants to be here helping with the scum hunting I think he'd agree that Cop > everyone right now. The longer he plays, the narrower the field gets for us to pick from. Keeping the doc hidden I think is pretty important right now. I'm open to being investigated as I know what I am and have nothing to hide.

I'm just merely talking from a strategy aspect. Once the doc is out and revealed. the scum are going to take a shot at him right away. Then we lose our protection for the cop who is key.

I agree now with the role blocking. If we were to have one scum left it would have made more sense. THe Role block just ****ed this game up for town.

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JiF just texted me that his computer at work has a virus and he can't get online.

I found another PC at work, so I should be good to post at my normal times...we do have some corporate folks in today so I dont know how busy I'll be after this next hour or so of posting...but I'll be able to post tonight.

I dont have a power charger for this PC...so I'm having issues...hopefully this wont hold us back too much.

Sorry guys.

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Ahhh yes they must have a role blocker

Indeed. Now, odds are that one of us unclaimed are likely scum, and one of the claimed are likely lying. We have probably a 6-2 (maybe 5-2-1?) lead.

IF we were to mass claim (and I'm thinking out loud here as I type...not saying we should) -- We likely either get 2 doc claims or if not, we've got 2 genuine fake claims. No matter what, if we have any counters we go 1 for 1, which would leave us (assuming a successful NK by the scum) at most likely 4-1. If not, we have to piece together who's who via the role reveals. I've been against it all game, but quite frankly it doesn't make sense not to. A roleblocker is going to block Brett's play until dead, now -- so we can't assume we're getting any other investigation results. If everyone's ok by it, I volunteer to go first (or last if you'd prefer, as I'm a top suspect)

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Town doesn't benefit if this day phase turns into another day of Klecko hunting.

Brett, sounds like there might be a Role Blocker? Coudl they have stopped your investigation last night now that they know who you are???

Is there a vigilante in this game? Town, do we want the Vig to claim so we can find out why they have not been successful?

I think it's obvious why bro.

We don't have a vig. We got crusher who is a one shot kind of Vig. That makes sense to me.

Brett- Can you tell us WHO you investigated?

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