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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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I wanted some opinions from you and all of a sudden: DEAD

I will take a slow, long, thoughtful flex in your honor.

Its getting really hard to play these games. Seriously.

I put that much effort into a ******* game with 70% inactives and I'm blind lynched. Total F'ing waste of my time. To think I was rushing just to post that I'd be around on a busy day and this happens. Unreal. I'm not surprised at all though and its kind of ****ed up.

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I mean.....you just can't turn down a hammer vote on a JiF speedlynch. I'll gladly accept getting lynched for it tomorrow.

You're ******* dick head dude. Seriously. Like **** you. You ******* a$$hole. I busted my a$$ for this ******* town when I'm swamped at work and I get ****ed again. Go **** yourself you stupid ******* piece of sh*t. I hope you rot in hell.

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Its getting really hard to play these games. Seriously.

I put that much effort into a ******* game with 70% inactives and I'm blind lynched. Total F'ing waste of my time. To think I was rushing just to post that I'd be around on a busy day and this happens. Unreal. I'm not surprised at all though and its kind of ****ed up.

It is. I'd be pissed too.

Now if you're scum I will never forgive you and I will not get matching JiF & Vicious tribal armband tattto's.

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And you thought yesterday was quick? After yesterday going by so quickly, today went by even quicker. As soon as it started, you all focused in on JiF. You quickly came to a majority, and before he could even get a word out, you all drew your blasters and fired away, blasting him into nothing more than a pile of charred bones. Could you really be lucky enough to get such a quick decision right twice in a row? Well perhaps you can.


JiF, known to you as Darth Vader (Imperial, symp finder) has been lynched.

Night 5 has begun, all night actions are due by 11 AM tomorrow.

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