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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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I'm fine with lynching any of the current top 3. I will not however be around too much if we plan on waiting till the 11th hour because the deadline is set for the dumbo time of 4PM on a Monday. I'll be around tonight though.

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How did the scum track the item? Especially given the fact that CTM claimed to have stole it...your proposing a more difficult theory not simpler theory...its why I'm tieing both of you to this mess...

Therein lies the problem with theories Jetscode.

CTM's got one theory - which I know is bunk because I'm not scum.

I'm offering another possible theory ONLY as an example of the reality that there could be countless possibilities here - and we aren't going to know until we get told. The rest is guessing, with a side order of spin, depending upon agenda. In CTM's case his agenda is convincing people to lynch me. My agenda is and has been defending myself.

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BTW...once CTM swings your next...consider it written, consider it done!

Heh. Perhaps we should wait to see his alignment? You've been pushing a gambit theory between me and him, and now you've essentially got the next 2 lynches figured out. Not scummy at all.

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I'm not trying to force you to slip up...my memory thought you said you knew it was stolen...just didn't have the post and already read too many back pages...just thought I'd ask for a little help from the source...though it is useful that you provided it...thanks.

@ Mod...was this in the rules of engagement...that if he stated he chose another item it would count as a reveal...because his reveal already stated he had an item...not sure talkin about choosing another item would count as a reveal if he doesn't state what the new item is...if that's the case why wouldn't Hess' half reveal count toward are reveal limit?

I interpreted the bold line below as meaning I revealed on D1 with the letter of rec, it was an object I "had" in my possession. If I had a new object, its an object I would "have" in my possession on D2, and therefore be another reveal. Either way, I don't have a new object.

But JVOR can clarify if needed.

2) Role reveals will be capped at 3 per day cycle. In other words, only three people are allowed to reveal each day phase, and ANY extra “hinting” will be a mod kill, regardless of your alignment.

Revealing information about an item you have/had in your possession will count toward the 3-reveal limit.

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Because it was a terrible argument. If people had to respond to every one of your inane theories we'd never lynch anybody.

Clammed up meaning you got more tentative with your posts.

I didn't expect a response from you about it.

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The question CTM keeps posing is what I'm struggling with...why would CTM reveal as thief (scum sounding role)? What in it for him? and no CTM I'm not buying the fact you were expecting Hess to reveal that he destroyed the letter...more likely the Mod destroyed the letter when the Ape chose another item.

Alternative theory...Ape choses to receive another item...the letter is destroyed as per the original reveal...the scum team (CTM + Ape) concoct the story about a town thief stealing/destroying the letter. May be a little difficult to follow but their stories are difficlut to reconcile otherwise. Just putting that out there...

My best theory for your question I bolded is that the best lies have an element of truth. He could simply be a player that takes items and destroys them for scum. He also comes clean on having visited Monkey right out of the chute, which is a smart thing to do if you're concerned about a watcher/tracker type role. CTM and I-OP are both high profile players, and either could've been targeted in such a way by a town power.

Finally, with the facts in front of me I'm heavily leaning toward voting CTM...I asked earlier and Slats was the only one to raise an objection but I would like CTM to reveal what he earned for winning the trivia game...if no one else objects please do so now. Thanks in advance.

2. I would like to hear what Hess wants to reveal about N1...Brett made the point that Hess claimed JiF town and I'd like this confirmed with details on the how...

I missed this...any chance you can elaborate on who hinted they have an item and by chance are any of the hinters dead?

BTW...still want Hess' reveal before CTM swings...thanks in advance.

This steady desire to see reveals has me a little more concerned about you.

I already, recently, explained to Lily why Hess feels JiF is a confirmed townie, and it's all about the fact that Dan bowed out of the game and he took her place. The reasoning is that Dan wouldn't've dropped out if she had scummates. *Looks right at Dan, again* Sorry about that - Dan doesn't think that should be part of the game. But previous players and their motivations are always part of the game.

I'm not going to elaborate on any hints I've picked up. I'm sure that if scum has a thief/destroyer they're looking for hints themselves - I'm not going to help them out by providing a list.

Or if the item destroyer role doesn't work the way you think it does, and is item-oriented and not player-oriented.

Or if the scum team has an item tracker, and destroyer. Given how JVOR said at one point in the night phase that a portion of night actions was completed, but not all. It might be that scum tracked the item... then destroyed it.

I don't like how black and white you are positioning this.

This is an interesting point, and worthy of consideration. I think it was Dan, and I think she referred to it as "phase one" of the NA's being complete... ? Not 100% sure. At the time I just took it to mean that a couple people still hadn't submitted their actions, but that those actions wouldn't effect the ones they handed out results on.

I suppose it's possible that there's a a second wave of actions... ?

Ugh, that's still really more complicated than I think I'd make things. Night did drag, though.

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@ Mod...was this in the rules of engagement...that if he stated he chose another item it would count as a reveal...because his reveal already stated he had an item...not sure talkin about choosing another item would count as a reveal if he doesn't state what the new item is...if that's the case why wouldn't Hess' half reveal count toward are reveal limit?

I decided to let people reveal role, items, and character names in the same day phase. Hypothetically if you were to reveal an item on a different day phase, it would count as another reveal.

Fwiw, hess and AVM have already been privately warned about the hinting. The next time it happens I will count as a reveal.

CTM claiming an item is different because he revealed on the same day phase.

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Apologies if this was unclear. Any hinting that you do or do not have an item in your possession will count as a reveal from here on out. Even if you are not revealing what the item does or saying you don't have one.

This is your final warning.

@Slats, this is your last warning. Not what the game should be about, not in the spirit of the game regardless of alignment. If you continue to push it, penalties may include modkill.

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@Slats, this is your last warning. Not what the game should be about, not in the spirit of the game regardless of alignment. If you continue to push it, penalties may include modkill.

Dude, I'm not pushing anything. Lily and now Jetscode have asked why Hess is convinced JiF is town, and I'm telling them why. Not saying I agree with it or anyone else should, just clarifying that Hess has not claimed or hinted at having some investigative role (that I've noticed).

The end.

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My best theory for your question I bolded is that the best lies have an element of truth. He could simply be a player that takes items and destroys them for scum. He also comes clean on having visited Monkey right out of the chute, which is a smart thing to do if you're concerned about a watcher/tracker type role. CTM and I-OP are both high profile players, and either could've been targeted in such a way by a town power.

This steady desire to see reveals has me a little more concerned about you.

I already, recently, explained to Lily why Hess feels JiF is a confirmed townie, and it's all about the fact that Dan bowed out of the game and he took her place. The reasoning is that Dan wouldn't've dropped out if she had scummates. *Looks right at Dan, again* Sorry about that - Dan doesn't think that should be part of the game. But previous players and their motivations are always part of the game.

I'm not going to elaborate on any hints I've picked up. I'm sure that if scum has a thief/destroyer they're looking for hints themselves - I'm not going to help them out by providing a list.

This is an interesting point, and worthy of consideration. I think it was Dan, and I think she referred to it as "phase one" of the NA's being complete... ? Not 100% sure. At the time I just took it to mean that a couple people still hadn't submitted their actions, but that those actions wouldn't effect the ones they handed out results on.

I suppose it's possible that there's a a second wave of actions... ?

Ugh, that's still really more complicated than I think I'd make things. Night did drag, though.

1. I'll buy that.

2. My steady desire to see the reveals is nothing new considering the evolution of the game here at JN. If anything I do not like the information that is not being passed on to the town. ***looks squarely at you*** Hess stated he wanted to reveal something. You put forward one possible explanation but I'd like to get it from the source and on record. Your attempts to conceal (Hess knowledge from N1 and the item CTM earned thru trivia) could just easily be interpreted as witholding of evidence to the town. Do you really want to lynch without further reveals today?

3. Was really looking for hints from dead players more than anything...pretty sure when people are no longer part of the game if they had an item it became part of the spoils to the winner of the trivia game...just another way to figure out what CTM won. See JVoR's ROE..."When a person holding an item is eliminated from the game, other players will have the chance to claim the item by correctly answering show-related or game-related questions. I will set a time in advance to be fair, and the first person to PM me with the correct answer after I post the question will win the item". Uh..oh...now everyone can figure what CTM earned...lol. This leads to another theory one that has perplexed some of already...why doesn't CTM use the item now...JVoR stated in ROE..."

When you receive an item, you will be able to use its ability immediately." My only guess is he wants to pass it along to someone else...thoughts.

4. I interpreted the delay in the NA as the amount of people who had to decide who to give their item to...see JVoR ROE "There will be items in this game that grant special abilities. It’s your choice whether to use a particular item when you receive it, but whether you use it or not, you MUST pass the item to another player the following night phase unless otherwise specified. You will choose who you give the item to, but there is no guarantee that the item will safely arrive. For example, if a player receives multiple items from other players in the same night phase, the player must choose to keep only one item. The other(s) will be randomly redistributed." So, I surmised that some players received multiple items and the Mods needed to wait for their decision before starting the next day phase.

Sorry for the long post look forward to further dialogue...thanks

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You vile ape I have three theories dependant on the alignment of the item destoyer. I think the you as scum explanation makes th best sense ATM.. AND if town, You are roless at best, at worst you will single handidly lose thE game for town. Not a bad deal for town even I I'm wrong... Slats and others were willing to Lynch avm and jf80 for non valuable roles and your only role is MVP. It's mind boggling why the ASPCA isn't hear asking why we beat and killed a helpless animal

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If we don't use up all our reveals I would like to reveal something about last night.if you think I'm playing stange it's probably cause I've been playing almost the entire game on bb via my company meeting or quick shots in my hotel room or car. Lol. Yep.

Dude, I'm not pushing anything. Lily and now Jetscode have asked why Hess is convinced JiF is town, and I'm telling them why. Not saying I agree with it or anyone else should, just clarifying that Hess has not claimed or hinted at having some investigative role (that I've noticed).

The end.

@ Slats...I don't want you MK...so let it rest...but I owuld like Hess to explain this post early D2. He stated he wanted to reveal something...now is the time we get more info...he was a big boy when he put this out there...he can surely answer the mail without your help for everyone now.

@ Hess...I'm most likely staying with CTM today but would like your reveal before we move forward. Thanks in advance.

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I decided to let people reveal role, items, and character names in the same day phase. Hypothetically if you were to reveal an item on a different day phase, it would count as another reveal.

Fwiw, hess and AVM have already been privately warned about the hinting. The next time it happens I will count as a reveal.

CTM claiming an item is different because he revealed on the same day phase.

Got it. Thanks again for the clarification.

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2. My steady desire to see the reveals is nothing new considering the evolution of the game here at JN. If anything I do not like the information that is not being passed on to the town. ***looks squarely at you*** Hess stated he wanted to reveal something. You put forward one possible explanation but I'd like to get it from the source and on record. Your attempts to conceal (Hess knowledge from N1 and the item CTM earned thru trivia) could just easily be interpreted as witholding of evidence to the town. Do you really want to lynch without further reveals today?

3. Was really looking for hints from dead players more than anything...pretty sure when people are no longer part of the game if they had an item it became part of the spoils to the winner of the trivia game...just another way to figure out what CTM won. See JVoR's ROE..."When a person holding an item is eliminated from the game, other players will have the chance to claim the item by correctly answering show-related or game-related questions. I will set a time in advance to be fair, and the first person to PM me with the correct answer after I post the question will win the item". Uh..oh...now everyone can figure what CTM earned...lol. This leads to another theory one that has perplexed some of already...why doesn't CTM use the item now...JVoR stated in ROE..."

When you receive an item, you will be able to use its ability immediately." My only guess is he wants to pass it along to someone else...thoughts.

I unvoted CTM back on Thursday because I wanted to get more info on a couple more people. I do, in general, believe that it's in the best interests of the town to get more reveals than less. However, in this one, with players who can steal and/or destroy items, I think it's best left unsaid who's carrying what. My hope was that we'd get something over the weekend, but that didn't happen. Too many people bail. Then Sunday night comes along and the game gets serious again. As it should with a 4PM Monday deadline.

If we decide to push CTM back to the reveal/lynch point, he's already told us that he'll tell us what he has then. Going back to voting to lynch rather than just collect info, I'll comfortably move back to CTM. I just see way too many logic flaws in the way he's played in this gameday. Stealing from the Ape -essentially vetting that he was telling the truth about his letter- then coming at him to start the day when we'd already gotten a reveal out of him the previous day. The idea that he stole the letter and then someone else took it from him and destroyed it just still seems unlikely to me, at best.

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@ Slats...I don't want you MK...so let it rest...but I owuld like Hess to explain this post early D2. He stated he wanted to reveal something...now is the time we get more info...he was a big boy when he put this out there...he can surely answer the mail without your help for everyone now.

You're right of course, he should answer for himself.

Although, again, he's already said that he wanted to reveal on D1, but not so much today. :lol:

But yeah, sure, let's hear from him.

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The question that keeps coming to my mind is why did the destroyer, if there is one (and we only have CTM's word on that) target CTM? Did he know that CTM stole OP's item? Assuming the destroyer is a scum role (and it must be) that seems awfully powerful to me. Something in CTM's story doesn't quite add up for me. I don't quite have my finger on it totally, but I'm uncomfortable enough with it to change my vote.


Vote CTM

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You're right of course, he should answer for himself.

Although, again, he's already said that he wanted to reveal on D1, but not so much today. :lol:

But yeah, sure, let's hear from him.

IMO...Hess needs to come clean before we lynch CTM...If Hess is the Cop (I'll assume that is your concern)and I seriously doubt that was his reveal...and the only thing he has to offer is JiF is town...it goes down as the worst performance as a cop as we have ever seen here...and I was terrible...getting outed on Day 1 and converted on Day 2. lol.

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My best theory for your question I bolded is that the best lies have an element of truth. He could simply be a player that takes items and destroys them for scum. He also comes clean on having visited Monkey right out of the chute, which is a smart thing to do if you're concerned about a watcher/tracker type role. CTM and I-OP are both high profile players, and either could've been targeted in such a way by a town power.

so just to clarify .. You hink I crafted my reveal the way I did because I'd have been a likely target for a n1 action... Yet want to vote me because you think it was unlikely I was targetted with a n1 action?

This is why I'm not trusting you this game ....this is monkey speak.. We both know I'm often targetted by something on first night or two yet you think itls impossible I was targetted by an item destroyer last night. I was and I announced it just like last game when I was attempted nk on n1

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You know what, I see CTM lurking so...


vote: CTM

Pretty sure that's L2. Whadya got?

Not saying.. It's too valuable..

Look at monkey tomorrow when my role is confirmed

look at PAC.. He never pulls punches like he is this game..(also when fos'ing me for stalled train I believe he left out the ape.. Need to check)

look at verb.. Gut feeling

look at slats ... Monkey avoidance to extreme.. Won't even consider my points and even offered alternate suspects by saying several people hinted at items.. Not just ape.. This will come up tomorrow when town wonders why ape wasn't targetted

jetsc ode starte pinging recently.. But only if ape is town... He got way more interested in Lyn hing me when it became clear it would lead to ape

now someone hammer and send me deadthread.. I want to join smc and get head start on calling you all stupid

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Official Day 2 Vote Count

CTM (6): JiF, Verbal, Smash, Jetscode1, Lily, Slats

Lily (3): Vicious, Hess, Wombat

Hess (3): Pac, AVM, Primate

Vicious (1): Crusher

Smashmouth (1): J80

Pac (1): CTM

With 15 people alive, it takes 8 votes to lynch


Deadline has been set for Monday at 4PM ET

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Oh lily ... Your 180 degree turn here haz cut deeply.. I'm starting to worry you lie 2 me

What 180 degree turn? I thought early that you and the monkey were both town. Your incessant arguing with one another convinced me that you have something not right in your story. Isn't that how the game works?

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Official Day 2 Vote Count

CTM (6): JiF, Verbal, Smash, Jetscode1, Lily, Slats

Lily (3): Vicious, Hess, Wombat

Hess (3): Pac, AVM, Primate

Vicious (1): Crusher

Smashmouth (1): J80

Pac (1): CTM

With 15 people alive, it takes 8 votes to lynch


Deadline has been set for Monday at 4PM ET

Hmm thought I was at l-1waiting for pacScum to hammer.. Thought Lilly ninja'd slats ..

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What 180 degree turn? I thought early that you and the monkey were both town. Your incessant arguing with one another convinced me that you have something not right in your story. Isn't that how the game works?

Yah, just messing around cause I usually defend you when attacked for playing differently ;)

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Dunno.. I just assumed slats comments about being l-2 didn't include lily's vote since they happenned right on top of one another

Blehh, if I missed something I think it would have been a little while ago ... I'll check again.

What is the opposite of an orgasm? Having my period? lol.

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Yah, just messing around cause I usually defend you when attacked for playing differently ;)

Yeah. Sorry about that. I still love you, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

I thought CTM was at 4 when I voted, so I think you're all right, Dan.

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