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Scarface Mafia - The World is Yours


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I love how everyone admits they don't know what's going on...but everyone else is an idiot for not knowing what's going on.

I28 -- if SMC and TS are scum, and there are 4 left, then why has TS not come in here and he and SMC vote at the same time and end the game?

Good point. I'm still re-reading back to yesterday... frankly I thought another re-read would maybe reveal something. But nah.


Vote Smashmouth

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Good point. I'm still re-reading back to yesterday... frankly I thought another re-read would maybe reveal something. But nah.


Vote Smashmouth

And, fwiw, I just checked and he was active at 6:42, so they coulda voted.

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Yeah...um...the Ape put him at L-1, a bomb wouldn't fit here. Bet I'm dead.

if you die, and are wha tyou say you are..

smash will get lynched.. and then shane.. and then we'll choose between smc and vic... and then probably between me and the ape..

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if you die, and are wha tyou say you are..

smash will get lynched.. and then shane.. and then we'll choose between smc and vic... and then probably between me and the ape..

That is indeed what will happen, if I die.

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haha.. i am..

but i also believe if anyone's the godfather it's the ape..

assuming avm is telling the truth

You are a special kind of stupid.

I really do wish I had chosen the gun, I would have shot the ******* piss out of you.

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“Boss… I’m ready – I can do this. You can trust me.”

“No Chi Chi - there’s gotta be a better way… We have been together since we were chamacos stealing fruit from Emilio’s stand on Paseo Ave. I’m not gonna let deese cabrons take my right hand man from me… not deese maricons!”

“Antonio… The one we were waiting for has exposed herself. If I take her out that may give you and the boys enough time to get the others. I need to do this Tony. It’s my duty…”

“Chi Chi… What do I tell Conchita?”

“Just take care of her mi hermano… tell her I died for something I believe in.”

“Bueno Chi Chi, joo crazy son of a bitch. If the rest of the crew had half the heart joo do, this would already be over.”

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A1A – Miami Beach

The group had been weighing the evidence in an outdoor café on for hours. The oppressive heat and uncertainty of the situation was wearing on everyone’s patience.


“Look! What I’m saying has to be true given the evidence!”

“Right but can this guy be trusted? Who’s to say he’s not working with Montana!”

“Hey, FU-K YOU! I’ve been busting my a$$ on this for weeks… Let’s just look at this again. The answer has to be in here.”

“You guys are making my head spin… I need to get out of here for a minute.”

“Hey! Where do you think you’re going honey? We need to figure all this out and need you here. You know Tony better than anyone.”

“Screw you. I want that a$$hole dead but if I don’t step away for a minute I’m going to lose it. I need a drink, I’ll be right back.”

“A drink? They don’t serve drinks here.”

“Yeah I know… uh, there’s a bar 2 minutes away. I’ll be back.”

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Chi Chi has been watching and waiting. When he sees Elvira leave the group and walk towards the alley, he knows his it’s time. As he arms his vest a single drop of sweat hits his right hand – the hand holding the trigger…He takes one last deep breath and starts running towards the alley… his life flashing before his eyes


Elvira takes another *sniff* and clears her throat before looking up towards the beach. For a brief moment she remembers how beautiful a Miami sunset can be.

She closes her eyes and tries to remember how she let it come to this… hiding in alleys to get her fix. All the dreams she had when coming to Miami have been ruined. The girl she used to be is dead… gone forever thanks to Tony.

When she opens her eyes she is momentarily blinded by the bright South Florida sun. As her eyes adjust she is able to make someone coming towards her..

running towards her.


As Chi Chi approaches Elvira a strange smile appears on his face. He takes pride knowing that his actions may end this once and for all.

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“Chi Chi?

Is that you……”


Back at the café members of the group are knocked off their feet as debris rains down on them….

As they slowly begin to rise many of them already know what’s happened… They silently wonder if this is the final blow… Has Tony won once and for all?

Smash, aka Chi Chi (Scum Suicide Bomber) has killed Sharrow, aka Elvira Hancock (Town Doctor)



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You are a special kind of stupid.

I really do wish I had chosen the gun, I would have shot the ******* piss out of you.

take you best shot..

and maybe your not godfather..but i know i'm not and if avm is legit it means either vic/smc/you/me/hess/wombat are.. i like my odds, considering one of the first two is ordinary scum

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BTW, I checked to see who was dead first (sorry Pac, lol) -- Great F'ng scene Pac. Love reading these. You're right on up there with Vic in putting the time and effort together for them

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one reason how this makes any point?

smash is dead too, right?

I'm staying on no lynch

Actually. I think that means one of the two of AVM and SMC if they don't die is scum.

And honestly SMC came in after AVM with a half reveal which is bull-sh*tty to me.

SMC and TS are the remaining scum IMO. so eithe of them or no lynch.

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one reason how this makes any point?

smash is dead too, right?

I'm staying on no lynch

We no lynch, they kill tonight, AND they can do it tomorrow and keep you from getting whatever precious information you want. He knew he was going down so he took a shot at our doc.

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