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Hell House Mafia Game Thread


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Distancing. Obviously scum silenced their own, and Verbal is also scum.

Now to wonder who was silenced today. It wouldn't surprise me if a scum silenced one of their own to help them stay under the radar.

Somehow I knew Jack would predict this... oy.

For today I like Jack and AVM as trains. Ultimately we'll need to know Jack's alignment, he become a center of gravity for this game that can't be ignored.

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Its a reality - contrary to my Ape personna here in teh mafia, I'm a charmer... when I present, I leave no holes. Airtight concepts that cannot be undermined by stupid clients, I lead, they follow... and my clients love me. Why am I successful? I'm not a creative diva, like so many of the others out there, I bring an empathetic mindset to every engagement and make them understand that I'm in the trenches with them fighting for the best possible solution.

Working directly with developers and programmers daily, I can say this... basically social competencies are to find in mix of people that do what you do. Look at CTM, social mutant. Would you put that creep in front of a client? Hell no. I'd send a client a picture of my scrotum before I asked him to talk to my clients in his dirty laundry wardrobe and likely hand lotion stained untucked t-shirts that he takes out of the Goodwill pile much to the chagrin of his wife.

Anyway back to the mafia - poop peener JF80 licks his own weiner!!!

haha.. you're close, I am a social mutant, but I defintely get put in front of people a ton because I have a background in marketing and programming and am very good at interpreting between the two.. Which due to being a social mutant, causes me to recoil and refuse to do it. Basically now I work closely with a small team of business people and am generally left alone. My CEO tries to get me to go to conferences all the time and I refuse.

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I'm the ******* sun. Everything revolves around me.

I'm all seriousness, if you lynch Lily and she is scum the. That will give us places to go. If you lynch me you get nothing except me out ofte game. Are you that scared thay I'll take your title for king dick weed this game, cyber monkey?

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I would have considered Dan to be one of the top choices to be investigated over the last 2 nights, so unless someone pops in with a scum finding, I'm feeling better about her telling the truth. I'm not feeling better about the quick votes on her.

Why silence Verb, then kill him? IMO, it would have been a much better wifom to let him live.

Even if our Cop found a demon last night, I'd encourage them to not reveal their role unless they are giving us more than 1 demon. Since having the Cop out in the open would require Doc protecting them, and IF scum did in fact target the Doc on N1, then they know who it is and for all intents and purposes we lose both really quickly and only net 1 demon under this scenario.

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Oh of someone gets silenced tomorrow. They should rep the posts they think are important or the posts they agree with. Just so they can kind of stay on the game.


Hehe....my bad. Glad people noticed I was repping posts. I posted before checking my PMs.....oops. That's why I had to delete my post, but you can't totally delete it unless you have mod powers, so I just left a "." there.

After I revealed I dnt want the doc to counter. If they would have countered I'd have voted myself off or said I was lying. The only reason I attempted the fake claim was to stay alive and try and out some scum with the claim. Which I think I did because Lily behaved how I'd expect a scum to behave. I didn't think the town was going to buy into a roleless reveal and after my big fiasco wanting the doc to step forward I knew they wouldn't if I went and claimed doc.

That is the dumbest ******* thing I've ever heard. So the Doc counters, you say you're lying and we vote you off. Then if you don't flip demon, guess what? The mafia now know who the Doc was. Dumbest. Plan. Ever.

Having said that, I can only surmise that you're either a man with an awful plan, or a demon. Town's choice.

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Somehow I knew Jack would predict this... oy.

For today I like Jack and AVM as trains. Ultimately we'll need to know Jack's alignment, he become a center of gravity for this game that can't be ignored.

Who wouldn't think it? It's a viable option. The mafia may not wan it mentioned because it undermines te purpose for them silencing on of their own, but people will think it. In fact I'm not the first person to mention it.

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haha.. you're close, I am a social mutant, but I defintely get put in front of people a ton because I have a background in marketing and programming and am very good at interpreting between the two.. Which due to being a social mutant, causes me to recoil and refuse to do it. Basically now I work closely with a small team of business people and am generally left alone. My CEO tries to get me to go to conferences all the time and I refuse.

Ugh... we are like 2 sides of the same coin... I just threw up in my mouth a little.

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Who wouldn't think it? It's a viable option. The mafia may not wan it mentioned because it undermines te purpose for them silencing on of their own, but people will think it. In fact I'm not the first person to mention it.

I know, that is why I quoted both you and AVM. :rolleyes:

So why don't you figure out who is silenced and get back to us when you searchtrap them?

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I didn't purposely try and put out confusion. In my very next post I explain by plain searcher I meant vanilla townie. Just because these douche-tards can't read that isn't my fault.

I don't expect everyone to believe me. If I did I would just bold a vote with no reasoning. I gave my justifications and if people don't believe me that's their option.

I'm pissed because a lynch was being ran up on me for trying to get the doc to reveal on thread because I thought and still think the mafia know who it is. Lily tried to bait the doc to counterclaim and she got a slap on the wrist. She must have magic fun bags or something.

I've got no other argument. I don't want to keep posting the same thing over and over again and it seems that's all I'm doing. If people don't like it or it convinces no one. We are killing time. The game needs to progress if I'm a loadstone and an easy scapegoat for the mafia do they can spend another day lynching a townie then I'm better off for the town to not be in the game.

That's my defense.

UNVOTE and vote Lily

lol, ftr, I was just ******* with you about the searcher thing, and I'm pretty sure most everyone after Smash was too. I took it as far as I could and it was pretty fun. Anyway, maybe you should go back and quote Lily's posts where she was doing the things you've said she was doing, and maybe it will help your cause.

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That is the dumbest ******* thing I've ever heard. So the Doc counters, you say you're lying and we vote you off. Then if you don't flip demon, guess what? The mafia now know who the Doc was. Dumbest. Plan. Ever.

Having said that, I can only surmise that you're either a man with an awful plan, or a demon. Town's choice.


Can we lynch Jack now? Whether we like it or not we'll be talking about him all game long.


... and everything I said. Sometimes you just have to chop off the diseases limb to move forward.

Jack is either dumb or scum, and needs to be sidelined... unfortunately, he'll still keep yapping even when dead. Thanks Hess.

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lol, ftr, I was just ******* with you about the searcher thing, and I'm pretty sure most everyone after Smash was too. I took it as far as I could and it was pretty fun. Anyway, maybe you should go back and quote Lily's posts where she was doing the things you've said she was doing, and maybe it will help your cause.

yeah, yeah... do that, after you figure searchfindtrap the silenced scum team member.

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Hehe....my bad. Glad people noticed I was repping posts. I posted before checking my PMs.....oops. That's why I had to delete my post, but you can't totally delete it unless you have mod powers, so I just left a "." there.

In that same post you quoted if you would have continued to read you would have saw that I didn't think the doc would counter because they in all likelihood would think my reveal was a ploy to get them to come forward.

That is the dumbest ******* thing I've ever heard. So the Doc counters, you say you're lying and we vote you off. Then if you don't flip demon, guess what? The mafia now know who the Doc was. Dumbest. Plan. Ever.

Having said that, I can only surmise that you're either a man with an awful plan, or a demon. Town's choice.

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I feel ok about Dan.. still think jack should be the lynch, but AVM's reaction was over the top and I think it'd be a good idea to rattle his cage a bit

vote AVM

I agree with that, just not sure if it means anything yet.


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i think our list of potential silencee's is... avm, dan, lilly, raoul, jets code..

AVM or Dan, imo. Lily probably isn't awake yet, and it's probably just business as usual w/ Raoul and JC. Plus they've both been relevant topics of discussion lately.

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lol, ftr, I was just ******* with you about the searcher thing, and I'm pretty sure most everyone after Smash was too. I took it as far as I could and it was pretty fun. Anyway, maybe you should go back and quote Lily's posts where she was doing the things you've said she was doing, and maybe it will help your cause.

When I get finished with work today I will. It's difficult to do on my phone.

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lol, ftr, I was just ******* with you about the searcher thing, and I'm pretty sure most everyone after Smash was too. I took it as far as I could and it was pretty fun. Anyway, maybe you should go back and quote Lily's posts where she was doing the things you've said she was doing, and maybe it will help your cause.

Hehe, I actually PMed Hess to laugh about that. I was chuckling at my desk watching you guys all repeat the same sh*t over and over to him....he obviously wasn't getting the hint. Hehe.

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Unvote unless we get a counter claim

She's expecting a counter claim. That's kind of the same thing she voted for me originally. Like I said only mafia and the sox would know I wasn't the doc. Lily answered more like mafia

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Its a reality - contrary to my Ape personna here in teh mafia, I'm a charmer... when I present, I leave no holes. Airtight concepts that cannot be undermined by stupid clients, I lead, they follow... and my clients love me. Why am I successful? I'm not a creative diva, like so many of the others out there, I bring an empathetic mindset to every engagement and make them understand that I'm in the trenches with them fighting for the best possible solution.

Working directly with developers and programmers daily, I can say this... basically social competencies are to find in mix of people that do what you do. Look at CTM, social mutant. Would you put that creep in front of a client? Hell no. I'd send a client a picture of my scrotum before I asked him to talk to my clients in his dirty laundry wardrobe and likely hand lotion stained untucked t-shirts that he takes out of the Goodwill pile much to the chagrin of his wife.

Anyway back to the mafia - poop peener JF80 licks his own weiner!!!

It's funny how you put it, but it really is true. I definitely notice it's becoming a trend that I end up with some very interesting responsibilities based solely on my personality compared to others. The funny thing about it is, I will fully admit that it's even somewhat contrary to my personal sociability. When I was younger I was extremely shy and even to this day, if I'm with familiar people I'm in good shape, but otherwise I still have a tendency to be somewhat hesitant. But in the workplace, it's a completely different story. I know it's all based on confidence, which from a work standpoint is something I've gained plenty of over the last 6 years. Combine that with the fact that, believe it or not despite my time spent on JN, I'm very ambitious and so I'm more than glad to take on any of these additional responsibilities. It also helps that when I want to be I am both a fantastic kiss a$$ and bullsh*t artist, which we all know are the most important traits in dealing with clients.

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She's expecting a counter claim. That's kind of the same thing she voted for me originally. Like I said only mafia and the sox would know I wasn't the doc. Lily answered more like mafia

Meh, i think you are making way to many assumptions here. We have BPV's every game so there's no way scum could know what they hit. Further, we discuss counter claims after almost every power role reveal.

Just not seeing your case here

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It's funny how you put it, but it really is true. I definitely notice it's becoming a trend that I end up with some very interesting responsibilities based solely on my personality compared to others. The funny thing about it is, I will fully admit that it's even somewhat contrary to my personal sociability. When I was younger I was extremely shy and even to this day, if I'm with familiar people I'm in good shape, but otherwise I still have a tendency to be somewhat hesitant. But in the workplace, it's a completely different story. I know it's all based on confidence, which from a work standpoint is something I've gained plenty of over the last 6 years. Combine that with the fact that, believe it or not despite my time spent on JN, I'm very ambitious and so I'm more than glad to take on any of these additional responsibilities. It also helps that when I want to be I am both a fantastic kiss a$$ and bullsh*t artist, which we all know are the most important traits in dealing with clients.

Inmates running the asylum has a very funny take on nerds in the workplace.. Did you ever read it?

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Inmates running the asylum has a very funny take on nerds in the workplace.. Did you ever read it?

Haven't read it, just looked it up real quick, this is the one right? http://www.amazon.com/Inmates-Are-Running-Asylum/dp/0672316498

Reading the synopsis it sounds like there's a bunch of things I'd probably agree with in there. There's no doubt I've often had very different views on some things than my co-workers. I guess that's what happens when you have a programmer with a business degree. I've definitely realized there's not a lot of programmers out there with a "big picture" mentality. A lot of them can't look ahead beyond what they're doing at that moment and exactly what they've been told to do, in order to think about the final goal, where I honestly have a really hard time not doing it. I used to go back and forth with my old boss all of the time because of the questions I'd be asking her up front about some of our projects and she'd just have no clue and not even get why I was asking, while I'm trying to explain to her why that info is going to have an impact on everything I'm doing from step one on.

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Haven't read it, just looked it up real quick, this is the one right? http://www.amazon.com/Inmates-Are-Running-Asylum/dp/0672316498

Reading the synopsis it sounds like there's a bunch of things I'd probably agree with in there. There's no doubt I've often had very different views on some things than my co-workers. I guess that's what happens when you have a programmer with a business degree. I've definitely realized there's not a lot of programmers out there with a "big picture" mentality. A lot of them can't look ahead beyond what they're doing at that moment and exactly what they've been told to do, in order to think about the final goal, where I honestly have a really hard time not doing it. I used to go back and forth with my old boss all of the time because of the questions I'd be asking her up front about some of our projects and she'd just have no clue and not even get why I was asking, while I'm trying to explain to her why that info is going to have an impact on everything I'm doing from step one on.

found a good section


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Haven't read it, just looked it up real quick, this is the one right? http://www.amazon.com/Inmates-Are-Running-Asylum/dp/0672316498

Reading the synopsis it sounds like there's a bunch of things I'd probably agree with in there. There's no doubt I've often had very different views on some things than my co-workers. I guess that's what happens when you have a programmer with a business degree. I've definitely realized there's not a lot of programmers out there with a "big picture" mentality. A lot of them can't look ahead beyond what they're doing at that moment and exactly what they've been told to do, in order to think about the final goal, where I honestly have a really hard time not doing it. I used to go back and forth with my old boss all of the time because of the questions I'd be asking her up front about some of our projects and she'd just have no clue and not even get why I was asking, while I'm trying to explain to her why that info is going to have an impact on everything I'm doing from step one on.

That's it..He tears into programmers pretty good.. I was in tears when I read it

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And just so everyone fully understands there are only two people who know players alignment, Bleedin Green and myself. Just in case you were wondering if Nae's posts had any insights other than her own opinions. I love my little dead sexy ladyfriend but I don't tell her my secrets. ;)

Actually he wanted to tell me but I want to be surprised. ;)

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Good lord this game has grinded to a halt.

Vote: Jack

At this point I think he's going to be a central figure no matter what, and with his play not sure if I want people either following him around or spending half the game arguing with him. Hell of a debut.

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