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Only scenario for us to get in


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I hope they dont make the playoffs to be honest with you.

LOL Jets fans are funny as hell.

When the Jets lose, the Jets fan wins. Jets fans never want to see the team do well for some reason, unless it's "perfection."

I remember all the bitching and moaning last year, and that was an 11-5 record +2 playoff wins back to back @Indy (Peyton) and @ New England (Brady). If that is a season worth whining about then you had all better pack it in and stop watching sports altogether.

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LOL Jets fans are funny as hell.

When the Jets lose, the Jets fan wins. Jets fans never want to see the team do well for some reason, unless it's "perfection."

I remember all the bitching and moaning last year, and that was an 11-5 record +2 playoff wins back to back @Indy (Peyton) and @ New England (Brady). If that is a season worth whining about then you had all better pack it in and stop watching sports altogether.

I know being a fan of the team you have to want what's best for the team I understand that, but I want us to NOT make the playoffs because maybe the management will realize oh sh*t we need to change something. When sh*t's not working, change something. I was probably hard on Sanchez after the game, saying I lost faith in him completely, but he really needs to step his game next season or we're not going anywhere. If we back into the playoffs once again, management will go back to thinking oh the team is fine we just need to make a few tweaks. NO. We need to revamp this team because if we don't we will never get over the hump into the Super Bowl. I'm usually an optimist compared to most Jets fans but this season just sucked all the optimism from me.

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I wasn't, but you're right a lot were. I think it's a loser mentality. It's like we want them to win but, it's so hard to see them lose it's just easier to think they will and point out how they will lose. I really haven't been paying too much attention to many pro sports lately. I've just gotten tired of these rich divas complaining. But, I can't stay away from the jets too long.

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