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Reservoir Dogs Mafia

Bleedin Green

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i'm fine with hess or pac (and not cause of that arrogant pos jif, i voted pac to start the day)

at this point, I'd prefer to force a reveal out of el guapo


vote Pac

Why do you want to force a reveal? I want to see if someone else will say what I am you tool.

1 more vote though and you'll have your full reveal...

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Why do you want to force a reveal? I want to see if someone else will say what I am you tool.

1 more vote though and you'll have your full reveal...

why? 1) cause you already half revealed with 1 vote.. 2) you were my favorite for scum coming in to today

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If you're not scum I almost feel sorry for you... given your disasterous start today I have to think you're dirty.

Hess or Jif.. Lets kill one.

Pleeease tell me why I'm scum??? You've been on me since D1. I thought for sure you were a PR but your obsession has lead me to believe you're probably scum. Really trying to not let your idoicy effect my judgement but all I want to do is pin your hand to a vice and slowly cut your arm off with a razor blade.

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why? 1) cause you already half revealed with 1 vote.. 2) you were my favorite for scum coming in to today

I already covered why I half revealed - which is your specialty btw...

I had you and Slats saying you were willing to vote me last night and predictably Hess and JiF came out of the gates and voted me early today. That would have given opportunistic scum a chance at the Ninja if I wasn't around.

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Pleeease tell me why I'm scum??? You've been on me since D1. I thought for sure you were a PR but your obsession has lead me to believe you're probably scum. Really trying to not let your idoicy effect my judgement but all I want to do is pin your hand to a vice and slowly cut your arm off with a razor blade.

i knew letting hess watch zodiac was a bad idea

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Pleeease tell me why I'm scum??? You've been on me since D1. I thought for sure you were a PR but your obsession has lead me to believe you're probably scum. Really trying to not let your idoicy effect my judgement but all I want to do is pin your hand to a vice and slowly cut your arm off with a razor blade.

Truth be told Jif is moving ahead of you on my list... soo...


Vote JiF

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I already covered why I half revealed - which is your specialty btw...

I had you and Slats saying you were willing to vote me last night and predictably Hess and JiF came out of the gates and voted me early today. That would have given opportunistic scum a chance at the Ninja if I wasn't around.

ok, but i don't think anyone would've l1'd you.. and besides, you've been around all morning vato

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I already covered why I half revealed - which is your specialty btw...

I had you and Slats saying you were willing to vote me last night and predictably Hess and JiF came out of the gates and voted me early today. That would have given opportunistic scum a chance at the Ninja if I wasn't around.

You had two votes on you with 5 to lynch, you are the biggest dick ever.

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Ok cool. So anyway, can you make a case on me other than "Sharrow was obviously red flagging him from the beginning of the game?"

Not really but it was the first thing I read this morning and found it interesting. He basically called out your name. So if you did arrest him that would be hysterical. More than anything I'm kinda hoping it is true. LOL

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Not really but it was the first thing I read this morning and found it interesting. He basically called out your name. So if you did arrest him that would be hysterical. More than anything I'm kinda hoping it is true. LOL

Yeah he said I must be the black dude b/c like I'm our black dude.

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I already covered why I half revealed - which is your specialty btw...

I had you and Slats saying you were willing to vote me last night and predictably Hess and JiF came out of the gates and voted me early today. That would have given opportunistic scum a chance at the Ninja if I wasn't around.

Right because every was chomping at the bit to string up Sharrow when he wasnt around.

Truth be told Jif is moving ahead of you on my list... soo...


Vote JiF

Scumtastic. The beauty of being a roleless townie is its all about being right. You could get me lynched, I might draw a day kill, maybe a night kill but when I flip town and you flip scum, my reputation only grows. We've done this dance before and just because people hate to see me right, Slats made a terrible decision against all good resasoning and you won. I'd imagine it would happen again, but like I said, its all about being right and the victory means little.

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SMC - hiding last night and hasn't gotten into it until today.. also stupidly pointed out that he didn't think Sharrow was a regular finder when it clearly said in the death scene that he was a GF finder.. leaning scum

Hess - early on there was no Hessapalooza and some curious posts. Didn't really get into the game until just recently but his posts this morning are making me doubt myself... neutral to slightly dirty

JiF - all over the map.. stupid logic, dumb posts, almost panicked... leaning scum

Crush - jovial and involved.. no glaring mistakes which are commonplace when he's scum... town lean

CTM - playing it straight.. although his recent posts condeming me for the half reveal are troubling considering he pattened that move and uses it with regularity... neutral

Slats - worried about him... slapdick posts the majority of day 1 and last nights little "gosh no one is around lets lynch 80" post is a little too convenient. neutral to dirty lean

Verbal - haven't seen anything out of the norm and has been absent during many of the heated discussions. neutral

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Scumtastic. The beauty of being a roleless townie is its all about being right. You could get me lynched, I might draw a day kill, maybe a night kill but when I flip town and you flip scum, my reputation only grows. We've done this dance before and just because people hate to see me right, Slats made a terrible decision against all good resasoning and you won. I'd imagine it would happen again, but like I said, its all about being right and the victory means little.

I saved you from yourself to start the year in the transformers game.. I killed you with superior logic and outplayed you in the game you mention above.. I'm town and you're scum in this game.

I own you. Own.

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SMC - hiding last night and hasn't gotten into it until today.. also stupidly pointed out that he didn't think Sharrow was a regular finder when it clearly said in the death scene that he was a GF finder.. leaning scum

Hess - early on there was no Hessapalooza and some curious posts. Didn't really get into the game until just recently but his posts this morning are making me doubt myself... neutral to slightly dirty

JiF - all over the map.. stupid logic, dumb posts, almost panicked... leaning scum

Crush - jovial and involved.. no glaring mistakes which are commonplace when he's scum... town lean

CTM - playing it straight.. although his recent posts condeming me for the half reveal are troubling considering he pattened that move and uses it with regularity... neutral

Slats - worried about him... slapdick posts the majority of day 1 and last nights little "gosh no one is around lets lynch 80" post is a little too convenient. neutral to dirty lean

Verbal - haven't seen anything out of the norm and has been absent during many of the heated discussions. neutral

All over the map? I'm voting you and only you, you stupid Mexican.

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I want to vote for Verbal or the Ape too. The Hess thing seems fishy to me too. I could see both of them (Ape & Verbal) being scum and deciding that one of them should vote for Hess at that point and both accidentally doing it cause they're such retards and then hoping someone would hammer or Hess would have a sloppy reveal instead of unvoting quickly and drawing more attention. Their little scuffle with the Ape voting Verbal & Verbal accusing the Ape of exaggerating but not returning the vote looks like a good distancing play when the Ape was getting closer to a lynch.

I said it looked like blatant distancing between you and Verbal. The rest is just putting the pieces together. And it makes sense, imo. Just need to decide which of you to vote for.

Why should I FOS him for something I could expect him to do every game? Ape and Verbal leaving somebody at L-1 like that I don't expect. It's a completely different situation. Not to mention the fact that it was CTM in the first example, who is much easier to lynch than you are, and he was at L2 and you were at L1, which is a huge difference.

Only Slats and Verbal have fewer posts than me, ftr. Strange thing to attack me on.

Looked at Sharrow's posts in this game. I didn't see any signaling in his posts so I decided to focus on why he was killed. He had 27, but most were BS and these look like the more serious ones. Don't want to CTM/Ape this and continue to focus solely on Verbal, but Sharrow tried to cast doubt on both Ape and Verbal. He did that a little bit with Slats.

We have to wonder why would the scum kill Sharrow? Did they think he was on to them?

I'd focus on Slats and Verbal. Slats also said Verbal is clean now after Sharrow's death, but I don't know why. In fact ...

Vote: Slats

If Slats is scum, then we pretty much know that Verbal is the last one.

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Looked at Sharrow's posts in this game. I didn't see any signaling in his posts so I decided to focus on why he was killed. He had 27, but most were BS and these look like the more serious ones. Don't want to CTM/Ape this and continue to focus solely on Verbal, but Sharrow tried to cast doubt on both Ape and Verbal. He did that a little bit with Slats.

We have to wonder why would the scum kill Sharrow? Did they think he was on to them?

I'd focus on Slats and Verbal. Slats also said Verbal is clean now after Sharrow's death, but I don't know why. In fact ...

Vote: Slats

If Slats is scum, then we pretty much know that Verbal is the last one.

I'll add that I've been scum with Slats a couple times and he is always eager to kill Sharrow.. He fears him a bit.

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Looked at Sharrow's posts in this game. I didn't see any signaling in his posts so I decided to focus on why he was killed. He had 27, but most were BS and these look like the more serious ones. Don't want to CTM/Ape this and continue to focus solely on Verbal, but Sharrow tried to cast doubt on both Ape and Verbal. He did that a little bit with Slats.

We have to wonder why would the scum kill Sharrow? Did they think he was on to them?

I'd focus on Slats and Verbal. Slats also said Verbal is clean now after Sharrow's death, but I don't know why. In fact ...

Vote: Slats

If Slats is scum, then we pretty much know that Verbal is the last one.

My best bets for scum are Slats and Pac. Sharrow and Slats viisted me in a dream...but Pac and Slats were up to something early.

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sort of...

and we beat up pretentious, lilly-white faggots that wear Penny Loafers and think they're better than everyone else because they rent a cottage on the weekends.


I haven't seen the movie in a while, either, but if I recall there were only two cops in it: the under cover guy, and the one Mr. Blond brought in the trunk. 2/11 seems more balanced than 3/11. The movie had plenty of blood, I'd expect the game to, too.

I still have real life. Trying to get a bunch of stuff done today before I start my midnights at 7PM tonight (blah, blah, real life, vote slats, etc.). I'll be around some this weekend, and more the next couple of weeks.

There were 3 cops in the movie. Tim Roth's character, the one who got tortured, and the black cop who Roth reported to.

Since he was the only black guy in the movie, that must be Hess.



Well, you can't do 25% of 11.

I originally thought 2 supped up mafia made the most sense, but thinking about the movie it could be three gimped mafia instead. In the film, you had Roth shot in the belly, the tortured cop, and the black cop JiF mentioned that Roth reported to in flashbacks. The two cops on the scene are hardly strong.

Still, it's gotta be two or three. On the surface, I think I'd lean against Pac's idea that a SK fits the theme - but maybe I need to watch the movie again.

/looks up Reservoir Dogs on Vuse...

I saw Hanna in the theater, I thought it was great.

Watched Reservoir Dogs again last night. What a great movie! And it really is suited well to a small mafia game. One without a serial killer.

Some early interactions that pinged me.

Set up talk, Pac mentions a SK on like his 2nd post of the game. Slats goes out of his way to dismiss it. And Sharrow chimed in there with his actualy role.

I like Pac and Slats right now.

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I like Pac and Slats right now.

if Slats and I are the 2 remaining scum why the hell did I shift gears and call him out today? Why would I add fire to SMC's case against him?

The folly that is the "Greatest Scum Hunter" continues...

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if Slats and I are the 2 remaining scum why the hell did I shift gears and call him out today? Why would I add fire to SMC's case against him?

The folly that is the "Greatest Scum Hunter" continues...

I dont know...scum never goes after each other, especially not you as a scum. I mean, I've never seen you fake reveal a town power as scum role either.

I'm reconsidering...

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There is a possibility that there isn't a SK or a Vig. BG could have given the scum a certain amount of kills, but if they used a DK & NK, they could only use that once, then had to wait for another day phase. Something along those lines. I think we had something like that in another game.

I can see the scum killing Ape for fun.

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if Slats and I are the 2 remaining scum why the hell did I shift gears and call him out today? Why would I add fire to SMC's case against him?

The folly that is the "Greatest Scum Hunter" continues...

Not ready to call you Slats scummate (I think Verbal is a better bet), but you know this is a WIFOM

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Not ready to call you Slats scummate (I think Verbal is a better bet), but you know this is a WIFOM

Not really... Scum has to be reeling after last nights shot went astray.. I don't think the last 2 would be setting up a gambit to bring down there #'s to 1. Doesn't make much sense to me. Especially given the fact the GF finder is dead.

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slats is the third guy on my list, i wanted to slow play it a bit cause I know slats has been able to shake off early pressure a few times as scum and end up winning.. mostly cause on day 2 there is no solid case and he's generally perceived to be an asset to the town.. i was hoping to let this sit for another day or 2..

if you guys are serious about this, I'm game.. my thinking is that he's happy to hop onto other cases rather then building his own, which he always does as town... i don't know about the sharrow points that smac and pac made, but i know he's been bothering me since last night..


vote Slats

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Not really... Scum has to be reeling after last nights shot went astray.. I don't think the last 2 would be setting up a gambit to bring down there #'s to 1. Doesn't make much sense to me. Especially given the fact the GF finder is dead.

on day 1 someone took out there best player, then on night 1 they took out there symp... they're reeling.. but sometimes when they're reeling, they make plays like this

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