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Edwards pleads guilty to DWI


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Trial was this morning. What's the automatic suspension for that? Four games?

First offense for that. No Suspension. There's a difference between punching midgets, and getting a DWI

His problem is that he is on probation in Ohio. He could wind up doing 60-90 days.

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Trial was this morning. What's the automatic suspension for that? Four games?

There's no set suspension for any of these things. Outside of the drug policy, everything is handled completely subjectively on a case by case basis. The only reason he might get one would be because this is not his first legal incident. There is a list a mile long of players who have gotten busted for DUIs and never missed a snap of football. This argument came up at the time last season when there was the ridiculous outcry for the Jets to throw down some harsh punishment on him, and the response simply was there was absolutely no precedent for that whatsoever. I wouldn't be shocked if he got nothing, and even if he does, I wouldn't expect more than a game or two.

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Ah. Thanks dudes. I was hoping it'd hurt his FA price.

It could if for no other reason that what is going to happen is a complete unknown. While I can't imagine any punishment would possibly be that bad, I think teams would be much happier to have a situation like the Jets did last year in getting Holmes knowing he's gone for 4 games than a situation like Edwards where you just have no clue what the final decision will be, either by the NFL or the courts. Especially since Goodell seems to just flip a coin to decide what the hell he wants to do on a player by player basis, with little sense or consistency surrounding those situations. I'm pretty sure Eric Smith is still trying to figure out how the **** he's the only player to ever get suspended for an in-game hit (one that wasn't even flagged no less).

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Doesnt this violate his probation from the Lebron incident?

Has there been anything legitimate to actually support this though? I know this came up in the midst of the mass hysteria of Edwards being the worst human being in the world and the Jets should cut him on the spot, but not a single report about it that I saw was anything other than baseless speculation by the writer. I'm not saying it's not a violation, because I really have no clue, but Edwards didn't seem to be overly concerned about it when it came up earlier in the offseason and nothing I've read really seems to give any substance behind it other than more of the doom and gloom nonsense that the NY beat writers love to harp on endlessly.

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Has there been anything legitimate to actually support this though? I know this came up in the midst of the mass hysteria of Edwards being the worst human being in the world and the Jets should cut him on the spot, but not a single report about it that I saw was anything other than baseless speculation by the writer. I'm not saying it's not a violation, because I really have no clue, but Edwards didn't seem to be overly concerned about it when it came up earlier in the offseason and nothing I've read really seems to give any substance behind it other than more of the doom and gloom nonsense that the NY beat writers love to harp on endlessly.

You'd have to think there's less than zero chance his lawyers would let him plead guilty to this if it had the possibility of him getting jail time.

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You'd have to think there's less than zero chance his lawyers would let him plead guilty to this if it had the possibility of him getting jail time.

That would be a serious "oops" moment... lol

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Ah. Thanks dudes. I was hoping it'd hurt his FA price.

You don't think 60-90 days in the clink will do that?

I mean we all know 60-90 days in the slammer for you only makes your price go up from 1 smoke to 2.

But Barylon is not quite as sweet as you.

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You'd have to think there's less than zero chance his lawyers would let him plead guilty to this if it had the possibility of him getting jail time.

I hope not for his sake, but either way he violated, so he's going to get something.

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You'd have to think there's less than zero chance his lawyers would let him plead guilty to this if it had the possibility of him getting jail time.

You'd have to think so. Did you hear any more details on it? Like did he just straight up put in a guilty plea, or was he pleading guilty to a lesser charge? If that's the case, that alone might be enough to keep this from going any further. That said, if past situations with other players is any precedent even if he has to serve time he'll probably just be allowed to do it next offseason. Not that teams would be thrilled with that anyway, but it's certainly better than missing games.

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The text I just got from ESPN said: "Free agent WR Braylon Edwards pleads guilty to DWI charge, must pay $500 fine, continue counseling".

Holy crap, talk about the ultimate slap on the wrist. If that's any indication, I can't imagine this becoming any further of an issue.

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The text I just got from ESPN said: "Free agent WR Braylon Edwards pleads guilty to DWI charge, must pay $500 fine, continue counseling".

Holy crap, talk about the ultimate slap on the wrist. If that's any indication, I can't imagine this becoming any further of an issue.

Well it's not like he shot himself in the foot.

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The text I just got from ESPN said: "Free agent WR Braylon Edwards pleads guilty to DWI charge, must pay $500 fine, continue counseling".

Holy crap, talk about the ultimate slap on the wrist. If that's any indication, I can't imagine this becoming any further of an issue.

This sounds very much like a Driving While Impaired plea. That is a violation and not a misdemeanor. He will get a 90 day license suspension along with the fine and that most likely will be it.

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