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Sacred Thrust Mafia - Official Game Thread


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Caught up and nothing I've seen makes me feel any better about that gross duo. All they've done is call anyone who doesn't believe them idiots.

Their awesome plan last night was to shoot at the doc to prove their innocence. Meanwhile as scum they could have very easily holstered to set up their story today.

I've maintained that JC should be disposed of but either of these 2 pigs makes a good second for me.

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Regarding the "flame war"/distancing confusion...

In the Star Wars game, me and CTM were a mason team, and we weren't a team until day 3 after I found him on the 2nd night. If that's the case, then they had plenty of time to butt heads before they found each other. JIF may have been looking for a doctor, and CTM may have been looking for a nurse, for example.

After finding each other, they admittedly thought about pulling a CTM vs SMC type battle, which has consistently drawn out scum in the past.

There, that explains that, what's next?

Btw, pretty clear, imo, from how passionately they're defending themselves that they're both going to die when they're lynched or killed.

I was going to post something similar to the above, but I think Sharrow did a better job that I would've. Also, JiF was looking for a mason partner in one game and pulled the same Batman thing he was pulling here - looking for his "Robin." That could've been some blatant signaling on his part in this one.

They point to the fact not killing me makes them town as well but CTM made referece to my possibility of being the Doc when we all revealed our names as did many others so with us knowing they have these day kill abilities how smart would it be for them to kill me during the day ? It would be stupid but CTM wants you to believe this Vetts them as town. Its obvious to me they are either playing really bad or they are scum that cant crawl out of their tangled web of deceit.

You outed yourself as a damn good doctor before they outed themselves as this vig team. They could've killed you right then and there and never revealed.

Slats, Sharrow, you both seem very town right now and you are the only ones actually thinking. Use what you are seeing in reaction to me and CTM to win this game for the town. All we tried to do was narrow the pool and see some reactions around 2 confirmed townies and I still think we have 3 but Smash is just lost. Even if we realized that you guys would never know for sure, we figure that we could use this to build cases. I have no clue how everyone doesnt see this vetted us...but whatever, its funny as hell to watch and we'll find out when the game is over.

I think the main problem is that we've only had one scum NK and that was back on N1, with two kills since by you guys. If scum is holding off killing at night for wifom purposes, it's a helluva risky wifom. I have trouble buying that. I'd think they'd be targeting one of you. Or JC. I'd love it if someone had an explanation as to why scum missed on NK's two nights in a row. If someone had a vest blown off or something, that would go a long way towards helping to vet you guys further.

If you're telling the truth -and I lean that way- I can understand why you'd seem so vetted after sharing your PM's and fully explaining who you killed and why - but you have to understand it's not as entirely clear cut for those of us on the outside of your QT.

Also, why aren't you killing Nae or Verb now?

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"Did you not say numerous times yesterday you were going to shoot at him last night and

he'd better self protect, it was argued several times that night protection does not work

during the day(since you are claiming to be who day killed monkey and hess), and that you

and ctm did something to Smash last night to make you believe he's town? You just contradicted

yourself with that here. Nice one. "

1. Jif and CTM said several times yesterday that they were going to use their vig shot on

Smash. The uncountered doctor claimant. CTM even said possibly tommorow meaning they were

actually considering using it during the day. Pretty clear to me that nightime protection does

not work during the day yet CTM suggested doing just that.

2. Even if you did take the shot at night it doesn't clear you just because you did it when he could protect.

You made him risk the uncontested Finder.

3. You claim you found Monkey SOOOO suspicious and scummy because he tested JC's theory. Yet

you turned around and shot at Smash and see nothing at all wrong with it.

"When has an innocent(s) been willing to shoot 3 people in one day? With no coroner we have no way to know

if you are shooting scum or town. 3 in one day you'd be more likely to hit at least 2 town with that. With

no coroner we also have no way to prove you guys by killing one of you. I have zero doubt in my mind that

you are smart enough to have come up with something like this to coast to end game as a 3rd party or scum.

It would actually be brilliant. And I might have bought it if you had presented it before CTM acted like the

scum of the earth thru most of the game. We don't know if you are telling the truth or not. All I have to

go on is how scummy CTM has come across to me. "

1. You claim vig(as much as you can with no reveals) and yet you were more than willing to just go shooting.

I'll buy Monkey.. he was acting a bit suspicious and he was doing his monkey thing anyways... with suspecting

the entire list of players... but Hess seemed town to me and you just shot him cause he was annoying you. Albeit

thats exactly why you shot monkey but anyways...

2. You, as supposed TOWN vigs, shot two people and were more than ready to shoot a third. The third being the uncontested

doctor. I dont care if you waited til christmas to do it. Doing so makes you look like scum. - back to the point of

that's exactly what Monkey did that you found so scummy... going after an uncountered power town role.

3. I still think this is some scheme you two cooked up with no coroner to prove one way or another. How better to try to coast

to endgame than try to claim something no one can prove and with a buddy who can "vet" you and hopefully coast to endgame?

Why not stay hidden? Why indeed. You caused more mayhem clearing your throat and pointing to each other than staying quiet and

shooting whoever with no claims to doing so would have ever done.

CTM, on 23 June 2011 - 02:44 PM, said:

slats if i could go into details it would make perfect sense.. Do we need to call another shot for you to believe we ain't scum?

"Yes. Please shoot another possible townie you ****tard. You and Jif are looking more and more and more like scum or 3rd party.

Why are you two shooting off your guns all over the damn place?"

1. Asking if we want you to shoot even more people to "prove you are innocent" is the dumest thing I've ever heard.

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Lol, this is hilarious. Ftr, I understand their whole explanation completely. They suck at explaining themselves, but I don't know why you guys are being so dense. Probably some intentionally and some unintentionally (Smash).

Anyway, if you guys wanted to kill one of them, you should have stayed on CTM though, cause when Pac gets back, he'd probably put him down with a quickness. JIF, he might actually take a look at how things are playing out.

Regarding the "flame war"/distancing confusion...

In the Star Wars game, me and CTM were a mason team, and we weren't a team until day 3 after I found him on the 2nd night. If that's the case, then they had plenty of time to butt heads before they found each other. JIF may have been looking for a doctor, and CTM may have been looking for a nurse, for example.

After finding each other, they admittedly thought about pulling a CTM vs SMC type battle, which has consistently drawn out scum in the past.

There, that explains that, what's next?

Btw, pretty clear, imo, from how passionately they're defending themselves that they're both going to die when they're lynched or killed.

I'd hug you right now if I could.

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I'm on my iPhone... Mae is trying to get us to give details she knows we can't give...

I'll say this... Smash seemed desperate not to let us get to night.. If I were vig I'd have seen that as a scum tell and contemplated shooiring him... But as town I would've holstered and test him at night

also re no nk's.. No reveal and no coroner make this game heavily favor scum for balnce.. Thier nk's could/should be nerfed somehow...

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I'd like to know how you guys are rationalizing the death scenes not being lawyers, btw. Since we're looking for lawyers.

Avms death scene was a lawyer... Don't expect an intelligble response from paranoid smash and the scum twins

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Caught up and nothing I've seen makes me feel any better about that gross duo. All they've done is call anyone who doesn't believe them idiots.

Their awesome plan last night was to shoot at the doc to prove their innocence. Meanwhile as scum they could have very easily holstered to set up their story today.

I've maintained that JC should be disposed of but either of these 2 pigs makes a good second for me.

And here's pactard who only wants to lynch uncountered power roles this game... Diaf

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I was going to post something similar to the above, but I think Sharrow did a better job that I would've. Also, JiF was looking for a mason partner in one game and pulled the same Batman thing he was pulling here - looking for his "Robin." That could've been some blatant signaling on his part in this one.

You outed yourself as a damn good doctor before they outed themselves as this vig team. They could've killed you right then and there and never revealed.

I think the main problem is that we've only had one scum NK and that was back on N1, with two kills since by you guys. If scum is holding off killing at night for wifom purposes, it's a helluva risky wifom. I have trouble buying that. I'd think they'd be targeting one of you. Or JC. I'd love it if someone had an explanation as to why scum missed on NK's two nights in a row. If someone had a vest blown off or something, that would go a long way towards helping to vet you guys further.

If you're telling the truth -and I lean that way- I can understand why you'd seem so vetted after sharing your PM's and fully explaining who you killed and why - but you have to understand it's not as entirely clear cut for those of us on the outside of your QT.

Also, why aren't you killing Nae or Verb now?

Cant believe I'm saying this, but I'd hug you too. :P

Today is a new day.

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I'd like to know what SMC thinks of all this.

I think:

(1) Jif & CTM are likely townie lovers (Jif has to move to NY to make it official;

(2) Verbal is my best guess for scum & should die; and

(3) You're still a douche.

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Avms death scene was a lawyer... Don't expect an intelligble response from paranoid smash and the scum twins

Amv was night killed. Hess and Ape were day killed. I don't know... In alot of games the way that someone is killed is just flavor. It would get boring to type xx was bludgeouned to death by a briefcase every time someone was killed. I have no idea how Jack mods. I don't even really know how he plays as I stopped paying attention less than halfway thru Hess's game. I rarely read too much into death scenes other than to find out who died.

There is your Nae not commenting on this. Thank you and please remember to tip your waiter.

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Amv was night killed. Hess and Ape were day killed. I don't know... In alot of games the way that someone is killed is just flavor. It would get boring to type xx was bludgeouned to death by a briefcase every time someone was killed. I have no idea how Jack mods. I don't even really know how he plays as I stopped paying attention less than halfway thru Hess's game. I rarely read too much into death scenes other than to find out who died.

There is your Nae not commenting on this. Thank you and please remember to tip your waiter.


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I'd like to know how you guys are rationalizing the death scenes not being lawyers, btw. Since we're looking for lawyers.

I want to know how you rationalize the lawyers killing one person and The brothers grim killing everyone else. Please explain that.

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Amv was night killed. Hess and Ape were day killed. I don't know... In alot of games the way that someone is killed is just flavor. It would get boring to type xx was bludgeouned to death by a briefcase every time someone was killed. I have no idea how Jack mods. I don't even really know how he plays as I stopped paying attention less than halfway thru Hess's game. I rarely read too much into death scenes other than to find out who died.

There is your Nae not commenting on this. Thank you and please remember to tip your waiter.

Well said

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Sharrow your forgetting one very important factor. The lack of roles in the Death scenes. This basicly lets Jif and CTM do whatever the hell they want and them beg us to believe them. So they said they were going to shoot certain people and they did how does that make them 100 % innocent ? Could you explain that to me ? Could you explain how they were voting one another and arguing earlier but when questioned about it they come up with some bullsh*t crap about how they just became teammates? Give me a freakin break. Their defense has been sh*tty at best but the three people going after them are all idiots, yet asking very valid questions. I think they are scum and made a bad call .

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