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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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Well this day certainly went just a little quicker than the last few. After you discovered the dead bodies of your friends, you were quick to try to find who was responsible. There was a quick crowd that gathered around Sakaea, but she made an interesting statement that made you second guess yourself. She admitted to being a helper to the bounty hunters. As much as you now knew she wasn't on the side of the Rebellion, many of you decided there were bigger fish to fry. That's when the attention quickly shifted to Klecko and in a matter of moments it went from nobody to almost everybody who wanted to see him as your next victim. As the crowd gathered around, suddenly one of you pulls out a blaster and blasts off the grate covering the garbage shoot that's inexplicably located in the middle of the detention block hall. You all then grab him and heave him right down into the opening, as you hear him scream as he falls into the area below.


One of you then walks over to the nearby computer and goes through the process of turning on the garbage smasher.

"Well one thing's for sure, he's gonna be a lot thinner."

A blood-curdling scream is heard as the smasher seems to put an end to Klecko.


Klecko, known to you as Emperor Palpatine (Imperial, Role blocker) has been lynched.

Night 4 has begun. All night actions are due by 10 AM tomorrow.

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Well this day certainly went just a little quicker than the last few. After you discovered the dead bodies of your friends, you were quick to try to find who was responsible. There was a quick crowd that gathered around Sakaea, but she made an interesting statement that made you second guess yourself. She admitted to being a helper to the bounty hunters. As much as you now knew she wasn't on the side of the Rebellion, many of you decided there were bigger fish to fry. That's when the attention quickly shifted to Klecko and in a matter of moments it went from nobody to almost everybody who wanted to see him as your next victim. As the crowd gathered around, suddenly one of you pulls out a blaster and blasts off the grate covering the garbage shoot that's inexplicably located in the middle of the detention block hall. You all then grab him and heave him right down into the opening, as you hear him scream as he falls into the area below.


One of you then walks over to the nearby computer and goes through the process of turning on the garbage smasher.

"Well one thing's for sure, he's gonna be a lot thinner."

A blood-curdling scream is heard as the smasher seems to put an end to Klecko.


Klecko, known to you as Emperor Palpatine (Imperial, Role blocker) has been lynched.

Night 4 has begun. All night actions are due by 10 AM tomorrow.

lying slim pig

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Lol... I like how Dan is less than inactive until she gets run up so far she has to claim something and now she wont stop talking.

I will elaborate more on my "thoughts on the game" when I get home from work. Which, I will repeat, is why I haven't been around as much now.

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