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Hell House Mafia Game Thread


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Busy day guys...broke some new business though!!!

I'll never understand why Dan is unlynchable. Makes me sick. She's going to cruise to end game by brushing off pressure with a "whatever" attitude. Hate it. Love her. Hate it. F Jack_D from derailing that train. <3 him though too.

Quick observations from a catch up stand point.

Hate the way Pac is playing. Cant get a read on him. Dont care what his excuse is...really pisses me off especially after last game

AVM, I'm interested but I've been wrong about him all year long. Is he finally scum?

Jack, come'on you morons. There's no way this guy is scum. I see the point of getting him out of the game to focus, but there's no way he's scum trying to pull this off.

Smash, I always have trouble reading.

Crusher, my muffin top, very nervous about him. Another unlynchable player that is skating by.

CTM h8him, he's starting to ping me. Seems to be willing to prod every train. Not really out front creating his own cases like usual.

Slats uber town read, which is dangerous...well maybe not after last game :D

Has Lily posted today? She must be the silenced player.

I get the point of not running Dan up again and we have time with small trains...so I'm going pure gut here.

Unvote Dan

Vote Crusher - sorry mt <3 u

Yeah, I like this vote. Crush has this quiet about him right now... good time to pressure him.

As for Dan, stop whining about it. Its like this... we know she shrugged off pressure, and JD derailed her train. But the first couple days have been all about 3-4 people. Time to kick tires, like you are doing here, and we can re-focus, perhaps on Dan, perhaps not, when Hess gives us a deadline.

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Hess has informed me that last night I was able to spy (with my ghostly eye) one of the demons riding a tricycle.

You know what to do.

If you are a dead townie lying about this, I'm going to nominate you for worst mafia player of all time. Having said that, lynch JiF people.

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Hahaha.... doosh. I'd neg rep this if I weren't used up... dammit.

Anyone that calls for a neg rep bomb as much as you do, deserves one.

+ 2

1) because he's an idiot 2) because those pictures are ******* lame and not funny

Hess has informed me that last night I was able to spy (with my ghostly eye) one of the demons riding a tricycle.

You know what to do.

Figure out who stole me trike?

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Why? because when your scum, I can smell you from a mile away?

I know it's not from me leaving scumtells everywhere, because I've been playing this game too damn long to allow that. You either are a lucky bastard, or perhaps you have some ESP sh*t on me that nobody else does. I've never been pegged 2x in such a short span of time like you did with your investigation and vigkill. I gave you credit on the scum thread last game, so put your dick back in your pants.....you're scaring Pac.

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I know it's not from me leaving scumtells everywhere, because I've been playing this game too damn long to allow that. You either are a lucky bastard, or perhaps you have some ESP sh*t on me that nobody else does. I've never been pegged 2x in such a short span of time like you did with your investigation and vigkill. I gave you credit on the scum thread last game, so put your dick back in your pants.....you're scaring Pac.

Two of the biggest jagoffs in mafia have your number, JIF and the Ape. Congrats on spending all that time playing, just to end up fodder for the boobonic duo.

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Do you know how imbalanced it would be if Hess actually told me JiF is scum? I just figured it out through my godlike scumhunting skills.

Dude, seriously? If the town had just lynched JiF and he was town, you'd have been responsible for that. If you're gonna do this sh*t, please wait until you're actually alive in the game so the town can punish you accordingly. You're too smart for dumb plays like that.

Buuuuut.....I have no clue on who is a demon. I just want Dan dead. And maybe AVM. And Jack. Pretty sure a demon in those 3.

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Two of the biggest jagoffs in mafia have your number, JIF and the Ape. Congrats on spending all that time playing, just to end up fodder for the boobonic duo.

You have my number? Seriously? I call bullsh*t on that one. Does your narcissism know no bounds?

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I know it's not from me leaving scumtells everywhere, because I've been playing this game too damn long to allow that. You either are a lucky bastard, or perhaps you have some ESP sh*t on me that nobody else does. I've never been pegged 2x in such a short span of time like you did with your investigation and vigkill. I gave you credit on the scum thread last game, so put your dick back in your pants.....you're scaring Pac.

Whatever makes you feel better about being my bitch...is fine with me.

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You have my number? Seriously? I call bullsh*t on that one. Does your narcissism know no bounds?

I had you last game, but not even sure why. Just a feeling. The last time before that, i had no clue. And I have no idea what your tells are, fwiw

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I had you last game, but not even sure why. Just a feeling. The last time before that, i had no clue. And I have no idea what your tells are, fwiw

And that makes sense. Sometimes you'll catch somebody, and sometimes you won't. That's mafia. But the Ape is deluded if he thinks he's got anybody's "number".

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@ JiF: EAD

@ CTM: agreed. I listed my top 3. Town's call.

re bolded: you say that like it's an insult, for jif that's a decent thursday night

re: the scum hunting, I mean at least quote posts or something

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I'm just going to throw this out there and its not because you guys are trying to get me lynched, but its been pissing me off all game. I'm all for supporting whatever Hess has done in this game, even if that means the dead can still participate...but you guys are no help. In fact, you're hurting the game. Wwwbgay is pushing a lynch on me, a townie, for what reason? How does this benefit the town whatsoever?

All you ****s are doing is creating more confusion than we already have. Maybe once you die, you try to help scum. I have no F'ing clue...but there hasnt been a helpful post from a dead person yet.

///end rant

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No need to quote posts - it's already been done for all of them.

Dan: general attitude thus far...just off. Post have been quoted and this topic has been discussed.

Jack: hell, I've gone back and forth with him for a couple of days now. My points on him have been made.

AVM: meh....this is my maybe. Just a gut, supported with some of the case made on him thus far.

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JiF's interaction with Jack_D screams scum.

When I was razzing him with Sharrow, Smash, JF80 and others. Good call.

I can't quote from my phone but the bit JiF said about "no choice but to believe your lies" or something like that rings false to me. JiF is either hinting Doc, which is retarded, or rolefishing for the Doc.

Right, because Jack_D hasnt lied this game.

I think my posts have been pretty helpful so far. Your mock outrage is noted.

Yep. Notice all the demons we're killing with your guidance.

Good work!

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