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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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I also agree with this. Song just put herself on my list of players I could vote.

My top 3? Song, Leelou and probably Smash

Unvote Ape. I had all the fun with that I think I’m going to for now.

Why does this post have the strange "1." at the beginning of it, before the quote?

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Because I had copied it onto a word doc in case I wanted to multi-quote. I'm not sure what the 1 is about though. It was right under the player list on the doc, so that must have had something to do with it.

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Official Day 1 Vote Count

Song (4) - JC, Brett, Leelou, Lily

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Ape (1) - Nolder

Sharrow (1) - CTM

Crusher (1) - Vic

AVM (1) - Ape

Leelou (1) - AVM

Brett (1) - Pac

Nolder (1) - Crusher

Not Voting (2) - Verbal, Smash

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


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@ CTM - how does your bomb work? is it the hammer voter that dies with you?

Why would I reveal this? I can't think of any pro town benefit to giving explicit details on how my role works? Would you like to know if it's active against night actions?

How about this, you guys vote me if you think I'm scum, and then we'll see what happens..

I do agree with you on Leelou though. she has to be lurking...


vote LeeLou

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If your willing to hammer...I'm willing to return to CTM...could be today could be tomorrow...isn't this like his second or third time as a bomb if its true...coincidental?

Second time, do I have to lecture you on statistics? I'll assume you are smarter then dpr for the time being

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Why would I reveal this? I can't think of any pro town benefit to giving explicit details on how my role works? Would you like to know if it's active against night actions?

How about this, you guys vote me if you think I'm scum, and then we'll see what happens..

I do agree with you on Leelou though. she has to be lurking...


vote LeeLou

Yeah, it was a stupid question to ask - I was looking for assurance that if Pac hammers you, he dies, that's all. If he's willing to do it, then he's probably not a big loss for the town.

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Why would I reveal this? I can't think of any pro town benefit to giving explicit details on how my role works? Would you like to know if it's active against night actions?

How about this, you guys vote me if you think I'm scum, and then we'll see what happens..

I do agree with you on Leelou though. she has to be lurking...


vote LeeLou

I'm really trying not to lurk. Every time I try to post today work keeps on popping up. I'm going to be gone for 2 hours now. FYI.

3rd time she's popped up the minute her name gets said.

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If we're doing top 3

mine are LeeLou, sharrow and JC or Ape haven't decided yet... I've stated reasons for the other 3, but ape in general is playing like a slimy pig this game and didn't like the way he backed brett before right after brett voted him. I think he was trying to win favor by supporting the ludicrous argument that crusher wasn't aggressive last game. No way ape missed that.. No Way

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I like this plan tbh... and if we get CTM back to L1, and Pac pussies out... we lynch Pac.

don't try to strong arm me you stupid ape. I'm the one who suggested it - it's not your plan.

get that miserable wretch CTM to L1 and I'll hammer him and myself (if he's not lying) into oblivion.

His claim has the added benefit of keeping him around till end game because people are scared to die. I'm not... modding the last game was tiresome and Januarys are our busiest month of the year at work.

It's pretty much a no lose scenario..

- if he's telling the truth we both die but not before I curbstomp him.

- if he's lying I get to expose and humiliate him.

How is this not a great play for me?

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If we're doing top 3

mine are LeeLou, sharrow and JC or Ape haven't decided yet... I've stated reasons for the other 3, but ape in general is playing like a slimy pig this game and didn't like the way he backed brett before right after brett voted him. I think he was trying to win favor by supporting the ludicrous argument that crusher wasn't aggressive last game. No way ape missed that.. No Way

What? I was pointing out the difference between being an aggressive a$$hole and an aggressive player. I wasn't backing anyone, I thought you two dopes were splitting hairs over something that is COMPLETELY subjective. ******* moron.

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If we're doing top 3

mine are LeeLou, sharrow and JC or Ape haven't decided yet... I've stated reasons for the other 3, but ape in general is playing like a slimy pig this game and didn't like the way he backed brett before right after brett voted him. I think he was trying to win favor by supporting the ludicrous argument that crusher wasn't aggressive last game. No way ape missed that.. No Way

Any particular reason for Sharrow or JC?

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don't try to strong arm me you stupid ape. I'm the one who suggested it - it's not your plan.

get that miserable wretch CTM to L1 and I'll hammer him and myself (if he's not lying) into oblivion.

His claim has the added benefit of keeping him around till end game because people are scared to die. I'm not... modding the last game was tiresome and Januarys are our busiest month of the year at work.

It's pretty much a no lose scenario..

- if he's telling the truth we both die but not before I curbstomp him.

- if he's lying I get to expose and humiliate him.

How is this not a great play for me?

I know you suggested it. However, discussing what to do with you if you don't make good on your word is a necessary conversation to have... I want to make sure that if you bail on it (which you've done plenty of times while threatening to hammer) that you are dealt with accordingly.

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So, you are confirming that you have not read a thing - even though you piled on CTM when JC and Sharrow were casing him.

If I remember correctly, CTM voted Sharrow, then Sharrow voted CTM all based off Lilys play. JC voted after that. Really OMGUSy.

I voted CTM when he poked at me for being sooooo inactive. You guys are a holes sometimes. It's okay for some people to not show up and play, but I disappear for a day (when I do it every game), and I obviously don't care about playing anymore. Did the same damn thing last game, and if it really is such a problem then get another person to play in every game. Since I never contribute it won't matter, right?

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Try to get more engaging day 1 this game am I'm just skimming. LOL. Maybe if I just stuck around and posted random nonsense constantly and kept my vote on one of the usual suspects all game long I'd be "contributing"

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Hey guys, don't know how much I'll be around today.

6 hours of work followed by 4 hours of class, Wednesdays are my worst day. I'll try to sneak on.

for now

Unvote Ape

I could go back, but I want to be present if a lynch on him is going to happen w/ my name on it.

CTM's self-vote + claim adds up strangely in my eye, using the them to help justify eachother. "I self-voted because I am a bomb" aka he was breadcrumbing his reveal.

I also didn't like Song's ninja post of putting him at L1. Crusher is having an agressive D1 which is different. And I want to see Nolder come back and piss off the ape more.

*shrugs* A self vote is a no no for me. It's one of the most anti town things you can do. Anyone who does it, especially in the way it was done, automatically gets a vote from me. They have a special name for those kind of votes on mafia scum, but I can't think of the term. He was scummy, so I voted. Also I have been busy with work and pulling off an amazing win in Lily's game on DM. I'll have more time now to put more words next time so ya'll can understand.

Also his claim is rather convenient and like people have said, makes him untouchable for the rest of the game. I still like him for a lynch so I will keep my vote where it is.

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If I remember correctly, CTM voted Sharrow, then Sharrow voted CTM all based off Lilys play. JC voted after that. Really OMGUSy.

I voted CTM when he poked at me for being sooooo inactive. You guys are a$$ holes sometimes. It's okay for some people to not show up and play, but I disappear for a day (when I do it every game), and I obviously don't care about playing anymore. Did the same damn thing last game, and if it really is such a ******* problem then get another person to play in every game. Since I never contribute it won't matter, right?


Not impressed.

Inactives always get questioned, throwing a hissy fit over it doesn't phase me... you should have expected it.

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Any particular reason for Sharrow or JC?

I think sharrow tried to lay some suspicion over something that wasn't true (lily responding to ape forcefully for first time ever)..... Not a huge deal, but when I called him out on he OMGUS'd, and has mentioned it several times after the fact, a whole lot of butt hurt for 1 measly vote.

JC followed ape towards nodler. which I took as going after an easy lynch. Again, not a huge deal, but he never really responded but then showed up just in time to put a momentum vote on me...

Also, I don't like ape and jc trying to get pac to hammer me (making an assumption he'd be the one to die with me).. If pac's town and one of them are scum, they'd basically be trying to set up a 2 for 1. I originally thought ape was trying to see if Pac would punk out as he's done numerous times in the past, but to what end I'm not sure

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I think sharrow tried to lay some suspicion over something that wasn't true (lily responding to ape forcefully for first time ever)..... Not a huge deal, but when I called him out on he OMGUS'd, and has mentioned it several times after the fact, a whole lot of butt hurt for 1 measly vote.

JC followed ape towards nodler. which I took as going after an easy lynch. Again, not a huge deal, but he never really responded but then showed up just in time to put a momentum vote on me...

Also, I don't like ape and jc trying to get pac to hammer me (making an assumption he'd be the one to die with me).. If pac's town and one of them are scum, they'd basically be trying to set up a 2 for 1. I originally thought ape was trying to see if Pac would punk out as he's done numerous times in the past, but to what end I'm not sure

I have zero expectations of Pac following through. I'm mostly calling his bluff on trying to act like a tough gay martyr ... Pac talking about hammering is like JIF talking about banging hot chicks... never happens.

That being said, you protesting the plan totally contradicts the self-vote plan you were pushing last night when you breadcrumbed this horsesh*t reveal.

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Self-voting is scummy, but so is drive-by bringing somebody to L-1.

Between the 2, though, I'm more inclined to side with Song.

Also, I'd like to see Pac die in a glorious explosion. No reason, really....just because.

If folks flop back to CTM, I'll join up.

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I have zero expectations of Pac following through. I'm mostly calling his bluff on trying to act like a tough gay martyr ... Pac talking about hammering is like JIF talking about banging hot chicks... never happens.

That being said, you protesting the plan totally contradicts the self-vote plan you were pushing last night when you breadcrumbed this horsesh*t reveal.

And that is why I'm cool with joining the CTM train. The whole thing feels orchestrated.

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I think sharrow tried to lay some suspicion over something that wasn't true (lily responding to ape forcefully for first time ever)..... Not a huge deal, but when I called him out on he OMGUS'd, and has mentioned it several times after the fact, a whole lot of butt hurt for 1 measly vote.

JC followed ape towards nodler. which I took as going after an easy lynch. Again, not a huge deal, but he never really responded but then showed up just in time to put a momentum vote on me...

Also, I don't like ape and jc trying to get pac to hammer me (making an assumption he'd be the one to die with me).. If pac's town and one of them are scum, they'd basically be trying to set up a 2 for 1. I originally thought ape was trying to see if Pac would punk out as he's done numerous times in the past, but to what end I'm not sure

It's unlike Sharrow, but I can say there's a natural reaction to say something when there's one vote from the likes of you, the ape, doggin when he's playing, etc. Sharrow is far too calculated to slip up and overreact to one vote on day 1. Remember last game, when he was scum? Nearly got lynched just for being Sharrow.

I mentioned this a few days ago re: Nodler -- I don't really see him as an easy lynch. There's too big of a crowd that doesn't want to lynch first timers for his lynch to be realistic, IMO. I follow your thinking with trying to get Pac to hammer, though.

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It's unlike Sharrow, but I can say there's a natural reaction to say something when there's one vote from the likes of you, the ape, doggin when he's playing, etc. Sharrow is far too calculated to slip up and overreact to one vote on day 1. Remember last game, when he was scum? Nearly got lynched just for being Sharrow.

I mentioned this a few days ago re: Nodler -- I don't really see him as an easy lynch. There's too big of a crowd that doesn't want to lynch first timers for his lynch to be realistic, IMO. I follow your thinking with trying to get Pac to hammer, though.

The thing about Sharrow is that he starting posting like a maniac for a while.....on D1. That is very unusual.

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That being said, you protesting the plan totally contradicts the self-vote plan you were pushing last night when you breadcrumbed this horsesh*t reveal.

jeez, so slimy... 1) I'm not looking to quit right now, like i was last night and 2) I'm protesting that you and JC are coming up with a plan that involves possibly 2 townies dying ( and if pac is really willing to hammer, I doubt he's scum)..

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