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No holding calls in the first half.....


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...against the Steelers. They amasses 131 yards and while i saw some blatant holding by the Steelers there were no flags.

Is it me or did everyone see the same or worse.

I was screaming the entire game, but...

that's the NFL. It's a joke.

After tonight, and my last few minutes before I go to bed, I am done.

35 years, rooting for the Jets. Rooting for a team that could never get it together, in a league that is so fulls of sh*t it sickens me. I'm done.

It was nice chatting with all of you, but I have more important things to do than give my money to a bunch of jokers that falsely advertise a "game"

The NFl is so fixed it's stupid. screw it, I don't need it. I'll get my sports fix elsewhere.

Woulda been nice to see the Jets win it, but even if they win it, would it be real?

Thanks for the time on the board guys.

Good luck! If the NFl cleans their act up, I'll see you again. but I don't count on it.

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I was screaming the entire game, but...

that's the NFL. It's a joke.

After tonight, and my last few minutes before I go to bed, I am done.

35 years, rooting for the Jets. Rooting for a team that could never get it together, in a league that is so fulls of sh*t it sickens me. I'm done.

It was nice chatting with all of you, but I have more important things to do than give my money to a bunch of jokers that falsely advertise a "game"

The NFl is so fixed it's stupid. screw it, I don't need it. I'll get my sports fix elsewhere.

Woulda been nice to see the Jets win it, but even if they win it, would it be real?

Thanks for the time on the board guys.

Good luck! If the NFl cleans their act up, I'll see you again. but I don't count on it.

Deep breaths young man....

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...against the Steelers. They amasses 131 yards and while i saw some blatant holding by the Steelers there were no flags.

Is it me or did everyone see the same or worse.

I saw some plays the Steelers were actully hugging the Jets DL men and nothing was called. Can't blame them though, if the refs are not going to call it might as well exploit it.

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man, you guys are over the top. I understand being pissed off, but come on. Our team didn't even show up in the first half. That's why we lost.

I agree with you 100 % but they did hold a lot in the first half. Some of the holds seemed pretty obvious but the refs were not calling any holding penalties on the LOS Credit the Steelers with beinbg smart enough to take advantage. Im just pointing that out not blaming the loss on the refs at all. The only play that really pissed me off was the Harrison Elbow to Sanchez Shoulder and head on a foot first slide

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I agree with you 100 % but they did hold a lot in the first half. Some of the holds seemed pretty obvious but the refs were not calling any holding penalties on the LOS Credit the Steelers with beinbg smart enough to take advantage. Im just pointing that out not blaming the loss on the refs at all. The only play that really pissed me off was the Harrison Elbow to Sanchez Shoulder and head on a foot first slide

I thought the NFL wanted to protect the passer!

Or was it protect the Tom Brady ? :angry:

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I saw some plays the Steelers were actully hugging the Jets DL men and nothing was called. Can't blame them though, if the refs are not going to call it might as well exploit it.

I saw the Jets OL grabbing the Pats DL around the neck like wrestling cattle.

No calls either. It happens.

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I was screaming the entire game, but...

that's the NFL. It's a joke.

After tonight, and my last few minutes before I go to bed, I am done.

35 years, rooting for the Jets. Rooting for a team that could never get it together, in a league that is so fulls of sh*t it sickens me. I'm done.

It was nice chatting with all of you, but I have more important things to do than give my money to a bunch of jokers that falsely advertise a "game"

The NFl is so fixed it's stupid. screw it, I don't need it. I'll get my sports fix elsewhere.

Woulda been nice to see the Jets win it, but even if they win it, would it be real?

Thanks for the time on the board guys.

Good luck! If the NFl cleans their act up, I'll see you again. but I don't count on it.

You cant live without it. The sting will go away and you will be wearing your Green and White in not time.

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I agree with you 100 % but they did hold a lot in the first half. Some of the holds seemed pretty obvious but the refs were not calling any holding penalties on the LOS Credit the Steelers with beinbg smart enough to take advantage. Im just pointing that out not blaming the loss on the refs at all. The only play that really pissed me off was the Harrison Elbow to Sanchez Shoulder and head on a foot first slide

On one of Mendenhall's longer runs, Heath Miller drove David Harris about 20 yards down the field... and in the replay you could see the jersey numbers from the back of Harris' jersey under his armpit. No call.

There were some very obvious no calls in the game. That said, we could have and should have overcome them. Overcoming them would have included tackling Mendenhall for a loss every time we burst through their offensive line and had him for -3 when he got the handoff... instead, our guys watch him run right past them.

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How does Steelers holding on offense relate to JETS play on offense ?

I am sure you know better than that!

Now, P1SS OFF!!

You didn't answer my question. I simply asked if the Jets oline were called for holding as your OP implies that the Steelers oline did it every play.

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The d-baggery continues.....

The last thing expected today is for a troll to come on this board and try to be a smart a$$!

WTF is wrong with you? I haven't said a bad word about the Jets as I simply asked you a question. Jeez dude.

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Really you are not trying to be a smart a$$ ?

Most days i give trolls the benefit of the doubt. Not today. Go ply your trollage somewhere else!


You flat out stated that the Steelers oline was holding all game without a flag. I asked you if the Jets were flagged for holding.

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man, you guys are over the top. I understand being pissed off, but come on. Our team didn't even show up in the first half. That's why we lost.

Correct 1000%.

Pitt was too busy blowing us off the line of scrimmage that they did not need to hold.

We did not respond to the punch in the face they opened the game with and simply did not tackle.

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