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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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Am I ever NOT in your top 3 i28? Just a little food for though, why not look into the mock outrage crowd. Basically dismissively wanking at the town and sayIng MEH is a bit bold. The mock outrage is more of a "Look how townie I am" move.


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Am I ever NOT in your top 3 i28? Just a little food for though, why not look into the mock outrage crowd. Basically dismissively wanking at the town and sayIng MEH is a bit bold. The mock outrage is more of a "Look how townie I am" move.


and who are your mock outrage leaders?

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For the record, I sent Pac a list of my scum last game and I had 2/5 on D2... the game Crusher is talking about I had 3/4 scum, and you the SK before you shot me on like D2/3? Even though he should know better by now, Pac just likes to perpetuate the idea that my FOS lists are 100% serious business, because he thinks its more fun to call me stupid. I can't blame him, I play right into it too... its funny.

If this is true, then you are actually worse at this game than I thought you were which is impressive seeing that I didnt think it was possible.

JIF I think there is some productive stuff on day one what bothers me is sorting through all the nonsense to find it later in the game when it might be useful. of the 40 + pages you read how much of that was actully game related ? A joke here and there is fine entire pages of nonsense wastes time, causes people to skim or not bother at all, and ruins the game.

Actually, after my read through, I found this to be one of the more productive day 1's I've seen. Outside of the normal jokes while everyone is checking in and a couple of pages of relationship gayness talk, there was some good conversation revolved around Pac's pushing set up/item talk and the 2 reveals.

Side note, I'd like to simply say that after playing a couple of game with the reveal limits, I dont like it. All its done is created a new way to play which I think kind of sucks. Now all everyone does is leisurely put a vote on someone and hope a train begins so the person will reveal. It almost encourages reveals more so than ever before and it also puts the town in a tough situation when its capped, scum can use it to their advantage. JMHO.

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Compelling that the blockhead goes from JF80 to JIF... vote me next and complete the trifecta of easiest places to bury a D1 vote.

STFU, you narcissistic primate. I'd vote you because I'd want you dead regardless of alignment. Yes, that's how I play.

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Lily, who called my play out as bullsh*t, CTM, who basically invented this play style.

I agree about Lily but not for the same reasons.

CTM is a turd but lynching him at this point seems like punishment for his crimes against mafia rather than his play thus far.

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CTM is a turd but lynching him at this point seems like punishment for his crimes against mafia rather than his play thus far.

Agreed. And it will almost be like giving CTM what he wants because he was so reluctant to join the game.

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Side note, I'd like to simply say that after playing a couple of game with the reveal limits, I dont like it. All its done is created a new way to play which I think kind of sucks. Now all everyone does is leisurely put a vote on someone and hope a train begins so the person will reveal. It almost encourages reveals more so than ever before and it also puts the town in a tough situation when its capped, scum can use it to their advantage. JMHO.

hogwash.. REUAR has been in place for over a year.. all the limits do is speed up the process. Shorter day cycles would help IMO.. or no reveals at all. I'm doing that next time.. that will be fun.

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JiF IMO its a necessary evil for the way we play. Otherwise it's nearly impossible to win ad scum. My only other proposition is very short cycles v

Disagree, I'm rarely scum, but I've only lost as scum once (star wars) and I've never been scum since this rule was implemented. In fact, right before this rule was implemented in your game, the greatest scum team ever led by the ninja princess mafia goddess won as scum. Hell, VicGod was created during your run as the most sinister scum player ever way before this rule was ever spawned in your brilliant mind.

After seeing your true feelings about day 1, the limit is great for players like you since you dont have to put any effort in at all and you can get exactly what you want if you happen to be scum.

IMO this rule has created a new style of play that just isnt nearly as exciting.

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JiF IMO its a necessary evil for the way we play. Otherwise it's nearly impossible to win ad scum. My only other proposition is very short cycles v

Mods can balance it out pretty easily..

mafia roleblockers.. give townies roles that seem more like scum roles.., etc..

and this is not the play style i invented lol, i just think reveals are more helpful for town the scum. That doesn't mean i think we should forgo tried and true measures like pressuring and casing..

and i agree with jif, the unintended consequence of the reveal limit has been this mentality to just get them out of the way and then play. That never used to occur

hogwash.. REUAR has been in place for over a year.. all the limits do is speed up the process. Shorter day cycles would help IMO.. or no reveals at all. I'm doing that next time.. that will be fun.

jif >>>>> pacMule

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What? How has this been in place for a year? The rule started 3 games ago.

The process of getting mass reveals has been in place for a long time... we just never had a name for it. All the reveal limits have done is speed up what usually takes place over the course of a game.

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Disagree, I'm rarely scum, but I've only lost as scum once (star wars) and I've never been scum since this rule was implemented. In fact, right before this rule was implemented in your game, the greatest scum team ever led by the ninja princess mafia goddess won as scum. Hell, VicGod was created during your run as the most sinister scum player ever way before this rule was ever spawned in your brilliant mind.

After seeing your true feelings about day 1, the limit is great for players like you since you dont have to put any effort in at all and you can get exactly what you want if you happen to be scum.

IMO this rule has created a new style of play that just isnt nearly as exciting.

Wow have you been missed.

Could not agree more. all the limits do is take away the value of the trains. Gives scum a clear alibi of why they where on trains. reveals suck JiF rules.

My sticking point is on day one is so much easier to take a swipe at more active vocal players. People who post a lot seem to always get undo attention.

My top two for scum haven;t change but at the same time I think it's dumb to just go after them and run them up. I really would like to see some people who are cruiswing get into it a little more. The nudgers, if you will.

One more thing... So nice to have Jif back.

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The process of getting mass reveals has been in place for a long time... we just never had a name for it. All the reveal limits have done is speed up what usually takes place over the course of a game.

Yeah but it takes away from the value of the trains. Gives Scum easy alibi.

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Yeah but it takes away from the value of the trains. Gives Scum easy alibi.

That's very true... which is why I'm on DPR for basically dropping his pants and following this rule blindly.

Someone so headstrong doesn't just bend over for people he views as underlings.

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The process of getting mass reveals has been in place for a long time... we just never had a name for it. All the reveal limits have done is speed up what usually takes place over the course of a game.

Exactly! The process of using suspicion and response to pressure as a justification for getting a reveal is gone, it's just some mechanical process that people get out of the way, like some Nirvana awaits. I've never seen 1/4 of the game just put down votes at L-6 with no other justification then to force the reveal.. That game you were doc, you were under heavy pressure on day 1 and never forced to reveal. Why? Cause you never got to l-2 and people didn't do what thier doing now.. That was like 6 weeks ago.

I understand the intent of the new rule, to force town to pressure less people to reveal, or to only force reveals out of the scummiest players, but the unintended consequence has been to remove the process/justification for forced reveals.. I don't even understand why, tbh, it's counter intuitive... if you have less reveals you should use them more wisely, not less

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Exactly! The process of using suspicion and response to pressure as a justification for getting a reveal is gone, it's just some mechanical process that people get out of the way, like some Nirvana awaits. I've never seen 1/4 of the game just put down votes at L-6 with no other justification then to force the reveal.. That game you were doc, you were under heavy pressure on day 1 and never forced to reveal. Why? Cause you never got to l-2 and people didn't do what thier doing now.. That was like 6 weeks ago.

alright, alright honey... calm down.

lets just play and see what happens.

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Whiners. I know I'm not Aline but mafia was starting to suck with the school of CTM play. Endless days with 5 reveals.

alright, alright honey... calm down.

lets just play and see what happens.

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CTM. Your edit was my WHOLE idea behind it. Play more wisely. It's just that we get tunnel vision and it's inevitable. My attitude comes more or less that it's

d1 and frankly we are splitting hairs and our finding rate of scum d1 is like 2%

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That's very true... which is why I'm on DPR for basically dropping his pants and following this rule blindly.

Someone so headstrong doesn't just bend over for people he views as underlings.

Good point. yet you might want to go punch someone in the face after that post. Little heavy on the homo erotic under tones.

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Let's discuss post game.

While I couldnt disagree more with you and Pac, I agree with this...lets save it for the next sign up thread or something, I didnt really intend this to spiral into a debate, was more just stating an observation of what this rule has created IMO.

That said, I dont have a great read on anyone right now. A couple of CTM's post caught my attention, he's my favorite. I did find it ironic that JF80 mentioned Angela, moments before he revealed. Could have been an easy convenient fake reveal, but also dont see him being that bold as a first time scum. I28's reveal I buy, which sucks for the town.

Other than that, dont have much. I dont like that SMC is burying a nice easy vote on me for day 1. I'm by far the easiest person in this game to lynch nowadays and voting for me on day 1 when I just entered the game seems awfully lazy. He had like 4 game related posts to work with so far from me.

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Any time we leave the loudmouths in the game long enough AND they are scum, it is my opinion that they eventually talk themselves into a mess. Problem is, there just isn't a big track record for it - because usually the loud players pipe down as scum and/or they get lynched early just for being Pac, or CTM, or JIF, etc.

Charming how you use this opportunity to insinuate that it was scummy comment - could it be because I'm advocating we lynch from the list of quiet players, of which you are always lumped in with.

Again...I disagree...if you have an example please cite it...I'll at least take a look...my observations is the "loudmouths" tend to see a slight decrease in post count when scum while the typical low post count players see a small increase. This has usually meant that the low counters posters respond to more ghey, more lists of who they want to have sex with, more food posts...etc...not relevant, incrimating posts from playing the game. In games past, there are at least two players who by my observations will make detailed, analytical cases against townies as scum but I do not count you within that group.

Usually, you make cases out of thin air but it does prompt debate. I usually take into account this "loudmouth" play and look elsewhere...this game you claim your trying a less confrontational style but my take is its more likely a ploy to avoid a confrontation and lay low as scum...hence I've kept my vote on you even after the reveal (I'll probably add a little to some of the reveal discussion later).

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DPR (4): CTM, Smash, AVM, Pac

I28 (2): Sharrow, Jetscode1

CTM (2): JiF, DPR

JiF (2): J80, SMC

Jetsfan80 (1): Lily

Crusher (1): Hess

Brettw4rd (1): Verbal

Lily (1): Vicious

Vicious (1): Brett

Sharrow (1): I28

AVM (1): Wombat

Not voting: Slats, Crusher

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

Deadline has been extended to Wednesday 12PM ET.


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Whiners. I know I'm not Aline but mafia was starting to suck with the school of CTM play. Endless days with 5 reveals.

We've never lynched blind in 4-5 years of playing here and JI, this isn't a style so much as how the game is played. It exists anywhere else I've played, the major difference being people at other sites are way more willing to lynch and be lynched.

edit.. and the reason imo, people are hesitant to lynch is that we only play 1 game at a time here and they are large games. Getting axed day 1 means you are on the sideline for a few weeks

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The process of getting mass reveals has been in place for a long time... we just never had a name for it. All the reveal limits have done is speed up what usually takes place over the course of a game.

I've never been in a game with a normal set up where we've mass revealed.

Whiners. I know I'm not Aline but mafia was starting to suck with the school of CTM play. Endless days with 5 reveals.

I've never seen this happen either

///end rant - lets move on.

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CTM. Your edit was my WHOLE idea behind it. Play more wisely. It's just that we get tunnel vision and it's inevitable. My attitude comes more or less that it's

d1 and frankly we are splitting hairs and our finding rate of scum d1 is like 2%

I know what you were trying to do and honestly don't know why what happenned, happenned, it's pretty much the exact opposite of the intent. Don't take my whining as an insult to your idea.. ;)

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