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WrestleMafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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i was insta voted for suggesting the same thing 1/2 hr ago?


vote slats

What can I say? You think faster than I do.

You were talking about him confirming himself, which seemed silly to me from that angle. But thinking that he is telling the truth, I'm thinking today's now the only day he's going to get to use that power of his.

Something tells me that you won't get NK'ed... and you won't end up firing this shot of your either. This confirms my point, if JF80 thinks its more valuable that he don't shoot blind and wants us to wait until his NK to learn from his death, then lets just lynch him and learn what we can now.

If we lynch him, and he flips scum, first person I'm looking at is Slats for the "golly gee fellas, that sure look just like a PM to me" post. I imagine if JF80 false claimed, he had the words spoon fed to him in the scum thread...

Haha! The poo has cometh my way! :lol:

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I'm trying to think this should he shoot or shouldn't he out...

I think Slats' point is the most salient. JF80 is a likely kill target tonight because he poses the biggest threat to the scum (that is known). In that sense, he won't have a chance to use his power.

Shooting into a "crowd" is problematic, but the numbers have improved since we opened.

In a 20 player game we figure there are 5 scum, so there's a 20% chance of killing scum. If we exclude Song, myself, and JF80 from the scum pool, that's 5 of 17 which is 30%. That's better odds, but is that enough to take a chance? With potential power roles out there I don't think we can take that chance.

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I am a 1-time day vig. One time throughout the game, during a day phase I have the ability to kill one player. If a player was protected during the prior night phase, they will still be protected throughout the following day phase.

I win with town.

So... take that shot yet?

First responder...

I figured you were either cop/doc/vig. At least we didnt out the cop or the doc. I'll stay put on Bret.

Second responder... scummy to say "at least we didn't out cop/doc, then vote for Brett who is unclaimed."

I don't know how much I'll be around before the noon deadline tomorrow. I could vote Brett again, as he looks next up for a reveal. Or I could move to lynch Doggin because I don't see the +1 thing as much of a town power, but dangerous as a scum power. Also agree with everyone that the town is probably going to have to deal with Doggin eventually, as the scum is likely to let him live and allow suspicion of the Mighty Doggin to fester.

The activity around JiF is interesting, but it seems late in the day to take a turn in a new direction.

I'll cast a vote before I go to bed tonight.

Distances from JIF noise I was making. Nudges Brett. Opposed to "new direction."

Really though.

What the fvck is the point of having him take his only shot now and probably taking out a townie before we lynch another one before lunch tomorrow?

vote: CTM

Explain that logic. Have a nice day.

Interesting... "new direction?"

i was insta voted for suggesting the same thing 1/2 hr ago?


vote slats


What can I say? You think faster than I do.

You were talking about him confirming himself, which seemed silly to me from that angle. But thinking that he is telling the truth, I'm thinking today's now the only day he's going to get to use that power of his.

Haha! The poo has cometh my way! :lol:

Yes, the poo cometh indeed Slatsy...

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First responder...

Second responder... scummy to say "at least we didn't out cop/doc, then vote for Brett who is unclaimed."

Distances from JIF noise I was making. Nudges Brett. Opposed to "new direction."

Interesting... "new direction?"


Yes, the poo cometh indeed Slatsy...

I'm not even going to bother with you again this game. Ain't happening.

Want to tie me to JiF? Knock yourself out.

vote: Brett

JF80 - if you feel like playing the game beyond tomorrow's deadline, I'd suggest you take your best shot, or shoot the leading vote getter in the morning. The town could use that lynch info, then get a whole 'nother lynch to work with to finish up D1 after your done. You don't shoot, you're dead.

Or don't. Like I said, that probably saves a mason tonight.

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I was debating for a long time whether or not to divulge this information, but I feel the time is right and it's important. I let the info settle so you can all see the reactions right after and then go back and see who looks scummy from this. I was the one targeted today, and I survived for reasons that it would only hurt the town to make known. Obviously, I was targeted by a non-town player, because they went for the shot soon after hearing my "semi-reveal" without having any other clues to my alignment.

I don't know if this is the right play or not, but it only benefits the town for you guys to get this information. There is no point in holding the information until when I may become vulnerable, because then I may never get to deliver the message.

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I was debating for a long time whether or not to divulge this information, but I feel the time is right and it's important. I let the info settle so you can all see the reactions right after and then go back and see who looks scummy from this. I was the one targeted today, and I survived for reasons that it would only hurt the town to make known. Obviously, I was targeted by a non-town player, because they went for the shot soon after hearing my "semi-reveal" without having any other clues to my alignment.

I don't know if this is the right play or not, but it only benefits the town for you guys to get this information. There is no point in holding the information until when I may become vulnerable, because then I may never get to deliver the message.


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JF80 - if you feel like playing the game beyond tomorrow's deadline, I'd suggest you take your best shot, or shoot the leading vote getter in the morning. The town could use that lynch info, then get a whole 'nother lynch to work with to finish up D1 after your done. You don't shoot, you're dead.

I'll think about it tomorrow morning. BG went to bed so there's no point in making the decision right now.

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I was debating for a long time whether or not to divulge this information, but I feel the time is right and it's important. I let the info settle so you can all see the reactions right after and then go back and see who looks scummy from this. I was the one targeted today, and I survived for reasons that it would only hurt the town to make known. Obviously, I was targeted by a non-town player, because they went for the shot soon after hearing my "semi-reveal" without having any other clues to my alignment.

I don't know if this is the right play or not, but it only benefits the town for you guys to get this information. There is no point in holding the information until when I may become vulnerable, because then I may never get to deliver the message.

Were you informed that you were targeted?

Secondly, if WE was the victim of a day time shot that looks to be scum... What does that say about JF80?

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I'm not even going to bother with you again this game. Ain't happening.

Want to tie me to JiF? Knock yourself out.

vote: Brett

JF80 - if you feel like playing the game beyond tomorrow's deadline, I'd suggest you take your best shot, or shoot the leading vote getter in the morning. The town could use that lynch info, then get a whole 'nother lynch to work with to finish up D1 after your done. You don't shoot, you're dead.

Or don't. Like I said, that probably saves a mason tonight.

find it real interesting that you're practically begging him to shoot now that you think i'll be the target..not very slats like , imo

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Indeed... teh Crusher has been all over WE and ran for the hills when we started talking about JFat shooting someone.

Mr. Socko doesn't like Crushers play...

That was EXACTLY who I had in mind. I was going to pull a big multi-quote to show it, but he was suggesting it in every post for a page or two, and then completely dropped off. That was after my semi-reveal and before somebody took a shot at me.

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find it real interesting that you're practically begging him to shoot now that you think i'll be the target..not very slats like , imo

I do not think that you'll be the target. What makes you say that?

If I were to guess, I'd think it would be Doggin or Brett.

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Mr Socko wants to know what you think about da Crush-her.

Mr Hat would have to go back and do a re-read. I've been neutral on him, but that's largely because I love him as much as everybody else and hate to lynch him.

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Mr Hat would have to go back and do a re-read. I've been neutral on him, but that's largely because I love him as much as everybody else and hate to lynch him.

Mr Socko doesn't like that some people are deemed unlynchable because they're jolly and what not.

Mr Socko says he wasn't too jolly when he was calling him a "hateful, lonely, faggot".

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Im not sure what I think right now... Whats your opinion on WE's claim is respect to JF?

I believe WE.

I also took JF80 at face value with his reveal. I think he would've done better to fudge his role a little bit, but it looked to me like he told it as it is verbatim. I believe he still has a shot to take. There's no reason for me to believe that BG made a one shot vig that can shoot in the daytime, but didn't make any other characters that could.

Mr Socko doesn't like that some people are deemed unlynchable because they're jolly and what not.

Mr Socko says he wasn't too jolly when he was calling him a "hateful, lonely, faggot".


I'll go back and look now. It's getting late for me to continue to try and think logically, though.

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Apologies for not using the quotes...too awkward in this case. Anyways, Crusher's comments on me:


"Of course it is. No role townies act like no role townies when they face a lynch. Scum act like power roles.

I have no interest in moving my vote. "

Isn't it actually the complete opposite, where scum tend to act as roleless townies?

"Looks a little forced but if no one is willing to vote WAR then I will agree to send SMC to the dead thread... where he happens to rule. "

"Now that you made a funny... Can you please defend so we can go back to lynching War? thanxkbai "


"Dude I really don;t think your scum. I do think war is though. "

Vic:"I suppose I never thought of it that way. If that's the case then I feel like War and JF80 are my top 2. Given the time constraints I'm cool with going either of those 2 directions."

Crusher: "Boom."

SMC: "For me, I'd go (in any order) J80, WE, and Brett. I'd vote for any of them. Plus, either of them could be the fallback in your "scramble" scenario to avoid a random lynch. That's how I'm playing it.

Crusher: "Boom... Though not as sure on Brett. But BOOM "

I think he was trying to drive a lynch on me after my semi-reveal to remove a powerful townie (he would know as scum that I am town). When that failed, he tried to take me out. This failure probably gave him more food to try and drive another lynch against me, figuring nobody knew who was attacked and if successful he would take out a powerful figure. Instead, I knew all along but kept quiet to draw out other reactions. After failing to drive a train on me for the second time, he fled to the hills or something and ignored me from thereon out...

Those quotes are in chronological order, by the way.

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Mr Socko is going to bed now but he has a feeling Crusher will have all sorts of new adjectives to describe him tomorrow.

One thing that stands out in a quick look is some Brett deflection.

In one post, he quote's SMC liking J80, WE, and Brett as scum, and Crush generally agreeing - but not as sure on Brett.

In another, AVM says there's probably scum on the longer trains (ya think?), and Crusher feels the need to add, "I would dare say theirs a couple on Brett's train."

I haven't liked Brett all game, so I don't like that.

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L O FREAKING L CTM. That's some grade A advice you're giving out there.

One thing that stands out in a quick look is some Brett deflection.

In one post, he quote's SMC liking J80, WE, and Brett as scum, and Crush generally agreeing - but not as sure on Brett.

In another, AVM says there's probably scum on the longer trains (ya think?), and Crusher feels the need to add, "I would dare say theirs a couple on Brett's train."

I haven't liked Brett all game, so I don't like that.

Some of you people really fail at general comprehension. CTM was the one saying the entire scum team was on SMC's train. I said of course it'd be dumb to think there were no scum on those trains, but you should also expect them to be scattered around. I'll go find that exact quote right now. Really though, great investigative reporting.

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L O FREAKING L CTM. That's some grade A advice you're giving out there.

Some of you people really fail at general comprehension. CTM was the one saying the entire scum team was on SMC's train. I said of course it'd be dumb to think there were no scum on those trains, but you should also expect them to be scattered around. I'll go find that exact quote right now. Really though, great investigative reporting.

please show me the quote where i said the ENTIRE scum team is on SMC's train..

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I follow your logic here, but why do you think scum would freely be jumping in mass numbers from train to train? More often than not they're going to scatter themselves rather than be that obvious, no? I'd agree there has been scum on each of the longer trains, it wouldn't make sense not to.

Post #1226 for anyone interested, just incase anyone thinks I may have edited or what not.

Now, while we're at it, would we like to continue on to outing the entire town, and eventually get to the point where some genius claims it's a good time to mass reveal, so scum can plan out who to attack and hide themselves the most efficiently? Holy cow guys, what's pathetic is I feel pretty solid most of this is the towns doing while the scum sit back and laugh -- and everyone thinks they're doing a great job.

Now you're going to back down from CTM, out of fear. Then what's next? Maybe we'll finally get scum (if we haven't already), and they'll just make up yet another SUPER SCARY role for everyone to run away from. Grow some damn balls. We lynch town on Day 1 99.9% of the time. Doggin got caught once as 3rd party, and I believe before I started playing town got lucky with the only random lynch there's been snagging scum.

Big FOS anyone instructing 80 to shoot now, btw. What's your point, to verify him? So we can waste time sifting through that rubble, only to still be stuck with the same decision of who to lynch? Deal with 80s power tomorrow. And it's not a FOS of scumminess, but a FOS of bad town play. Just be smart, we don't have time to keep this crap up, and we don't have the luxury of continuing to share townie power roles, OR give scum the opportunity to create more of those SUPER SCARY roles to keep them alive deep in to the game.

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Post #1226 for anyone interested, just incase anyone thinks I may have edited or what not.

Now, while we're at it, would we like to continue on to outing the entire town, and eventually get to the point where some genius claims it's a good time to mass reveal, so scum can plan out who to attack and hide themselves the most efficiently? Holy cow guys, what's pathetic is I feel pretty solid most of this is the towns doing while the scum sit back and laugh -- and everyone thinks they're doing a great job.

Now you're going to back down from CTM, out of fear. Then what's next? Maybe we'll finally get scum (if we haven't already), and they'll just make up yet another SUPER SCARY role for everyone to run away from. Grow some damn balls. We lynch town on Day 1 99.9% of the time. Doggin got caught once as 3rd party, and I believe before I started playing town got lucky with the only random lynch there's been snagging scum.

Big FOS anyone instructing 80 to shoot now, btw. What's your point, to verify him? So we can waste time sifting through that rubble, only to still be stuck with the same decision of who to lynch? Deal with 80s power tomorrow. And it's not a FOS of scumminess, but a FOS of bad town play. Just be smart, we don't have time to keep this crap up, and we don't have the luxury of continuing to share townie power roles, OR give scum the opportunity to create more of those SUPER SCARY roles to keep them alive deep in to the game.

You're all over the place... grow some balls, but jf80 shouldn't shoot. Stop outting power roles and stop letting scum off the hook when they claim power roles, which is mutually exclusive..

are you voting me?

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