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Scarface Mafia - The World is Yours


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TS, SMC, Smash. Those guys are my guesses for scum. TS has been far too accurate for someone who hasn't been uber active (meaning he's had to catch up every time he's read) and for a first time player in a game with so many roles and tweaks. His play is squeaky clean.

Smash is sort of similar. He went from a few posts here and there of a few sentences to a GINORMOUS post all of a sudden caring about the game.

I could see SMC and Smash setting each other up here. Oh hey look, I got scum! So we lynch either or and we feel it vets them till end game. JMO. I'm fine voting either 3 of those places. Not interested in no lynching.

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From my perspective, AVM caught scum, and I prevented him from claiming my role to save himself. Either choose AVM or Smash or no lynch, imo. Or maybe Tom if everyone agrees he'd be the 4th member of a 4 man team. Those are the only options, imo.

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I'm highly suspicious of those that won't consider no lynch..

we have 2 claimed investigators out there and we lose if we mislynch, why wouldn't you want another night's worth of investigations?

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I'm highly suspicious of those that won't consider no lynch..

we have 2 claimed investigators out there and we lose if we mislynch, why wouldn't you want another night's worth of investigations?

And who's to say the the investigator lives? And if it's scum it's another day of false info.

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My only problem with the no lynch is that right now, if we believe AVM, we have scum in Smash already, and a lead to the 2nd. I can see a lot happening tomorrow that makes me believe AVM more, but I don't really foresee what could happen that will make me doubt him. So why not get a head start killing the scum, and maybe give us a little wiggle-room later if we have trouble finding the last one?

No lynch is the safer move, I'm just not sure that I want to play it safe right now. I do really hate how SMC has come in on this saying Smash is scum though. We didn't need that, he could have just pushed for the lynch on logic & AVM's results without half-revealing. Seems like it could definitely be a push to end the game here.

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My only problem with the no lynch is that right now, if we believe AVM, we have scum in Smash already, and a lead to the 2nd. I can see a lot happening tomorrow that makes me believe AVM more, but I don't really foresee what could happen that will make me doubt him. So why not get a head start killing the scum, and maybe give us a little wiggle-room later if we have trouble finding the last one?

No lynch is the safer move, I'm just not sure that I want to play it safe right now. I do really hate how SMC has come in on this saying Smash is scum though. We didn't need that, he could have just pushed for the lynch on logic & AVM's results without half-revealing. Seems like it could definitely be a push to end the game here.

I agree with the entire bolded part.

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And who's to say the the investigator lives? And if it's scum it's another day of false info.

Because someone will die and it will improve clairty..

We can arrange it so avm checks smc and smc checks avm..

If they kill smc and he's innocent, we have smash dead to rights. If they kill avm, we know we can trust his results. If they both live, they'll report on each other and we'll have more information to go off of..

The problem is, if you trust avm today, and he's scum, it's game over. If he's not scum, he'll die tonight and tomorrow we'll be flippign a coin between you and SMC for the game..

The more we can get out of these guys the better..

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My only problem with the no lynch is that right now, if we believe AVM, we have scum in Smash already, and a lead to the 2nd. I can see a lot happening tomorrow that makes me believe AVM more, but I don't really foresee what could happen that will make me doubt him. So why not get a head start killing the scum, and maybe give us a little wiggle-room later if we have trouble finding the last one?

Ok, if wanting to trust avm, then waiting till tomorrow gives scum 2 options..

1) they kill avm and we know we can trust avm, no gamble involved

2) we wait and trust avm tomorrow, and have 1 more day's worth of results out of him, in which he can unequivicolly identify another scum member.

If avm is for 4 real, we lynch smash, he flips scum, they kill someone tonight, and tomorrow is mylo just like today @ 5 versus 3.. but now we'll have to be deciding between smc and vic..

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I'm highly suspicious of those that won't consider no lynch..

we have 2 claimed investigators out there and we lose if we mislynch, why wouldn't you want another night's worth of investigations?

I'll vote no lynch and wait for the next reveal. DPR flipping town completely de-stabilized the landscape for me and I need one more piece of info to get back on the right track. I want to make an uber-case to try and save town, but I don't want to launch into it until I see another reveal. I also agree that people jumping on another train so quickly are suspicious as a mother****er.

I'm going to be super-busy today, anyway.

VOTE No lynch.

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Because someone will die and it will improve clairty..

We can arrange it so avm checks smc and smc checks avm..

If they kill smc and he's innocent, we have smash dead to rights. If they kill avm, we know we can trust his results. If they both live, they'll report on each other and we'll have more information to go off of..

The problem is, if you trust avm today, and he's scum, it's game over. If he's not scum, he'll die tonight and tomorrow we'll be flippign a coin between you and SMC for the game..

The more we can get out of these guys the better..

I guess my personality has always been shoot first, ask questions later. Ultimately I'm fine getting investigated due to the fact I'm A) innocent and B) will live through these nights because of my vest.

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Ok, if wanting to trust avm, then waiting till tomorrow gives scum 2 options..

1) they kill avm and we know we can trust avm, no gamble involved

2) we wait and trust avm tomorrow, and have 1 more day's worth of results out of him, in which he can unequivicolly identify another scum member.

If avm is for 4 real, we lynch smash, he flips scum, they kill someone tonight, and tomorrow is mylo just like today @ 5 versus 3.. but now we'll have to be deciding between smc and vic..

I rather test the claim ASAP due to the fact that:

-Scum knows who is innocent or not

-No lynch basically gives up our doc. I'm assuming you want the doc to protect and in the process die doing so

-If he's bullsh*tting then Doc is protecting scum

These are the reasons I see no lynch as never a good option. Is it "safe"? Sure. Does it make things easier? No.

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I rather test the claim ASAP due to the fact that:

-Scum knows who is innocent or not

-No lynch basically gives up our doc. I'm assuming you want the doc to protect and in the process die doing so

-If he's bullsh*tting then Doc is protecting scum

These are the reasons I see no lynch as never a good option. Is it "safe"? Sure. Does it make things easier? No.

Doc should self protect.. imo..

I'm not going to spam the thread anymore argueing my side, this is the way i'm voting. I really don't have a good enough read on the game to bet the game on it, so I'll see if tomorrow bring more information to help make a better decision, we're really no worse off tomorrow then we are today, even with a succesful NK

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Doc should self protect.. imo..

I'm not going to spam the thread anymore argueing my side, this is the way i'm voting. I really don't have a good enough read on the game to bet the game on it, so I'll see if tomorrow bring more information to help make a better decision, we're really no worse off tomorrow then we are today, even with a succesful NK

I mean no offense bro, your instincts haven't exactly been sharp this game and I'm not going to follow you on this one.

Vote: Smash

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I mean no offense bro, your instincts haven't exactly been sharp this game and I'm not going to follow you on this one.

Vote: Smash

haha.. that's certainly true. especially if scum is smash, shane and you.. w/anyone other then the ape as godfather.. though i'd argue this is more by the book play then instinct ;)

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haha.. that's certainly true. especially if scum is smash, shane and you.. w/anyone other then the ape as godfather.. though i'd argue this is more by the book play then instinct ;)

Oh, I actually fully understand that. . I know it's "by the book" hence me calling it the safe play and agreeing with Sharrow on that piece. I just don't think it does anything for us in the long run. It stalls the inevitable and if scum is tied into this (which the most certainly are with SMC's half reveal) it just gives them another day to work with picking out kills and building more confusion. I just rather put on my ear muffs and shoot away.

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Official Vote Count:

Smash (4) - SMC, Hess, Wombat, Vic

Sharrow (1) - Smash

TomShane (1) - Avm

No Lynch (2) - CTM, TomShane

SMC (1) - Ape

with 10 maricons alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

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Freakin' sucks I had to run around this morning

No lynch is the safer move, I'm just not sure that I want to play it safe right now. I do really hate how SMC has come in on this saying Smash is scum though. We didn't need that, he could have just pushed for the lynch on logic & AVM's results without half-revealing. Seems like it could definitely be a push to end the game here.

We didn't need that? You're the LAST person who should be talking about what we do and do not need. There was absolutely NO REASON for you to reveal today. None. Nada. Zilch.

Why did you do it? So you could create a whole breakdown based on AVM's info in order to exclude yourself from it. I'm not excluding my name from AVM's list and I know what I know. That was the only logical play because of your reveal diarrhea.

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From my perspective, AVM caught scum, and I prevented him from claiming my role to save himself. Either choose AVM or Smash or no lynch, imo. Or maybe Tom if everyone agrees he'd be the 4th member of a 4 man team. Those are the only options, imo.

This is exactly what I was alluding to with Smash (and I posted it earlier yesterday). I felt very sure he was going to claim Doc, and I was actually hoping Wombat would claim first because I already believed he was the doc. I didn't see you claiming Doc, but the fact that Wombat didn't freak out made me feel good about it

Also, it's Smash OR SMC we want on the train, not both. Vic and SMC were both on the Crusher train, for example, with only 1 vote. So even if there is a framer there's no situation in which both Vic and SMC can both be non-GF scum.

Crusher (8)(1-scum) - SMC, Dan X, Vic, Wombat, Ape, CTM, Hess, AVM.

It's either Smash and SMC or Smash and Vic, unless of course there's a framer. Which will confuse things even more tomorrow if I'm alive.

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Freakin' sucks I had to run around this morning

We didn't need that? You're the LAST person who should be talking about what we do and do not need. There was absolutely NO REASON for you to reveal today. None. Nada. Zilch.

Why did you do it? So you could create a whole breakdown based on AVM's info in order to exclude yourself from it. I'm not excluding my name from AVM's list and I know what I know. That was the only logical play because of your reveal diarrhea.

This is my only issue, SMC. My reveal pretty much "cleared" Sharrow aside from being GF IFFFFF you believe I'm telling the truth. And if he were to be the GF, he's got plenty more guys ahead of him that we're going to believe are GF. I get the question you and Smash have brought up of why reveal there, but honestly it helped me. Because if Smash reveals Doc like I was afraid he'd do, you guys lynch me or I'm begging for a no-lynch right now.

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Official Vote Count:

Smash (4) - SMC, Hess, Wombat, Vic

Sharrow (1) - Smash

TomShane (1) - Avm

No Lynch (3) - CTM, TomShane, Sharrow

SMC (1) - Ape

with 10 maricons alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

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Alright...one more time...I understand you want two more reveals tomorrow, and I can respect that. BUT, if we no lynch, then I might as well not tell you guys how many scum are on the train. The pandora's box of the framer role has been opened, and it's not going to magically go away tomorrow. So you'll all be sitting in the same situation, except maybe you get this awesome role claim from Smash, and SMC outright says what he's been hinting at.

If you're going to believe Smash today, you're going to believe him tomorrow. If you think he's a liar today, you'll think he is tomorrow. CTM, you keep saying how it's beneficial to no lynch, even provided that article thing. However, that article showed an example of 4 town and 1 scum left. There are THREE OR FOUR scum left, therefore this is NOT the same thing. It's just not.

By no-lynching we put the decision in their hands. We put control in their hands. Everything from no NK to killing me, Hess, or Wombat are all likely. Then tomorrow you get to listen to the "there's obviously a framer and I'm being set up spin" or "AVM is lying." You know...the EXACT SAME THING AS TODAY.

We already know our two reveals, and seeing as Smash will NOT reveal doc now (which again, is what I expected and I answered him the first time he asked me), he's going to reveal some "awesome role you guys wish you had known about, but oh wellzzzz"

Whats the awesome role, the Flying Pumpkin that Shoots Laser Beams out of it's a$$?? This entire game, all the roles we've seen have been you have to do this to get a power, or a weakened version of a full role (one time investigation), plus a doc and cop, my role, AND we get an extra super powered role?

CTM, what are you going to do tomorrow when "there's a framer" is claimed?

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Alright...one more time...I understand you want two more reveals tomorrow, and I can respect that. BUT, if we no lynch, then I might as well not tell you guys how many scum are on the train. The pandora's box of the framer role has been opened, and it's not going to magically go away tomorrow. So you'll all be sitting in the same situation, except maybe you get this awesome role claim from Smash, and SMC outright says what he's been hinting at.

If you're going to believe Smash today, you're going to believe him tomorrow. If you think he's a liar today, you'll think he is tomorrow. CTM, you keep saying how it's beneficial to no lynch, even provided that article thing. However, that article showed an example of 4 town and 1 scum left. There are THREE OR FOUR scum left, therefore this is NOT the same thing. It's just not.

By no-lynching we put the decision in their hands. We put control in their hands. Everything from no NK to killing me, Hess, or Wombat are all likely. Then tomorrow you get to listen to the "there's obviously a framer and I'm being set up spin" or "AVM is lying." You know...the EXACT SAME THING AS TODAY.

We already know our two reveals, and seeing as Smash will NOT reveal doc now (which again, is what I expected and I answered him the first time he asked me), he's going to reveal some "awesome role you guys wish you had known about, but oh wellzzzz"

Whats the awesome role, the Flying Pumpkin that Shoots Laser Beams out of it's a$?? This entire game, all the roles we've seen have been you have to do this to get a power, or a weakened version of a full role (one time investigation), plus a doc and cop, my role, AND we get an extra super powered role?

CTM, what are you going to do tomorrow when "there's a framer" is claimed?

I never should've doubted you. The bold is why I think no-lynch is just not the right thing to do. Smart? Yes. Right? No.

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I have a couple of finals, so I'm gone for quite some time. I'll be at the computer all night though, so...we can figure this out then.

I'd like to hear from Sharrow, CTM, and I28 on what they'd do if/when the Framer question comes up tomorrow.

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Alright...one more time...I understand you want two more reveals tomorrow, and I can respect that. BUT, if we no lynch, then I might as well not tell you guys how many scum are on the train. The pandora's box of the framer role has been opened, and it's not going to magically go away tomorrow. So you'll all be sitting in the same situation, except maybe you get this awesome role claim from Smash, and SMC outright says what he's been hinting at.

If you're going to believe Smash today, you're going to believe him tomorrow. If you think he's a liar today, you'll think he is tomorrow. CTM, you keep saying how it's beneficial to no lynch, even provided that article thing. However, that article showed an example of 4 town and 1 scum left. There are THREE OR FOUR scum left, therefore this is NOT the same thing. It's just not.

By no-lynching we put the decision in their hands. We put control in their hands. Everything from no NK to killing me, Hess, or Wombat are all likely. Then tomorrow you get to listen to the "there's obviously a framer and I'm being set up spin" or "AVM is lying." You know...the EXACT SAME THING AS TODAY.

We already know our two reveals, and seeing as Smash will NOT reveal doc now (which again, is what I expected and I answered him the first time he asked me), he's going to reveal some "awesome role you guys wish you had known about, but oh wellzzzz"

Whats the awesome role, the Flying Pumpkin that Shoots Laser Beams out of it's a$$?? This entire game, all the roles we've seen have been you have to do this to get a power, or a weakened version of a full role (one time investigation), plus a doc and cop, my role, AND we get an extra super powered role?

CTM, what are you going to do tomorrow when "there's a framer" is claimed?

THis makes me believe you less..

And today is the same thing as the example I linked, it's called MYLO.. MisLynch and Lose... that is where we are and the right thing to do is No lynch.

The fact that you and vic are now singing this together when 24 hrs go you were convinved vic is scum is even more interesting.. you also supposedly spent a ton of time analyzing it, and came up with Vic is scum for sure.. which is wrong, and missed smash being scum for sure.. which is right.. It stinks frankly

and why are you bringing up a framer.. how would a framer work against a "sensor" .. that's an anti-cop role

you supposeduly have this power and purposely hid it all game until you had enough inforation, but you don't want to get 1 more day's information now? why?

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avm makes less sense to me the more he talks..

it's vic or smc... they've both been on multiple trains with 1 scum identified.. so if avm is tellign the truth, 1 of them are scum.. the only way to figure out which, if avm is telling the truth, is to put 1 of them on the train..

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I have a couple of finals, so I'm gone for quite some time. I'll be at the computer all night though, so...we can figure this out then.

I'd like to hear from Sharrow, CTM, and I28 on what they'd do if/when the Framer question comes up tomorrow.

why are you bringing up a framer? i really don't get it

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AVM in no way was I going to claim Doc at all so your wrong. Looks like Tom Shane might be hinting of going down that road. If I make it to tomorrow you will know my role if you all ask for it. I cant be 100 % your not scum AVM but like I said I do believe your results are tainted as are wtf ever SMC got earlier in the game. Im starting to lean toward Sharrow being Innocent and Tom Shane setting up a fake reveal tomorrow to counter the Doc. His posts have looked scummy to me a few times in the game and maybe hes our best shot . Im going to Unvote Sharrow and Vote Tom Shane I think the only other option is No Lynch and Ill wait to see what happens here cause TS is in no danger of getting lynched just yet.

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what you guys need to consider is that even a succesful scum kill today buys us little

for example..

6 vs 4.. avm is being honest and smash is scum.. 6 vs 3 going into night

they get a nk and tomorrow it's 5 vs 3.. and it's MYLO all over again..

Except, they'll kill AVM to prevent him from telling us which one of smc/vic is scum... so tomorrow, we'd be flipping a cpoin lynching one of them, and if wrong, we lose.. except( not even flippign a coin, cause you'll have 3 highly motivated scum members pushing us to the wrong lynch)

you guys are acting like lynching scum puts us on the path to victory, when in reality it's just creatign the same situation tomorrow.. the best chance we have is to gather as much information as possible..imo

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