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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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Now that I'm back and can actually focus on the game around real life stuff, I have a few thoughts.

Pac - well, what can I say? You've all already said it.

JC - I don't believe the roleless claim in a completely roled game.

Sharrow - That's an odd role that I don't remember ever seeing before. Seems pretty invincible to me. I'm not sure I buy it.

SMC - don't like having an alleged miller around. Nice play on your part if you are scum, and it's seemed to work very well for you. I can't figure out why, but it has.

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Now that I'm back and can actually focus on the game around real life stuff, I have a few thoughts.

Pac - well, what can I say? You've all already said it.

JC - I don't believe the roleless claim in a completely roled game.

Sharrow - That's an odd role that I don't remember ever seeing before. Seems pretty invincible to me. I'm not sure I buy it.

SMC - don't like having an alleged miller around. Nice play on your part if you are scum, and it's seemed to work very well for you. I can't figure out why, but it has.

Hoep feeling better

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Pac, you said you'd get something if you hammered 2 people. What was it?

I never said I'd get anything. Interesting you made that assumption though and are asking me about it.

so to recap:

- nolder is the roleless townie that has to post vote counts

- sharrow is the guy who can't be killed while crusher is alive (lol)

- SMC is Miller who gets to live to endgame

- Lily is the psychiatrist who doesn't know how to play with a Miller in the game

- Vic is the day doc even though every power role had vests and verb is claiming night doc

- and JC is the only plain ole' vanilla townie in the entire game (lol)

but my role is soooo flippidy doo keyyrrazy that I haz to be teh scum...

I just made the freakin Ape get called a tough guy twice to earn a vest last game... 80 obviously likes the style of game where you make people do weird things for fun. I'm surprised it's so shocking to the people who just played last game. duh.

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Shhhhhh... no te preocupes mi amigo, va terminar pronto.


See this is why I didn't want a mass reveal already. It's just a big headache.

I kind of believe pac. Nolder's role was ridiculous. and Pacs claim is ridiculous, but I don't think exactly vote worthy. I think some of the more convenient claims are more suspect.

I think we stick with the smc lynch and get an investigation on one of the three players in question tonight. But that's just my opinion.

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Song, the thing is, I revealed night 1 well before I received any heat in this game. The purpose, as stated, was for the cop not to waste an investifation. Leelou, admittedly overlooking my early reveal, investifated ne anyway.

Lynch me if you like, but keep an eye out on those pushing my lynch. I believe the last 2 scum are out of Pac, Lily, and JC, with the first 2 voting for me know.

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I agree with SMC....if scum, he timed it perfectly without really knowing. I don't think he's scum.

Pac and Lily are firing from the hip in any direction they can manage.

The people I think are townies are acting like townies. The people I think are scum are the ones who look like they are scrambling for their lives.

Vote: Pac

If he isn't scum, I'll renounce the Dolphins.

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Official Day 1 Final Vote Count

CTM (9) - Sharrow, SMC, Song, Verbal, JC, Crusher, Hess, Leelou, Nolder

Smash (4) - Brett, Vic, Pac, AVM

Song (2) - Lily, Smash

Crusher (1) - Ape

Ape (1) - CTM

Not Voting (1) - Hess

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.

Final Day 2 Vote Count

Brett (7) - SMC, JC, Hess, Lily, Nolder, Crusher, Pac

Verbal (1) - Song

SMC (1) - Verbal

JC (1) - Vic

Lily (1) - Brett

Not Voting (2) - Leelou, Sharrow

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Final Day 3 Vote Count

Nolder (6) - SMC, Vic, Lily, Leelou, Song, Pac

SMC (2) - Nolder, Sharrow

Vic (1) - Verbal

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

Just wanted to remind everyone of the vote counts as we sort through the reveals...on Day 1 we had three remaining players avoid the CTM lynch:




On Day 2 we caught a threat so I don't think we learn as much.

On Day 3 we lynch townie Nolder and the same three players who avoided CTM are on Nolder's train:




Based of the voting patterns this is the lynch pool I'd prefer to lynch from with a quick glance at SMC because of the Miller wifom...I'll post my thoughts on the rest of the reveals shortly...

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1. Vic - day doc

Possible since there is a night doc

3. Lily- psychiatrist

Possible since I had a this role in Hess game where there were two SKs.

4. Jetscode- roleless

Possible but some say unlikely...nothing to argue...suspect it has more to 80s view of me then anything else

5. Pac- 2 x hammer vote

Possible as Pac likes to hammer so 80 may have put this in...improbable because what happens if he does not meet his contract...and secondly why did he offer the task to Nolder in the waning moments of CTM's lynch?

7. SMC - Miller claim

Early claim...hate that he's still here...but the voting patterns and his play has kept him around to this point...one question that did come up though is why didn't he as the Miller offer to hammer the Bomb when CTM's role was still in doubt

9. Leelou - Cop

Uncountered...says she knows JiF was her Deputy from a role PM...also accidently investigated the Miller...would greatly appreciate her investigated list for the final clues to this puzzle

10. Crusher - still waiting...Crush wake up...grab a red eye and help the cause

13. Sharrow - Bulletproof as long as Crush is alive

Another protected role...strange role...guess it forces activity in case Crusher faces heat...unfortunately Crusher never faced heat so we did not see Sharrow have to make any arguments to support him...also created the wifom with a claimed attempted NK last night

17. Song - one shot reviver ability

Proved her ability by reviving JiF

18. Verbal - night doc

Since there is a day doc then there has to be a night doc...played strong in helping everything sort out but does by claim (night doc) suggest that Vic's reveal is accurate

In order of limited believability/value to the town at this point my lynch pool:






Most important as we play out is to get the investiagtive info from Leelou and Crusher's reveal...the are the remaining pieces to the puzzle.

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Good points JC, although I still don't understand why I'm second on your list.

Glad Leelou investigated Vic. I believe there is a GF in this game, which balances a Miller. So, Vic can only be GF, and we keep that in our back pocket for later.

Crusher needs to seriously reveal.

Pac and Lily are my choices.

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Good points JC, although I still don't understand why I'm second on your list.

Glad Leelou investigated Vic. I believe there is a GF in this game, which balances a Miller. So, Vic can only be GF, and we keep that in our back pocket for later.

Crusher needs to seriously reveal.

Pac and Lily are my choices.

Sorry SMC...the Miller cloud hangs over you...fwiw...still like your play as a townie more than the others...hopefully Leelou can eliminate another or find scum and we can re-evaluate tomorrow....

Don't know what the problem with Crush is...but its starting to ping...separate win condition?

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