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What about me? You scuk. Can;t read me for sh*t.

I think you have poop in your a$$ fur and stink. Townie retard furry fagola read.

Yes Crusher, 15 posts after listing you in my FOS, I'm about to list you in my town reads. Like usual, I say your name, you get butthurt and make lots of noise.

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Since when does JC follow people (me) like that? Add in the fact that he was all crazy to start Day 1, then disappeared as people started to mention it...only to show up right after night phase and vote someone with a "these are my top three" post just seems...odd.

I'm tempted to vote wombat just off JiFs bit the past couple pages and see where that goes. My vote looks bad via placement and all, but meh...JC has been acting really oddly...unvote vote: JC

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Yes Crusher, 15 posts after listing you in my FOS, I'm about to list you in my town reads. Like usual, I say your name, you get butthurt and make lots of noise.

Im board at the office. No one scheduled till 4. I like poking you when Im bored.

I just feel if you are so good you should know Im town. But you don;t. Im sorta disenchanted.

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Killing the Ape brings me instant enjoyment. But I'm feeling it, mt. I'm feeling it. The basket looks the size of the ocean right now.

Follow me. This is my game. I'm ******* doing it and sh*t.

Follow you to where? You were dead wrong on Pac. You're having an off game. It happens. Now vote CTM with me and we shall ride to the mountain top as Kings.

unvote vote CTM

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Im board at the office. No one scheduled till 4. I like poking you when Im bored.

I just feel if you are so good you should know Im town. But you don;t. Im sorta disenchanted.

Zero chance I put names in an FOS list to see who says what about those names. Zero.

Also Zero chance I put names in an FOS to see how those names react / defend. Butter bean.

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Follow you to where? You were dead wrong on Pac. You're having an off game. It happens EVERY GAME. Now vote CTM with me and we shall ride to the mountain top as Kings.

unvote vote CTM


Joking aside, you are climbing right up my list ...

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Since when does JC follow people (me) like that? Add in the fact that he was all crazy to start Day 1, then disappeared as people started to mention it...only to show up right after night phase and vote someone with a "these are my top three" post just seems...odd.

I'm tempted to vote wombat just off JiFs bit the past couple pages and see where that goes. My vote looks bad via placement and all, but meh...JC has been acting really oddly...unvote vote: JC

Red is a weird thing to say. Pre-defending your spot on the vote train? Whu?

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Zero chance I put names in an FOS list to see who says what about those names. Zero.

Also Zero chance I put names in an FOS to see how those names react / defend. Butter bean.

Butta Bean is my nickname for Teh baby Crusher. You will probably call yours Hairy.

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Follow you to where? You were dead wrong on Pac. You're having an off game. It happens. Now vote CTM with me and we shall ride to the mountain top as Kings.

unvote vote CTM

giant hesshole

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Zero chance I put names in an FOS list to see who says what about those names. Zero.

Also Zero chance I put names in an FOS to see how those names react / defend. Butter bean.

100% chance you say this in case you are wrong

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Butta Bean is my nickname for Teh baby Crusher. You will probably call your sHairy.

I'll probably call mine arrogant interwebz tough guy gheymofag, it'll have nothing to do with the way this website has influenced me though

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Red is a weird thing to say. Pre-defending your spot on the vote train? Whu?

ape sometimes i wish you would actually let people play themselves into a corner instead of jumping on everything questionable right away

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I thought I was 100% wrong 100% of the time?

Nobody is that good... You are wrong most of the time, which is why you've adapted to leave yourself wiggle room after the fact.. guys, guys.. it was a trap.. i swear it

It's like watching evolution happen

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Follow you to where? You were dead wrong on Pac. You're having an off game. It happens. Now vote CTM with me and we shall ride to the mountain top as Kings. unvote vote CTM

I wasnt dead wrong on Pac. He was the better kill over Vic. My conviction was less than strong with him but I believed Vic and even said I tend to like to keep revealed players around for one more day, it doesnt hurt, lets roast Pac. Nobody listened to me and we lynched the town mirror day 1. GFY

I'm feeling it this game. When I'm feeling it, you get me the rock.

People seem to like JC who is on my list. I'll move there for competing train purposes. Either way, as long was we are voting my top 3, we cant go wrong.


Vote JC

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Red is a weird thing to say. Pre-defending your spot on the vote train? Whu?

I mean...this is as active as I've been in a game in a long time, much to my own surprise. I've done several things already that get people a lot of heat, and I'm simply acknowledging that whether it's before JC or after JC I'm going to get attention. It's really not defense, and I couldn't honestly care less. Like I said...meh. I voted Nolder when I thought he was the first to stick out to me, I voted Vic for a non-Robert Fisher, and I'm voting JC now because he's acted super weird. If I'm the most scummy looking or provide the most information I have proven to lack the ability to talk my way out of a lynch as either town or scum...so what will be will be. I feel my play speaks for itself, and if nothing else has garnered plenty of attention and reaction from folks.

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I wasnt dead wrong on Pac. He was the better kill over Vic. My conviction was less than strong with him but I believed Vic and even said I tend to like to keep revealed players around for one more day, it doesnt hurt, lets roast Pac. Nobody listened to me and we lynched the town mirror day 1. GFY

I'm feeling it this game. When I'm feeling it, you get me the rock.

People seem to like JC who is on my list. I'll move there for competing train purposes. Either way, as long was we are voting my top 3, we cant go wrong.


Vote JC

I didn't lynch Vic or Pac. Technically I'm batting 1000%. I'm the hottest player playing right now. If I must I'll win this thing solo.

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I'll kill CTM, AVM, Ape and/or Crusher. Whatev on the chicks right now.

Oh, I say your name, I make your list.

For a bunch of veteran mafia players, it amazes me how quick some of us are to OMGUS still...

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