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Does Anyone in the NFL Respect Rex Anymore?


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We certainly lack in team speed, but the eagles did what the eagles do this season and desperately tried to give us this game. I still say that if not for Holmes bonehead plays, this game breaks completely differently with us taking advantage of their lack of size on defense... unfortunately i was too busy drinking and ranting to pay attention, but given our speed deficiency, did we play a lot of zone and try to hold them to FG's when the field got smaller?

They mixed it up...but sadly...It looked like they were in a lot of man. 1 on 1 coverage on Jackson, Celek and Maclin...a lot, trying to create pressure up the middle. Which is great if you're getting to Vick...but we werent. And when we were he was scrambling buying time and that is way too long to ask anyone to cover those speedy/shifty WR's.. We had Smith man on Celek almost exclusively...no wonder they waxed us with him.

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Right... This is still a good team. In fact, in FO it's the fourth bet team in football. We completely control our own destiny still and now have a good shot of playing houston in the playoffs, a team we will beat

The football outsiders ranking is complete nonsense and a product of trying to place measurables on an immeasurable construct. The Jets are an artifact in the data.

They've beaten 1 team with a winning record all season, and you're going to tell me they're the 4th best team in the league? Please.

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Right... This is still a good team. In fact, in FO it's the fourth bet team in football. We completely control our own destiny still and now have a good shot of playing houston in the playoffs, a team we will beat

We're an average to good team...which is enough for the playoffs. I have no confidence we beat the Giants so I dont see us a playoff team...but its not like the Jets out right suck. They're not the Colts or the Jags...they have talent. They just dont match up well vs teams with speed that utilize the middle of the field.

this team begged for ball control offense, chew clock, long drives (like against the chiefs) .... let vick and crew sit on sideline and only get a handful of drives a half. as soon as holmes gave up that td we went into try and outscore them mode, a game we can't compete with them at

Yep...the turnovers screwed everything up. Settling for FG's hurt them too. Make those FG's in the 1st half TD's...and its a different ball game.

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They mixed it up...but sadly...It looked like they were in a lot of man. 1 on 1 coverage on Jackson, Celek and Maclin...a lot, trying to create pressure up the middle. Which is great if you're getting to Vick...but we werent. And when we were he was scrambling buying time and that is way too long to ask anyone to cover those speedy/shifty WR's.. We had Smith man on Celek almost exclusively...no wonder they waxed us with him.

That's what i seem to remember but didn't feel confident going out on that limb as i honestly wasn't paying attention that closely after the holmes tip / int... I dunno, i just don't think we were destined to lose this game. Holmes ****ed us, moving away from what seemed to be a run orientated game plan screwed us, as did not taking a more passive approach on defense. Seems to me that if you run the ball /use play action and chew clock on offense, and then on defense stay back, give them the underneath stuff and make a bad, impatient team nickle and dime their way down the field and execute for 12-15 plays would've been more prudent.. tbh, i'm not even sure you have to go with the "i'm undermanned lets keep it close and wait for them to make a mistake" plan, this isn't a powerhouse team

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Not sure to be honest. I'm sure the blame falls on everyones shoulders. Like I said, I didnt forsee this being such an issue...maybe Rex and Co. didnt either. Or maybe he thought he could scheme around it. Dont know. But I'm sure they are watching the film today and saying....damn, we are slow. Probably need to address that in the offseason.

The Eagles have like 4 guys on offense that run in the 4.3-4.4 range. Not to many D's can match that speed. The Jets clearly couldnt.

I think they had to know it was something of an issue. I just think they felt that the offense would pick it up. I think there was definitely a thought that Holmes being here for a full season and Keller being a year older would lead to something special. Holmes was expected to go for 1100-1300 yards. He'll be lucky to get 700. You cant find a match for that loss of expected production. The reason I say the Jets knew some of the issues is when you look at the contracts on the defense this offseason---Scott and Pace were both told to take paycuts not just this year but next, Scotts was pretty big. That is the Jets recognizing performance deficiencies and expected downtrends from both. Sione Pouha was not extended. Jim Leonhard wasnt extended. Eric Smith was a bandaid with no future guarantees. Bryan Thomas wasnt extended. Brodney Pool is a minimum salary addition. When you see those kind of moves it tells you the team knows they need a makeover. The goal is to get by this season and see where it goes. It didnt go too well so they will get a facelift this offseason. Other than RT its not like the Jets will be focusing on offense anyway, so it will be all defense this offseason but I think that was the longterm plan anyway.

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The football outsiders ranking is complete nonsense and a product of trying to place measurables on an immeasurable construct. The Jets are an artifact in the data.

They've beaten 1 team with a winning record all season, and you're going to tell me they're the 4th best team in the league? Please.

i think we're overrated a bit due to our st's being very good for most of the season. I wasn't saying hey FO says we're 4th so were 4th, (and actual we're sixth).. I think the point is that we are in that next rung of teams that are pretty similar to one another.. The reality is that we're not very different from SF, and Baltimore and Houston (now), team with good defenses but deficient offenses... don't be surprised to see this team playing late in the playoffs again

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I think they had to know it was something of an issue. I just think they felt that the offense would pick it up. I think there was definitely a thought that Holmes being here for a full season and Keller being a year older would lead to something special. Holmes was expected to go for 1100-1300 yards. He'll be lucky to get 700. You cant find a match for that loss of expected production. The reason I say the Jets knew some of the issues is when you look at the contracts on the defense this offseason---Scott and Pace were both told to take paycuts not just this year but next, Scotts was pretty big. That is the Jets recognizing performance deficiencies and expected downtrends from both. Sione Pouha was not extended. Jim Leonhard wasnt extended. Eric Smith was a bandaid with no future guarantees. Bryan Thomas wasnt extended. Brodney Pool is a minimum salary addition. When you see those kind of moves it tells you the team knows they need a makeover. The goal is to get by this season and see where it goes. It didnt go too well so they will get a facelift this offseason. Other than RT its not like the Jets will be focusing on offense anyway, so it will be all defense this offseason but I think that was the longterm plan anyway.

The lack of speed has been noticeable since 2008 when we used to get killed on crossing routes... I think rex just believed he could scheme around it, and he has for the most part..Philyl basically has three exceptional athletic people in jackson, mccoy and vick.. you really don't find many other teams with that kind elite speed... the pats certainly don't have it.. nor do the saints

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i think we're overrated a bit due to our st's being very good for most of the season. I wasn't saying hey FO says we're 4th so were 4th, (and actual we're sixth).. I think the point is that we are in that next rung of teams that are pretty similar to one another.. The reality is that we're not very different from SF, and Baltimore and Houston (now), team with good defenses but deficient offenses... don't be surprised to see this team playing late in the playoffs again

I know you weren't saying they were the 4th best team, but regardless, this team is not playing anywhere close to the 4th or 6th best team in the NFL.

If all the cards fall perfectly we can play into the playoffs again. That means playing Houston in the 1st round of course, as we can beat them with Yates. But we can't beat Baltimore, New England, or Pittsburgh. There's just nothing we do well enough.

However, I'd be shocked if we make it past the Giants.

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I think they had to know it was something of an issue. I just think they felt that the offense would pick it up. I think there was definitely a thought that Holmes being here for a full season and Keller being a year older would lead to something special. Holmes was expected to go for 1100-1300 yards. He'll be lucky to get 700. You cant find a match for that loss of expected production. The reason I say the Jets knew some of the issues is when you look at the contracts on the defense this offseason---Scott and Pace were both told to take paycuts not just this year but next, Scotts was pretty big. That is the Jets recognizing performance deficiencies and expected downtrends from both. Sione Pouha was not extended. Jim Leonhard wasnt extended. Eric Smith was a bandaid with no future guarantees. Bryan Thomas wasnt extended. Brodney Pool is a minimum salary addition. When you see those kind of moves it tells you the team knows they need a makeover. The goal is to get by this season and see where it goes. It didnt go too well so they will get a facelift this offseason. Other than RT its not like the Jets will be focusing on offense anyway, so it will be all defense this offseason but I think that was the longterm plan anyway.

Very good point with the contracts. Maybe they did realize it a bit. This offseason should be nothing but speed, speed and more speed...because, speed kills and we dont have it...at any position on the team really.

i think we're overrated a bit due to our st's being very good for most of the season. I wasn't saying hey FO says we're 4th so were 4th, (and actual we're sixth).. I think the point is that we are in that next rung of teams that are pretty similar to one another.. The reality is that we're not very different from SF, and Baltimore and Houston (now), team with good defenses but deficient offenses... don't be surprised to see this team playing late in the playoffs again

You're nuts. Not a chance in hell this team beats the Giants.

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I know you weren't saying they were the 4th best team, but regardless, this team is not playing anywhere close to the 4th or 6th best team in the NFL.

If all the cards fall perfectly we can play into the playoffs again. That means playing Houston in the 1st round of course, as we can beat them with Yates. But we can't beat Baltimore, New England, or Pittsburgh. There's just nothing we do well enough.

However, I'd be shocked if we make it past the Giants.

I wouldn't be shocked at we beating the Giants.....I just want us to have a clean game

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Very good point with the contracts. Maybe they did realize it a bit. This offseason should be nothing but speed, speed and more speed...because, speed kills and we dont have it...at any position on the team really.

You're nuts. Not a chance in hell this team beats the Giants.


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You're nuts. Not a chance in hell this team beats the Giants.

The thing is, the rest of our competition for the sixth seed is so bad, that we probably only have to beat miami to get in.. thanks to tn and oakland losing this week

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Id imagine because its a bad matchup on paper. They have rushers that can wreck a game going up against Wayne Hunter. They have one of the better vertical passing games in the NFL and are not afraid to take chances down the field. They have a tight end that can catch. Those are all big matchup issues for the Jets D since its basically strength on weakness. Defensively the Giants cant cover the pass but that is a weakness on weakness because we dont throw down the field. So Id imagine that is why. Still Eli throws alot of potential pick 6 types which can help us win.

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Id imagine because its a bad matchup on paper. They have rushers that can wreck a game going up against Wayne Hunter. They have one of the better vertical passing games in the NFL and are not afraid to take chances down the field. They have a tight end that can catch. Those are all big matchup issues for the Jets D since its basically strength on weakness. Defensively the Giants cant cover the pass but that is a weakness on weakness because we dont throw down the field. So Id imagine that is why. Still Eli throws alot of potential pick 6 types which can help us win.

Maybe our superstar corners can actually make a play this week.

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Match ups. I dont like the way we match up...again.

Offensively, they can pound the rock and have a 3 headed running game. Speed and power. Dont see us stopping their rushing attack. On the outside, they can man up Revis with Nicks...but Revis hasnt been himself lately. Nicks will get his share. Nobody can match up with Cruz and they have a TE who can dominate Smith...again. Leonhard is a below average safety but he's often in the right spot. Him gone will hurt as they compliment a power running game with a vertical attack.

Defensively, they can creat pressure with their front 4 and sit on our intermediate to short routes which kills Sanchez. He struggles with teams that can generate a pass rush and play a vanilla zone. They do a great job of disguising their zones with man too...which Sanchez has never bee able to read pre-snap. Hunter will get dominated again and I dont see us running the ball effectively vs. a team that doesnt need to play their safeties deep vs. Sanchez.

Not a good match up. I expect to lose.

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The thing is, the rest of our competition for the sixth seed is so bad, that we probably only have to beat miami to get in.. thanks to tn and oakland losing this week

This is probably true. And that'd probably be a negative for the long term prospects of this team.

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Id imagine because its a bad matchup on paper. They have rushers that can wreck a game going up against Wayne Hunter. They have one of the better vertical passing games in the NFL and are not afraid to take chances down the field. They have a tight end that can catch. Those are all big matchup issues for the Jets D since its basically strength on weakness. Defensively the Giants cant cover the pass but that is a weakness on weakness because we dont throw down the field. So Id imagine that is why. Still Eli throws alot of potential pick 6 types which can help us win.

It's time that Revis and Cro step up.....It's time Maybin Blitz every freakin down........and it's time that we step up and Play like.....JETS (isn't that what Rex says)?

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The thing is, the rest of our competition for the sixth seed is so bad, that we probably only have to beat miami to get in.. thanks to tn and oakland losing this week

Its coming down to Cincy with Tenn and Oakland losing right? I havent really been paying attention because I dont expect to be there.

I think the Jets lose Saturday. And the Bengals win out. They play at home vs. Arizona and Balt. Both terrible road teams. Jets miss the playoffs at 9-7.

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Match ups. I dont like the way we match up...again.

Offensively, they can pound the rock and have a 3 headed running game. Speed and power. Dont see us stopping their rushing attack. On the outside, they can man up Revis with Nicks...but Revis hasnt been himself lately. Nicks will get his share. Nobody can match up with Cruz and they have a TE who can dominate Smith...again. Leonhard is a below average safety but he's often in the right spot. Him gone will hurt as they compliment a power running game with a vertical attack.

Defensively, they can creat pressure with their front 4 and sit on our intermediate to short routes which kills Sanchez. He struggles with teams that can generate a pass rush and play a vanilla zone. They do a great job of disguising their zones with man too...which Sanchez has never bee able to read pre-snap. Hunter will get dominated again and I dont see us running the ball effectively vs. a team that doesnt need to play their safeties deep vs. Sanchez.

Not a good match up. I expect to lose.

This is all true, we don't have the passing game to take advantage of their weakness against the pass.. THat being said, even if we win only 3 out of 10 tries, we can still win this Sunday.. For awhile I've had thee two games down as losses.. Cruz is going to have a big game next week, I expect

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Its coming down to Cincy with Tenn and Oakland losing right? I havent really been paying attention because I dont expect to be there.

I think the Jets lose Saturday. And the Bengals win out. They play at home vs. Arizona and Balt. Both terrible road teams. Jets miss the playoffs at 9-7.

I'm expecting Baltimore to beat them, Cin blowing it against Houston is what will probably cost them a spot

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Namath was right. I was right.

Rex, for all the great things he has done, is ultimately a players coach and chooses to high-five guys for acting like dipsh*ts rather than discipline them.

You saw tell-tale signs of it in Hard Knocks. I really, really like Rex... but I don't think he's doing his job well this season at all. I'm hoping the Giants embarrass him and his team. It might be the humbling he obviously needs... because at the moment the vibe around the team is no longer "nobody believes in us, lets believe in ourselves" it is "we're the big, bad, trash-talking Jets who can sh*t the bed as often as we want, and face no repercussions". That has to change.

From what I can see... this team's focus isn't on execution. It isn't on preparation. It isn't on winning football games.

This team looks like they've never practiced week after week.

Meanwhile, the Patriots.... the team we lost to twice and that Rex keeps saying he wants to see again... look like practice has made their offense damn-near perfect.

Agree on all counts.

Rex is a good defensive coach, but the jury is still out on his ability to run the entire show. I'm not yet ready to give up him totally, but he has to take more ownership of the entire team and hold players and coaches accountable.

If he wants to fix the offense, Schottenheimer needs to go. Make it happen, Rex.

If he wants to fix the atttitude on this team, start setting some examples and get in some of these guy's faces. Holmes should have been benched after that assinine, selfish penalty after the TD yesterday. Not smart from any player, never mind a guy who the head coach officially tabs "a leader" on the team.

No more Mr. Nice Guy, Rex.

Your not the "players guy" any more ... Your a damn head coach.

Start acting like it.

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Its coming down to Cincy with Tenn and Oakland losing right? I havent really been paying attention because I dont expect to be there.

I think the Jets lose Saturday. And the Bengals win out. They play at home vs. Arizona and Balt. Both terrible road teams. Jets miss the playoffs at 9-7.

Ok dude...way to negative.....lets be positive.....

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Ballard might actually be slower than Smith(as crazy as that sounds)...so it isn't the total mismatch we're making it out to be.

I think cruz is the bigger problem.. cromartie can't cover him, maybe they put wilson on him? Dunno... Maybin would have to have a big day pressuring eli

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I think cruz is the bigger problem.. cromartie can't cover him, maybe they put wilson on him? Dunno... Maybin would have to have a big day pressuring eli

If Maybin can get into Eli's face...we win this game...as long as Greene is allowed to run the freakin ball.....

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Agree on all counts.

Rex is a good defensive coach, but the jury is still out on his ability to run the entire show. I'm not yet ready to give up him totally, but he has to take more ownership of the entire team and hold players and coaches accountable.

If he wants to fix the offense, Schottenheimer needs to go. Make it happen, Rex.

If he wants to fix the atttitude on this team, start setting some examples and get in some of these guy's faces. Holmes should have been benched after that assinine, selfish penalty after the TD yesterday. Not smart from any player, never mind a guy who the head coach officially tabs "a leader" on the team.

No more Mr. Nice Guy, Rex.

Your not the "players guy" any more ... Your a damn head coach.

Start acting like it.

Rex is a hype man.

He's already at it again, talking about "extra incentive for the WAR in NY".

One... its a game. Not a war. Don't disrespect what our troops risk every day by comparing it to a game.

Two... was there NOT incentive going against Philly? Jets/Eagles was the battle of the most over-hyped teams of the pre-season, and we didn't even show up.

I like Rex. I want him here, but he's got a long way to go to be one of the best, imo. A long way.

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Or, how about the other 3 turnovers that the Eagles had great field position because of.

We were outplayed all over. We don't match up well against speed teams because we are slow.

The Eagles are better than their record indicates, and they are and were better than the Jets.

Giving enormous contracts to so many slow LBers has been a huge downfall. Individually you can have a solid tackler who's no speed demon, but we've got 3 slowpokes. The David Harris contract was abominably stupid on its face. It only makes it worse that the other 3 starters at the time were Pace-Scott-Thomas. Yeah he's a solid player but, like Scott 2 years earlier, the Jets gave him a contract commensurate with one worthy of the best ILB in NFL history.

It's not just Harris, who personally has done nothing wrong of course. But for the next 2 years (which are both 100% guaranteed) he'll have the cap charge of a franchise QB. Franchise QB money for a generally good, but far from great, ILB. He's a solid tackler who, sadly, would probably have a world of difficulty covering a practice-squad TE. An example of how slow he is: against NE in the playoffs last year, he did get the interception, we won the game anyway, and it's hardly his fault Folk missed a chip-shot. But how does a healthy, 26 year-old, 240-lb LBer in his prime, with a running head start, get chased down by a 33 year-old TE who (at only 6'2" tall) was probably pushing 280-290 lbs at the time?

2008 Calvin Pace

after 5 years in the league, most of it being labeled a bust (following his being referred to as a major reach in round 1 to begin with), and without a single great season under his belt, the Jets made Pace the highest-paid OLB in NFL history at the time with over $20M guaranteed.

2009 Bart Scott

a solid borderline-pro-bowl type, knew Rex's defense cold, and brought in the attitude Rex loved. But still, he was in no way worthy of becoming the highest-paid ILB in NFL history. Became a FA at 28, turning 29 right before the 2009 season, and was awarded an $8M/year deal also with over $20M guaranteed. Has aged rapidly since then, which just happens sometimes when players get over 30. It's a rough sport and not many can play like they're still in their primes 8-10 years into their careers. Well his contract for next year is guaranteed and this year he's already needed to come off the field on obvious passing downs.

2011 David Harris

said enough above. A generally solid tackler and very good overall player. Has good instincts, which allows him to play a little faster than his pure on-paper speed, and gets to the QB once every 5 games on blitzes when he's unblocked. But he can't cover for sh*t, can't really chase anyone down, and is out of place on a defense that already boasts multiple slow LBers who cannot be cut themselves for cap reasons. $9M/year for 4 years, with the first 3 years guaranteed. But hey, Rex loves him so much that, like Bart Scott, personal affections end up trumping a player's true value. Was not in the same class of player as Willis, Beason, Urlacher, Lewis types but was awarded a contract that outpays them all.

This doesn't take into account Bryan Thomas, who was given a $5M/year deal after one half of one very good season in '06. Then he regresses so much in '07 the Jets jump all over the chance to draft one Vernon Gholston 6th in the country. Thomas got his act together while Gholston stunk up the joint, but certainly has never displayed the speed that made him a high pick in the first place. Sucks that he missed this season, but he's in the last year of his contract and is slow also despite being the only 1 of the 4 who can cover a TE at all (at least as of 2 seasons ago).

The only real speed we have at the position is Maybin. The kid runs like the wind but can only do one thing: rush the passer. That's fine, but he'd be a lot more use if we had a high-scoring first-half offense that keeps the other team in must-pass mode for the second half of a game.

Whatever. I do like our DL (both starters and depth). Revis is the best CB of all time. Cromartie is fine overall, but is overpaid for a team that's already paying through the nose for Revis and is probably our best trade bait after the season. Our safeties are awful. Best I could say is Leonhard would be fine if he had someone far better sharing safety duties with him, who could man up on a TE a little. But however much Rex loves him, he simply has no business being our team's best safety.

Our defense would be fine - if not very, very good - with a truly good safety who can keep up with an NFL TE and if we hit paydirt on an OLB draft prospect who can start right away. It also may require Wilson to step it up and become a starter if we get a good enough offer for Cromartie. All far easier said than done, but contracts dictate the rest of the defense returns in 2012.

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Rex is a hype man.

He's already at it again, talking about "extra incentive for the WAR in NY".

One... its a game. Not a war. Don't disrespect what our troops risk every day by comparing it to a game.

Two... was there NOT incentive going against Philly? Jets/Eagles was the battle of the most over-hyped teams of the pre-season, and we didn't even show up.

I like Rex. I want him here, but he's got a long way to go to be one of the best, imo. A long way.

I Agree....He just doesn't get it...I am afraid he never will.....

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I'm expecting Baltimore to beat them, Cin blowing it against Houston is what will probably cost them a spot

I'm not...not the way the Ravens play on the road. Cincy wins that game. Its their SB.

Ok dude...way to negative.....lets be positive.....

I'm a realist. And I've given up on being positive about the Jets. I'd prefer to have low expectations with this team.

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Giving enormous contracts to so many slow LBers has been a huge downfall. Individually you can have a solid tackler who's no speed demon, but we've got 3 slowpokes. The David Harris contract was abominably stupid on its face. It only makes it worse that the other 3 starters at the time were Pace-Scott-Thomas. Yeah he's a solid player but, like Scott 2 years earlier, the Jets gave him a contract commensurate with one worthy of the best ILB in NFL history.

It's not just Harris, who personally has done nothing wrong of course. But for the next 2 years (which are both 100% guaranteed) he'll have the cap charge of a franchise QB. Franchise QB money for a generally good, but far from great, ILB. He's a solid tackler who, sadly, would probably have a world of difficulty covering a practice-squad TE. An example of how slow he is: against NE in the playoffs last year, he did get the interception, we won the game anyway, and it's hardly his fault Folk missed a chip-shot. But how does a healthy, 26 year-old, 240-lb LBer in his prime, with a running head start, get chased down by a 33 year-old TE who (at only 6'2" tall) was probably pushing 280-290 lbs at the time?

2008 Calvin Pace

after 5 years in the league, most of it being labeled a bust (following his being referred to as a major reach in round 1 to begin with), and without a single great season under his belt, the Jets made Pace the highest-paid OLB in NFL history at the time with over $20M guaranteed.

2009 Bart Scott

a solid borderline-pro-bowl type, knew Rex's defense cold, and brought in the attitude Rex loved. But still, he was in no way worthy of becoming the highest-paid ILB in NFL history. Became a FA at 28, turning 29 right before the 2009 season, and was awarded an $8M/year deal also with over $20M guaranteed. Has aged rapidly since then, which just happens sometimes when players get over 30. It's a rough sport and not many can play like they're still in their primes 8-10 years into their careers. Well his contract for next year is guaranteed and this year he's already needed to come off the field on obvious passing downs.

2011 David Harris

said enough above. A generally solid tackler and very good overall player. Has good instincts, which allows him to play a little faster than his pure on-paper speed, and gets to the QB once every 5 games on blitzes when he's unblocked. But he can't cover for sh*t, can't really chase anyone down, and is out of place on a defense that already boasts multiple slow LBers who cannot be cut themselves for cap reasons. $9M/year for 4 years, with the first 3 years guaranteed. But hey, Rex loves him so much that, like Bart Scott, personal affections end up trumping a player's true value. Was not in the same class of player as Willis, Beason, Urlacher, Lewis types but was awarded a contract that outpays them all.

This doesn't take into account Bryan Thomas, who was given a $5M/year deal after one half of one very good season in '06. Then he regresses so much in '07 the Jets jump all over the chance to draft one Vernon Gholston 6th in the country. Thomas got his act together while Gholston stunk up the joint, but certainly has never displayed the speed that made him a high pick in the first place. Sucks that he missed this season, but he's in the last year of his contract and is slow also despite being the only 1 of the 4 who can cover a TE at all (at least as of 2 seasons ago).

The only real speed we have at the position is Maybin. The kid runs like the wind but can only do one thing: rush the passer. That's fine, but he'd be a lot more use if we had a high-scoring first-half offense that keeps the other team in must-pass mode for the second half of a game.

Whatever. I do like our DL (both starters and depth). Revis is the best CB of all time. Cromartie is fine overall, but is overpaid for a team that's already paying through the nose for Revis and is probably our best trade bait after the season. Our safeties are awful. Best I could say is Leonhard would be fine if he had someone far better sharing safety duties with him, who could man up on a TE a little. But however much Rex loves him, he simply has no business being our team's best safety.

Our defense would be fine - if not very, very good - with a truly good safety who can keep up with an NFL TE and if we hit paydirt on an OLB draft prospect who can start right away. It also may require Wilson to step it up and become a starter if we get a good enough offer for Cromartie. All far easier said than done, but contracts dictate the rest of the defense returns in 2012.

Well Said......

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I'm not...not the way the Ravens play on the road. Cincy wins that game. Its their SB.

dude, people have knocked us for not beating anyone yet we have like a 10 game lead in strength of victory... CN basically has only beaten really bad teams

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