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No JIF I just think the situations are very similar. The Jets do not have good talent on Offense and they have not had it for years. I think players we do have that make the occasional great play are overrated and inconsistent. You can disagree with that but I feel its the root cause ALONG with the fact Sanchez is young and still learning. Im well aware of the fact Sanchez has bad games but I rarely see the kid get the easy throw hes always throwing to contested WR's and I think thats due to bad offensive design and predictability you add the mess that our o-line has been and you have a huge problem yet some how Sanchez numbers have improved each of the three years hes been here. The Jets also lack speed which allows defenses to play them a little closer to the vest than teams who can burn you if you miss a tackle. The Jets scare no one, and they do not have dynamic players and I think this hurts the offense as a whole. Holmes can be Dynamic but hes better with a true number one on the other side who can stretch the field. Last year Braylon was a good complement and Holmes made some plays, this year teams simply shut him down and hes not good enough, smart enough, or big enough to fight through the double teams hes not in that class, not by a long shot .

Whatever. Its just unbelievable that someone can sit there truly think its everyone else. I mean listen to you. Its the coaching staff, oline, rb's , wr's, gm and owner...but nope. Not Sanchez. Cant be.

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FWIW, I think the QB makes the OC not the other way around. Shoot, MS can even run a basic WCO and you want him to take on more?? Also, dont hear Tom Moore mentioned in these threads much any more and if you could give him truth serum Id bet he would say you cant make a porterhouse out of hamburger.

Bottom line? The good ones dont need to be coached up.

Hey I think Moore had some influence but I certainly never thought he had any input on the actual game day play calling. In that respect I gave Shotty Credit for the few games the Jets seemed to mix it up well vs KC and Buff but hey it was KC and Buff and as soon as Shotty started using the screens more and hitting the backs out of the backfield more the offense actully moved the ball and forced the defnse out of their game plan. When the Eagles adjusted to this, Shotty continued to push the issue and the offense stalled and made no adjutments. Partly because Phillys defense was much quicker and DID NOT over persue like they did in the beginning of the year. They read our screens well and deserve the credit for adapting to Shottys play calling and got no change from Shotty during the game itself which seems to be the norm for the Jets offense the last 6 years. Shotty comes up with a decent game plan it works for a few games then once defenses adjust hes back to square one not knowing how to adjust himself and we look inept. Its a pattern thats been going on since the guy has been here.

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Whatever. Its just unbelievable that someone can sit there truly think its everyone else. I mean listen to you. Its the coaching staff, oline, rb's , wr's, gm and owner...but nope. Not Sanchez. Cant be.

Your not reading the post JIF I mention Sanchez is part of the problem as well but Im not going to sit here and blame it all on him like some people because with our well documented problems thats ignorant. Our O-Line stinks, our WR's are decent at best, our TE is an inconsistent Idiot and our RB's are Meh. Im not sure what you expect from a young QB and issues across the board JIF I really do not know what you think this offense can be. You claimed Holmes was this stud and hes not only a pussy in traffic but hes been dropping the ball at an alarming rate and his fumbleitis has returned with a vengeance does Sanchez make him play like sh*t ?

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Your not reading the post JIF I mention Sanchez is part of the problem as well but Im not going to sit here and blame it all on him like some people because with our well documented problems thats ignorant. Our O-Line stinks, our WR's are decent at best, our TE is an inconsistent Idiot and our RB's are Meh. Im not sure what you expect from a young QB and issues across the board JIF I really do not know what you think this offense can be. You claimed Holmes was this stud and hes not only a pussy in traffic but hes been dropping the ball at an alarming rate and his fumbleitis has returned with a vengeance does Sanchez make him play like sh*t ?

He's had a perfect situation here. This year he's faced some adversity in terms of the talent around him not playing great (which has really only been the RT) and he couldnt pick up the slack. He's a mental midget. His problems are hard to correct. I think you'd see a lot better performance from everyone on this team with a competent Qb.

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He's had a perfect situation here. This year he's faced some adversity in terms of the talent around him not playing great (which has really only been the RT) and he couldnt pick up the slack. He's a mental midget. His problems are hard to correct. I think you'd see a lot better performance from everyone on this team with a competent Qb.

I see Sanchez is a mental Midget but guys like Plax, Holmes and Keller are absolutely brilliant . One guy shoots himself , the other idiot jeopardizes his career by smoking a joint and Keller at times does nto even know where to line up or turn for the football after the break along with having footballs ripped from his hands on 3 different occasions 2 in one game. Yeah I can see how Sanchez is the Mental Midget. Thats not even including the idiot calling the plays.

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I see Sanchez is a mental Midget but guys like Plax, Holmes and Keller are absolutely brilliant . One guy shoots himself , the other idiot jeopardizes his career by smoking a joint and Keller at times does nto even know where to line up or turn for the football after the break along with having footballs ripped from his hands on 3 different occasions 2 in one game. Yeah I can see how Sanchez is the Mental Midget. Thats not even including the idiot calling the plays.

Meh, these guys have been studs else where. You'd think Keller and Sanchez would be on the same page at this point, they are not. Dont know who's fault that is.

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I see Sanchez is a mental Midget but guys like Plax, Holmes and Keller are absolutely brilliant . One guy shoots himself , the other idiot jeopardizes his career by smoking a joint and Keller at times does nto even know where to line up or turn for the football after the break along with having footballs ripped from his hands on 3 different occasions 2 in one game. Yeah I can see how Sanchez is the Mental Midget. Thats not even including the idiot calling the plays.

Its hard to argue with this. Sanchez is the biggest culprit and his moping around is infuriating, but the other guys at the skill positions are idiots too.

As far as Sanchez, Leinart has had a nice easy career with no stress....Sanchez would look very sexy holding a clipboard.

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Nice post JC

We pretty much agree I can deal with Callahan......Norv, if fired, may not be so quick to jump in another job he may just take a year or 2 off rather than jump into a OC situation. Tell ya who I would like to see but dont think it would happen is Brian Billick but just like any candidate there will be issues and Billick has had them with QB's

Billick wants to HC again...not sure he'd would work for Rex but who knows...even if both thought it was a good match...do we want him? For all his offensive resume from the Viking days his Ravens teams were not exactly an offensive powerhouse.

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He's had a perfect situation here. This year he's faced some adversity in terms of the talent around him not playing great (which has really only been the RT) and he couldnt pick up the slack. He's a mental midget. His problems are hard to correct. I think you'd see a lot better performance from everyone on this team with a competent Qb.

Which offensive talent around him has played great? I am not a Sanchez defender but also think it's too soon to label him as a bust but saying only Hunter has had a bad year is just BS.

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Which offensive talent around him has played great? I am not a Sanchez defender but also think it's too soon to label him as a bust but saying only Hunter has had a bad year is just BS.

Gotta get on Rex and Tanny about this. The only true leader this offense has is Tomlinson and he's just about finished.

Plax and Holmes....cmon. The two have been jack asses their enitre career and have had the quitters label placed on them by the Steelers and the Giants, both top organizations.

McKnight was a terrible pick, the kid from Louisville looked pathetic in his few appearances, Greene is a Kevan Barlow type of back. The offense is brutal at every position.

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Which offensive talent around him has played great? I am not a Sanchez defender but also think it's too soon to label him as a bust but saying only Hunter has had a bad year is just BS.

Nobody...its a good point. I think its compounded because of his play. I think a lot of QB's would love to be throwing to Holmes and Plax and even Keller to an extent...I will say that.

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Gotta get on Rex and Tanny about this. The only true leader this offense has is Tomlinson and he's just about finished.

Plax and Holmes....cmon. The two have been jack asses their enitre career and have had the quitters label placed on them by the Steelers and the Giants, both top organizations.

McKnight was a terrible pick, the kid from Louisville looked pathetic in his few appearances, Greene is a Kevan Barlow type of back. The offense is brutal at every position.

Agree. Team was severely overated and now everyone wants a goat to single out for the failure. Sanchez needs to be given more time before going in another direction. The coaching staff however needs to prepare for that day better than they did at our current skill positions.

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Nobody...its a good point. I think its compounded because of his play. I think a lot of QB's would love to be throwing to Holmes and Plax and even Keller to an extent...I will say that.

But you coud also say his poor play is compunded by the OL and WR's......it works both ways. You've seen enough QB's look like crap early in their careers to realize it is too soon to cut bait with him.

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who snapped the ball off his ******* leg on the goalline??? Who let the ball bounce off his ******* head. Who punted on 4th and an inch from Giants territory??? Who chose to shut down their successful running game in the second half? Who missed a routine tackle at their 10 yard line?

Broaden your viewpoint just a little bit. If we are putting everything on the QB then he still has a better winning % than any other ******* jet QB. Tanny ruined this season.

Jet fans dont realize what an "ignorant village" menatlity they have on this. I swear Jet fans would make a great cult. They would all drink the koolaid.

You will get what you asked for though. Mark Sanchez a Dolphin that we cant beat. hahaha This is a sociology lesson in the making. lol What kind of fansset out to break the spirit of their first round pick?? It's ******* retarded. wow. That's why the Jets will ALWAYS lose. Look in the mirror, dunces.

Please woody, trade Sanhcez to Miami and please raise ticket prices again on these bozos......haha and when the inevitable happens, you could give out official Jets paper bags! haha Just End The Season. Thanks for the couple years of relevance, but you can't take the town whore to the ball, you know what I'm saying!

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I hear you. I just think the mass psychological feeling that's running rampant through Jets Nation right now is that the franchise missed the bus again. That anxiety causes us to see Sanchez as another Pennington or O'Brien; Rex as another Mangini or Edwards. That's what 40+ years of wheel-spinning does to a fanbase. ;)

Boooooooooo. Are Jet fans truly so miserable?

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Its hard to argue with this. Sanchez is the biggest culprit and his moping around is infuriating, but the other guys at the skill positions are idiots too.

As far as Sanchez, Leinart has had a nice easy career with no stress....Sanchez would look very sexy holding a clipboard.

I agree Sanchez moping around drives me nuts he should be getting in peoples face. I understand he takes the blame for everything in the press conferences because no way a QB is going to go on the MIC and rip all the players in his locker room and he also gets alot of that from Rex. The only people who really know whos making the mental mistakes are the coaches and the players. We have seen some players who left the team get on Shotty but they wont bash other players so we may never know until something changes.

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I agree Sanchez moping around drives me nuts he should be getting in peoples face. I understand he takes the blame for everything in the press conferences because no way a QB is going to go on the MIC and rip all the players in his locker room and he also gets alot of that from Rex. The only people who really know whos making the mental mistakes are the coaches and the players. We have seen some players who left the team get on Shotty but they wont bash other players so we may never know until something changes.

you know what i would love to hear Mark speak his mind a bit. he's too toned-down. what? everyone can run their mouth or their twitter on this team but the QB?

I want to know what the f is on Mark Sanchez's mind. bc i bet there's a alot there.

ALSO. I really want Tannenbaum to come out with a mea culpa. Nothing could be more empowering to the franchise than the GM coming out and saying

1- he goofed. its not the QB. the personnel was not where it should have been.

2- speaking of QBs. Mark's his guy. Mark's his QB. he pulled an epic trade up to nab him. come out and say it.

3- everyone's job is on the line this sunday except for Rex and Marks. Beware.

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you are crazy. absolutely nuts. you don't draft a QB in the top 5 and then move on after 3 years.

you have to develop your players.

I don't agree with everything you wrote, but there is no way you move on after 3 years. So we are in total agreement there.

Three year progression has shown improvement each year in these categories:

  • Yards
  • Yards\Game
  • TD
  • QB Rating
  • Completion %

His INT total is up this year but his TDs are up by a much higher %. The biggest knocks stat wise are that his YPC are down and there are no big plays. Right now they really remind me of the Pennington Jets. They need 7-9 good plays to get in scoring range, just have no explosiveness.

Last year Mark had 10 passes of over 40 yards, this year he has 2.

The O\C is going to take the fall for that, right or wrong. But they need to fix that, and they need to fix negative plays in general on offense. Let Mark get that completion % up to 60% and bring the INTs down close to 10. Those are attainable goals for him next season, and if they do that (and fix some of the other issues) they can contend next year.

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you know what i would love to hear Mark speak his mind a bit. he's too toned-down. what? everyone can run their mouth or their twitter on this team but the QB?

I want to know what the f is on Mark Sanchez's mind. bc i bet there's a alot there.

ALSO. I really want Tannenbaum to come out with a mea culpa. Nothing could be more empowering to the franchise than the GM coming out and saying

1- he goofed. its not the QB. the personnel was not where it should have been.

2- speaking of QBs. Mark's his guy. Mark's his QB. he pulled an epic trade up to nab him. come out and say it.

3- everyone's job is on the line this sunday except for Rex and Marks. Beware.

Tanny saying these things publicly does NOTHING to help the Jets. Tanny knows that he needs to do a better job with the roster. I have heard him say it. But to put the entire roster on notice for next year when they could still make the playoffs, that wouldn't help them.

GMs don't need to talk tough because their actions can speak louder than words.

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