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2 things that bother me


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#1. Cursive. Really? They're still teaching 3rd graders to write in cursive? What the **** for? Wouldn't typing be a more useful skill nowadays? No!!! My kid has to take all his spelling tests in cursive because connecting his letters with swirls and loops will be so important in the future. Cursive sucks. And if you're over the age of 10 and you write in cursive--you suck. Big time.

#2. Achoo! Bless you. Thank you. I mean seriously people. Why the eff are we blessing people who sneeze? The bubonic plague isn't really an issue nowadays and small pox is kind of, you know, out. So it's about the most senseless tradition I can think of, especially during allergy season. Achoo! Bless you. Thank you. Why do I have to thank someone for blessing me? I'm not even religious. But just try and get away without the Thank You and you are total scum! Even worse...try standing within arms length of a sneezer and not giving them your blessing. They look at you like you just pissed in their coffee. And, exactly how close do you have to be to make the Bless You mandatory. I'm thinking three to five feet. Ten feet and beyond should make you exempt. Also, are you exempt if a really zealous blesser gets to the sneezer before you do? Or should you layer an extra Bless You on top? And if you do, do you get your own thank you, or do you have to share it with the blesser who jumped your sneezer? Achoo! Go **** yourself. In cursive.

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#1. Cursive. Really? They're still teaching 3rd graders to write in cursive? What the **** for? Wouldn't typing be a more useful skill nowadays? No!!! My kid has to take all his spelling tests in cursive because connecting his letters with swirls and loops will be so important in the future. Cursive sucks. And if you're over the age of 10 and you write in cursive--you suck. Big time.

#2. Achoo! Bless you. Thank you. I mean seriously people. Why the eff are we blessing people who sneeze? The bubonic plague isn't really an issue nowadays and small pox is kind of, you know, out. So it's about the most senseless tradition I can think of, especially during allergy season. Achoo! Bless you. Thank you. Why do I have to thank someone for blessing me? I'm not even religious. But just try and get away without the Thank You and you are total scum! Even worse...try standing within arms length of a sneezer and not giving them your blessing. They look at you like you just pissed in their coffee. And, exactly how close do you have to be to make the Bless You mandatory. I'm thinking three to five feet. Ten feet and beyond should make you exempt. Also, are you exempt if a really zealous blesser gets to the sneezer before you do? Or should you layer an extra Bless You on top? And if you do, do you get your own thank you, or do you have to share it with the blesser who jumped your sneezer? Achoo! Go **** yourself. In cursive.

1. Kids need to know how to write in cursive because eventually the machine wiil attack. Pretty sure their software struggles with cursive writing as opposed to to typed print. Thought everyone knows that.

2. People are not blessing you after you sneeze for religious reasons. They are blessing you for covering your mouth and not slinging spit and mucous on them. Try coughing in their face and spraying sputum all over them and you will not get a blessing. You will get a WTF Dooshbag. Though I do kinda see the distance thing.

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I think it's a hymn from an ancient priest:

"And so I see you sneezin sh*t on the girl I love and I'm like....bless you....

I guess the change in your pocket couldn't cover Purell so I'm like bless you, and bless her too..."

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#1. Cursive. Really? They're still teaching 3rd graders to write in cursive? What the **** for? Wouldn't typing be a more useful skill nowadays? No!!! My kid has to take all his spelling tests in cursive because connecting his letters with swirls and loops will be so important in the future. Cursive sucks. And if you're over the age of 10 and you write in cursive--you suck. Big time.

#2. Achoo! Bless you. Thank you. I mean seriously people. Why the eff are we blessing people who sneeze? The bubonic plague isn't really an issue nowadays and small pox is kind of, you know, out. So it's about the most senseless tradition I can think of, especially during allergy season. Achoo! Bless you. Thank you. Why do I have to thank someone for blessing me? I'm not even religious. But just try and get away without the Thank You and you are total scum! Even worse...try standing within arms length of a sneezer and not giving them your blessing. They look at you like you just pissed in their coffee. And, exactly how close do you have to be to make the Bless You mandatory. I'm thinking three to five feet. Ten feet and beyond should make you exempt. Also, are you exempt if a really zealous blesser gets to the sneezer before you do? Or should you layer an extra Bless You on top? And if you do, do you get your own thank you, or do you have to share it with the blesser who jumped your sneezer? Achoo! Go **** yourself. In cursive.

Oh, I get it.

You're being funny. Like Seinfeld.

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And you're not being funny. And doing an excellent job of it.


I'm complimenting you! A simple "thank you" would suffice.

Seriously though, you should send these into Reader's Digest. People will love your humorous observations about trivial matters. Plus, they pay like $15 per joke.

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I'm complimenting you! A simple "thank you" would suffice.

Seriously though, you should send these into Reader's Digest. People will love your humorous observations about trivial matters. Plus, they pay like $15 per joke.

I agree. And I enjoy your post-quality observations of people who have been here 6yrs longer than you have. Perhaps you should mail your observations to www.grow-pubic-hair-before-running-your-mouth.com

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I agree. And I enjoy your post-quality observations of people who have been here 6yrs longer than you have. Perhaps you should mail your observations to www.grow-pubic-hair-before-running-your-mouth.com

See, now you're forcing things.

The original post was funny.

But, your's really isn't. I mean, I see what you're trying to do with the imaginary website thing that's clearly meant as a personal attack on me. But, it just comes across as desperate.

Work on it. I have faith in you, I think you have a lot of potential. But, you're going to have to put the work in. I can't do that for you.

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I'm complimenting you! A simple "thank you" would suffice.

Seriously though, you should send these into Reader's Digest. People will love your humorous observations about trivial matters. Plus, they pay like $15 per joke.

well, thank you. But your compliment seemed to be :sarc: and I'm pretty sure Jerry K read it as such as well. Jerry defends me because we're married to the same woman and we enjoy shopping together. So understand, you've got to go through me to get to Jerry. And I am extremely tough and mean. especially when there's a keyboard in front of me.

BTW, that smiley is writing in cursive.

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well, thank you. But your compliment seemed to be :sarc: and I'm pretty sure Jerry K read it as such as well. Jerry defends me because we're married to the same woman and we enjoy shopping together. So understand, you've got to go through me to get to Jerry. And I am extremely tough and mean. especially when there's a keyboard in front of me.

BTW, that smiley is writing in cursive.

Btw, your Macy's bill came yesterday and I need you to return those grey pumps you borrowed. I'm in a wedding on Saturday.

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So, comments about cursive offend you, and you respond to me by more or less diagramming my sentence.

What grade English do you teach?

What part of "the original post was funny" do you not get?

The original post was funny. The comments about writing in cursive were funny. No one writes in cursive, I get it.

You, however, are not funny. At least judging by what you've written in this thread.

Asking me what grade English I teach? Really? What's next, you going to resort to namecalling? Please.

By the way, you're little avatar with the "Karma Police" guy and the "Supreme Chancellor" is kind of gay. The cartoonish Karma Police guy is not clever, and the "Supreme Chancellor" nonsense just makes you look like a Star Trek Convention geek. But, that's a topic for another thread.

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Ok Lance, I'll let this go for now.

Plus One, sorry I made you angry. Your suggestions are noted. Since we haven't met, you should also know that I have 80's hair, a lazy eye, bad breath, and man-boobs. Working on those items too.

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Ok Lance, I'll let this go for now.

Plus One, sorry I made you angry. Your suggestions are noted. Since we haven't met, you should also know that I have 80's hair, a lazy eye, bad breath, and man-boobs. Working on those items too.

Now, THAT made me laugh!

See, I told you you had potential.

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Cursive and writing in general is starting to go the way of the dodo. They should teach kids to type early. I can't think of any situations these days where you'd send somebody a handwritten letter in cursive rather than a document you typed and printed out. It just doesn't make sense anymore.

And blessing somebody for their allergies or illness is utterly retarded. Bottomline is it's PC to say it, so most people do, just like how when people refer to death they also throw in "god forbid". It's unnecessary politeness, and it is based on religion and generally fear of being depicted negatively for failing to follow the motions.

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What part of "the original post was funny" do you not get?

The original post was funny. The comments about writing in cursive were funny. No one writes in cursive, I get it.

You, however, are not funny. At least judging by what you've written in this thread.

Asking me what grade English I teach? Really? What's next, you going to resort to namecalling? Please.

By the way, you're little avatar with the "Karma Police" guy and the "Supreme Chancellor" is kind of gay. The cartoonish Karma Police guy is not clever, and the "Supreme Chancellor" nonsense just makes you look like a Star Trek Convention geek. But, that's a topic for another thread.

Wow, didn't know you guys were going to continue. And I still can't get a good grasp on your overall doucheyness. I don't think you set out with the intent to douche fwiw.

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#1. Cursive. Really? They're still teaching 3rd graders to write in cursive? What the **** for? Wouldn't typing be a more useful skill nowadays? No!!! My kid has to take all his spelling tests in cursive because connecting his letters with swirls and loops will be so important in the future. Cursive sucks. And if you're over the age of 10 and you write in cursive--you suck. Big time.

#2. Achoo! Bless you. Thank you. I mean seriously people. Why the eff are we blessing people who sneeze? The bubonic plague isn't really an issue nowadays and small pox is kind of, you know, out. So it's about the most senseless tradition I can think of, especially during allergy season. Achoo! Bless you. Thank you. Why do I have to thank someone for blessing me? I'm not even religious. But just try and get away without the Thank You and you are total scum! Even worse...try standing within arms length of a sneezer and not giving them your blessing. They look at you like you just pissed in their coffee. And, exactly how close do you have to be to make the Bless You mandatory. I'm thinking three to five feet. Ten feet and beyond should make you exempt. Also, are you exempt if a really zealous blesser gets to the sneezer before you do? Or should you layer an extra Bless You on top? And if you do, do you get your own thank you, or do you have to share it with the blesser who jumped your sneezer? Achoo! Go **** yourself. In cursive.

Got anything new for us?

Maybe a "men hunt and women gather" bit?

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nope, those things don't annoy me. But cursive and sneezing keep me awake nights. But now that you mention it, perhaps I could find a few more things that annoy me....


Not a bad piece of video tape. Family Guy is funny.

But, we prefer you.

Sure you have another bit for us? Right?

C'mon, it's Friday afternoon, we need a little humor here.

Surely someone with such a clever name as your's..."Sir Lance Mehl Ot"...can come up with a good joke, right?

A funny observation perhaps? A quip? Something strange, droll, curious, eccentric?

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I agree. And I enjoy your post-quality observations of people who have been here 6yrs longer than you have. Perhaps you should mail your observations to www.grow-pubic-hair-before-running-your-mouth.com

C'mon...bring more funnies!

We want funnies!

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Mr One has become the charter member of my ignore list.

Sorry guys, I did my best. This troll is someone else's problem now.

Meh, I'm not sure he's as big a shmuck as he seems. Just a bit of an odd delivery. If it is meant to be insulting then I think his posts are pure fail. If your gonna try to belittle someone, don't come off as a jackass...the belittling backfires bigtime. Which is why i don't engage in troll-bashing. They can look foolish all by themselves. In the meantime, I have no hard feelings against the guy, he's just trying a bit too hard right now. If he's an a$$, then time will bear that out. If he's not, then maybe we'll adjust to his manner of commentary once his personality becomes more clear. Either way if you guys get into a fistfight, I'll totally root for you while standing behind Crusher and Max.

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