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Either charge PSL's and hear the masses bitch & moan or don't charge PSL's and increase ticket prices by 200% and hear the masses bitch & moan.

If you think both teams could've built this stadium and just increased all ticket prices by $5, you're out of your ****ing mind.

Can you tell me what the price protection terms are in your PSL agreement?

After you've plunked down your PSL cash, the team can raise prices by 10% or more every year and your only recourse will be:

- begrudingly pay the extra money

- try to find a buyer for your PSL's before the invoice for the following season is due

- decline the tickets and lose your PSL and whatever remaining value it carries

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has any major TV market NFL team ever had a black out ?

I can't see the NFL and the advertisers allowing it to happen

All of them have. How far back do you want to go? '70's, '80's, '90's?

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I've been hearing that the Eagles also had problems selling PSLs their first year. Does anybody know what they did when the didn't sell all of their PSLs? I'm not personally effected, but am curious.

The Eagles didn't have any psl's over $5K and it is a true psl you get first shot at any event in the stadium

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Why should he?

I hope they get blacked out so that the "real" fans who sit on their asses at home can bitch and moan while I enjoy the win in person.

F the people who refuse to pony up the cash. F 'em.

Its one thing if you can't afford it, its another thing if you just won't do it.

This might be the single worst post I have ever seen. I love the "I am a bigger fan than you posts".

Being able to afford things is a relative term. Can I afford them? Technically yes. Am I buying them F no. That doesn't make me any less of a fan, I have had tickets for 900 years and never missed a game.

Woody Johnson is a greedy scumbag who overplayed his hand and now has to pay the price. Good for him.

Jets fans, I am proud of you!

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I know you are not going to understand this Joe but some people have principles

Amen. One person comes to mind right away on this PSL issue and nobody gave the Jets more money in years past. But enough is enough.

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The seats that aren't being sold were never designed to go to "real" fans. They are designed to be sold to corporations.

At the end of the day if enough New York companies decide to say no and the Jets actually do black out games, it will be a sign that NFL revenue has peeked and the real fan may actually have a shot to get back in the game down the road.

Nothing would be better for the real fan if the NFL NYC franchises blacked out games and the networks lost that advertising revenue. The snowball down in revenue would ultimately make the NFL affordable again.

Really good post...

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I am hoping for blackouts.

Blackouts would mean LOTS of empty seats. Which would mean a quiet stadium.

That could hurt the Jets, "home field advantage".

I would never root against the team like that.

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And yes, I sold two extra seats because I had 4 seats and only needed 2 for myself.

Joe the Jets are making you buy 2 seats just for yourself? That is brutal I didn't realize that was happening.

Crusher and I have two seats together, we are now going to have to buy 4. This gets worse and worse.

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What would a blackout do except make the people on the fence say "well, I'm not missing any games so I'm gonna buy seats"?

What else would the blackout do? HHHmmmm I am not sure. Can't think of any advertising related impact, lol.

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Joe the Jets are making you buy 2 seats just for yourself? That is brutal I didn't realize that was happening.

Crusher and I have two seats together, we are now going to have to buy 4. This gets worse and worse.


Dude, you kill me

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Randy Lange :

Johnson Positive on Sellout/Blackout Issues

Published: 05-13-10

randy_lange_headshot_81x63.jpg?1177529599By Randy Lange

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Woody Johnson had a simple, forceful statement in response to the New Jets Stadium PSL talk among fans and media today:

"We're confident we're going to sell out."

And that confidence has led to three points that the Jets owner wants to stress to the fans who will fill the stands and those who will be watching at home:

■ The Jets will not sell individual PSL tickets on a game-by-game basis during the season, feeling it would be unfair to those fans who have made the commitment to purchase Personal Seat Licenses.

■ The team has no plans to further reduce PSL prices.

■ No Jets home game will be blacked out.

Why is Johnson so confident in selling all seats and having no games fall under the NFL's television blackout rules? Because, he told newyorkjets.com, he has the utmost confidence in the product that will be put on the field.

"Coming into this season, the Jets are a potential Super Bowl team. You saw what we did last year," Johnson said of the Jets' strong finish that ended one game short of Super Bowl XLIV. "The team is good, the stadium is incredible. When people come to the stadium, see the stadium, they want to make sure they're in the stadium for the season ahead."

Matt Higgins, the Jets' executive vice president of business operations, emphasized that "You won't be able to buy tickets from the Jets on a gameday basis, that's for certain. We will be sold out, and even if we were not, which we fully expect we will be, the only way to purchase tickets from the team will be with a PSL on a season ticket basis.''

There has been much speculation about how many PSLs remain before the 2010 regular season gets off and flying on Monday night, Sept. 13, against the Baltimore Ravens. As has been the case throughout the sales campaign, Johnson did not specify the number during a question-and-answer session with reporters at Wednesday's Jets/Giants Super Bowl bid announcement. And the Jets hierarchy maintained that position today.

But Rob Sullivan, the team's vice president of consumer sales and service, said PSL sales are not just all about the short term and the 2010 season but for the long term as well.

"The fans who have bought PSLs know they will have access to the same great seats for decades to come," Sullivan said.

For the long and short term, Johnson stressed again that there's no mystery to the Jets' stance on these fan-based issues.

"We're not going to have any blackouts," Johnson said, "and we're going to sell out."

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The Eagles didn't have any psl's over $5K and it is a true psl you get first shot at any event in the stadium

Exactly. This was the original idea behind the concept of PSL's and was the "value added" that would entice you to plunk down the cash. Conveniently that has all gone away and now all you get is locked in while the team gets to raise ticket prices every second year or so. If the team can't sell the PSL's, that would tell me that the secondary PSL market is non-existent unless you are having a fire sale. I considered going for a pair, but these exact reasons made me go to the upper deck. If I don't like it I can walk away, no fuss, no muss. This, after having season tickets for over 25 years.

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The Jets are a PR Nightmare. Randy does a good job in near unworkable conditions. But the decisions that are made above him make it the PR disaster that it is.

I wonder if the Jets are making their employees take time off (unpaid) again this summer. I just asked Randy on Twitter.

@nyjets Randy any update on if the #jets are going to force their employees to take unpaid time off again this summer?

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Exactly. This was the original idea behind the concept of PSL's and was the "value added" that would entice you to plunk down the cash. Convenientlym that has all gone away and now all you get is locked in while the team gets to raise ticket prices every second year or so. If the team can't sell the PSL's, that would tell me that the secondary PSL market is non-existent unless you are having a fire sale. I considered going for a pair, but these exact reasons made me go to the upper deck. If I don't like it I can walk away, no fuss, no muss. This, after having season tickets for over 25 years.

Oh whah. If you don't let the Jets put a lien on your home you are not a fan at all. Suck it up and buy the club seats.

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has any major TV market NFL team ever had a black out ?

I can't see the NFL and the advertisers allowing it to happen

The Jets home games were not on tv until 1979. in 77 and 78 the home games were blacked out. while the Giants, under the leadership of head coach Ray Perkins and having John Rufus Mendenhall and brad van Pelt sold out every home game no matter how bad they played..lol

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so who will buy the remaining seats during the week to prevent a blackout? The Jets? :lol: that is even dumber than dumb. maybe 124 actually works for the Jets front office and is consulting Woody on how real fans feel?

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Oh whah. If you don't let the Jets put a lien on your home you are not a fan at all. Suck it up and buy the club seats.

I was actually thinking of starting a Jets website, something like JetUniverse.com or something like that. Then I will take the proceeds and get $20k PSL's and $700 tickets.

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I was actually thinking of starting a Jets website, something like JetUniverse.com or something like that. Then I will take the proceeds and get $20k PSL's and $700 tickets.

I once had a similar plan. But the $500 in monthly sites costs is getting in the way. :winking0001:

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This might be the single worst post I have ever seen. I love the "I am a bigger fan than you posts".

Being able to afford things is a relative term. Can I afford them? Technically yes. Am I buying them F no. That doesn't make me any less of a fan, I have had tickets for 900 years and never missed a game.

Woody Johnson is a greedy scumbag who overplayed his hand and now has to pay the price. Good for him.

Jets fans, I am proud of you!

When did I ever say someone was less of a fan? All I said was "F them" if they don't want to pay, then TOO FREAKING BAD if they do get blacked out. You made that choice. Never questioned anyone's fan hood. Nice try trying to put words in my mouth.


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Joe the Jets are making you buy 2 seats just for yourself? That is brutal I didn't realize that was happening.

Crusher and I have two seats together, we are now going to have to buy 4. This gets worse and worse.

You might need 6.

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When did I ever say someone was less of a fan? All I said was "F them" if they don't want to pay, then TOO FREAKING BAD if they do get blacked out. You made that choice. Never questioned anyone's fan hood. Nice try trying to put words in my mouth.


You also used "real" fans in quotes in this thread. You fail. At posting. And making sound financial decisions. :-P

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You also used "real" fans in quotes in this thread. You fail. At posting. And making sound financial decisions. :-P

Never did I say that you aren't a real fan if you don't purchase a PSL.


You fail.

You may think I didn't make a sound financial decision, but that is your opinion. I'm fairly certain I come from a better background when it comes to finances. But, what have you.

Maybe you should **** off and die, Phil. You stupid religious dumb **** bastard. :)

This board has run its course and so have you. It is pathetic, sir.

You don't have to ban me because I'm leaving.

You truly turned into an ******* from a good guy. A grade a ****ing ahole. Enjoy it. You became what you left 5 years ago.

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Never did I say that you aren't a real fan if you don't purchase a PSL.


You fail.

You may think I didn't make a sound financial decision, but that is your opinion. I'm fairly certain I come from a better background when it comes to finances. But, what have you.

Maybe you should **** off and die, Phil. You stupid religious dumb **** bastard. :)

This board has run its course and so have you. It is pathetic, sir.

You don't have to ban me because I'm leaving.

You truly turned into an ******* from a good guy. A grade a ****ing ahole. Enjoy it. You became what you left 5 years ago.

Joe I wouldn't ban you. Sorry to hear that you are leaving again, I always liked you. I mean that. I think you are a bit immature and have a hard time with differing view points. But I think you are a good kid and I do take it serious when you say you are leaving. Granted this is the 6th or 7th time you said that but I mean that, I would never want anyone to leave here even if they disagree with me over PSLs.

You did question peoples fanhood when you said "real" fans will be at home. But since you are leaving the site I guess it doesn't matter.

As far as me turning into something different I totally disagree. But I respect your opinion and wish you well.

Take care man.

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Why should he?

I hope they get blacked out so that the "real" fans who sit on their asses at home can bitch and moan while I enjoy the win in person.

F the people who refuse to pony up the cash. F 'em.

Its one thing if you can't afford it, its another thing if you just won't do it.

Hey 'rich boy', you do realize the country is still in the grips of a recession right? Not everyone can afford to pony up cash to spend Sundays @ overpriced NFL games. And even if they can afford them, there are better uses for 10-40 grand than to spend on PSLs. The JETS and their PSLs have out priced a vast number of their "REAL" fans. Way to sh!t on people for having principles and putting their foot down. If you wanna be Woody Johnson's bitch then go ahead, but not at the expense of crapping over other people who have a differing opinion. Get your head out the f-cking clouds. I wish we were all lucky enough to have a job @ the financial powerhouse that is Modells sporting goods. :rolleyes: GTFOH

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Never did I say that you aren't a real fan if you don't purchase a PSL.


You fail.

You may think I didn't make a sound financial decision, but that is your opinion. I'm fairly certain I come from a better background when it comes to finances. But, what have you.

Maybe you should **** off and die, Phil. You stupid religious dumb **** bastard. :)

This board has run its course and so have you. It is pathetic, sir.

You don't have to ban me because I'm leaving.

You truly turned into an ******* from a good guy. A grade a ****ing ahole. Enjoy it. You became what you left 5 years ago.

Joe, you have proven once again that you are an immature condescending baby.

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Hey 'rich boy', you do realize the country is still in the grips of a recession right? Not everyone can afford to pony up cash to spend Sundays @ overpriced NFL games. And even if they can afford them, there are better uses for 10-40 grand than to spend on PSLs. The JETS and their PSLs have out priced a vast number of their "REAL" fans. Way to sh!t on people for having principles and putting their foot down. If you wanna be Woody Johnson's bitch then go ahead, but not at the expense of crapping over other people who have a differing opinion. Get your head out the f-cking clouds. I wish we were all lucky enough to have a job @ the financial powerhouse that is Modells sporting goods. :rolleyes: GTFOH

He left AGAIN :1cry: and this time he's really never ever coming back..really :1cry:

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I honestly didn't think he was serious.

He takes it personal over his football team..lol..and he makes sound financial decisions being a 21 year old, who's working at a sporting goods store ;) Woody needs more real fans like Joe to take advantage of ;)

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He left AGAIN :1cry: and this time he's really never ever coming back..really :1cry:

He's a f-cking baby, so whatevs. Im not gonna cry about his departure. He's cool when he's talking football, he knows his **** and i enjoy reading his insightful football related posts. Other than that he has a sh!tty, overly condescending persona.

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I don't want to dwell on this too long but one thing I would like to comment on. I was accused of becoming an a**hole and that I have run my course.

I disagree that this is something new. I have always been an a**hole. That is one of the reasons this place had to be started. Because so many of us a'holes had nowhere else to go.

And I think anyone who reads my posts knows that they ran their course years ago.

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