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Geisha Wars Mafia


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So sweet! If only I had recieved more love like this as a child...maybe...

Speaking of which, wanna know how I got these scars?

Football injury. I was far too small to play football, but I tried anyways. It was fun right up until that guy 3 times my size knocked me out.

cry cry cry

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So sweet! If only I had recieved more love like this as a child...maybe...

Speaking of which, wanna know how I got these scars?

Football injury. I was far too small to play football, but I tried anyways. It was fun right up until that guy 3 times my size knocked me out.

cry cry cry

Now that it's over you and monkey are making this thread unreadable. STOP IT DICKS (HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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Interesting, so there is an invisible voter.

I'm guessing whoever stole it from Christine can apply it anonymously. Did they do that yesterday?

WTF I come home from work and there's this **** for 5 pages? Someone shut AVM and the Ape up.


cry complain whine

No sh*t. You need to stop - it better be a PR, or I'll destroy you.

Somebody run this douche up so I can hammer him into oblivion.


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Whoever the hell stole my vote, really? You're going to make me aligned with AVM, the ONE person I call out as scum?

Also, people actually silence and vote steal their allies to seem town? Bad form. You're taking all the fun out of it.

Regardless, still don't give a crap. Let me know when the damn day is done and my vote counts for something again.

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"I'd rather prove you wrong...." = JIF school of defense.

I'm not nearly as aggressive coming at you this game as I typically am, which makes your level of butthurt at the mere mention of your name very puzzling.

I'm slightly reading you town this game. Me and AVM are town.
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Whoever the hell stole my vote, really? You're going to make me aligned with AVM, the ONE person I call out as scum?

Also, people actually silence and vote steal their allies to seem town? Bad form. You're taking all the fun out of it.

Regardless, still don't give a crap. Let me know when the damn day is done and my vote counts for something again.

If you, AVM, Hess and CTM are scum, and Hess has some sort of beast power that you guys wanted to save, then you calling out AVM as scum to sacrifice him over Hess, while AVM clamors to try to get people to vote him over Hess, all fits the typical bussing we expect from CTM.

This, as well as the way you and Hess, seem to be trying to draw conclusions from the NKs.

Like you saying "JIF was vote-stolen, JIF was NKed and flipped town = Christine is vote-stolen, so Christine is town". No way.

The way CTM tried setting up my lynch in night phase, then he gets silenced but makes it look like he was informed after he posted (a great sell to make it look like he's town, but the type of detail I'd expect from CTM to really sell this play if he's scum) then Hess came out asking who CTM was after the previous day.

Both of these assumptions/conclusions are what I'd expect of first-time players.

Your continued "outrage" about having your vote stolen is also telling. You are selling it too hard. Townie would be still working to figure things out, so far you've done nothing but make sure we all know just how upset you are about losing your vote ability. All smells like a play.

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If you, AVM, Hess and CTM are scum, and Hess has some sort of beast power that you guys wanted to save, then you calling out AVM as scum to sacrifice him over Hess, while AVM clamors to try to get people to vote him over Hess, all fits the typical bussing we expect from CTM.

This, as well as the way you and Hess, seem to be trying to draw conclusions from the NKs.

Like you saying "JIF was vote-stolen, JIF was NKed and flipped town = Christine is vote-stolen, so Christine is town". No way.

The way CTM tried setting up my lynch in night phase, then he gets silenced but makes it look like he was informed after he posted (a great sell to make it look like he's town, but the type of detail I'd expect from CTM to really sell this play if he's scum) then Hess came out asking who CTM was after the previous day.

Both of these assumptions/conclusions are what I'd expect of first-time players.

Your continued "outrage" about having your vote stolen is also telling. You are selling it too hard. Townie would be still working to figure things out, so far you've done nothing but make sure we all know just how upset you are about losing your vote ability. All smells like a play.



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I'm guessing whoever stole it from Christine can apply it anonymously. Did they do that yesterday?

No sh*t. You need to stop - it better be a PR, or I'll destroy you.

Somebody run this douche up so I can hammer him into oblivion.


I lol'd.

cry cry cry

Whoever the hell stole my vote, really? You're going to make me aligned with AVM, the ONE person I call out as scum?

Also, people actually silence and vote steal their allies to seem town? Bad form. You're taking all the fun out of it.

Regardless, still don't give a crap. Let me know when the damn day is done and my vote counts for something again.

To be fair, I followed. So...in a sense I was trying to help you out. Srsly. Sprsrsly.

whine whine whine

Why you so sure on AVM? You into cranky dudes or something?

Hess loves CHAOS

complain complain complain

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If you, AVM, Hess and CTM are scum, and Hess has some sort of beast power that you guys wanted to save, then you calling out AVM as scum to sacrifice him over Hess, while AVM clamors to try to get people to vote him over Hess, all fits the typical bussing we expect from CTM.

This, as well as the way you and Hess, seem to be trying to draw conclusions from the NKs.

Like you saying "JIF was vote-stolen, JIF was NKed and flipped town = Christine is vote-stolen, so Christine is town". No way.

The way CTM tried setting up my lynch in night phase, then he gets silenced but makes it look like he was informed after he posted (a great sell to make it look like he's town, but the type of detail I'd expect from CTM to really sell this play if he's scum) then Hess came out asking who CTM was after the previous day.

Both of these assumptions/conclusions are what I'd expect of first-time players.

Your continued "outrage" about having your vote stolen is also telling. You are selling it too hard. Townie would be still working to figure things out, so far you've done nothing but make sure we all know just how upset you are about losing your vote ability. All smells like a play.

Holy ****. I gotta step out of character for a minute because this is straight gold. WOW. Bravo...I can't even...wow. If you were right, I would tout you as Dan-esq...that's how impressive that would be. Since you're horrifically wrong...you're AVM-esq. LOLS.

cry cry cry

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Yeah, personally I feel good about AVM. I don't see this parade of shi-t of his if he's scum. No reason to go bonkers about the Apes suspicions and draw huge amounts of attention to himself like this if he's scum. But I'm starting to see the point about him trying to deflect from the Hess lynch.

Hess needs to die.

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Holy ****. I gotta step out of character for a minute because this is straight gold. WOW. Bravo...I can't even...wow. If you were right, I would tout you as Dan-esq...that's how impressive that would be. Since you're horrifically wrong...you're AVM-esq. LOLS.

cry cry cry

Disingenuous. I look for scum in the nuance and subtleties all the time.

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Yeah, personally I feel good about AVM. I don't see this parade of shi-t of his if he's scum. No reason to go bonkers about the Apes suspicions and draw huge amounts of attention to himself like this if he's scum. But I'm starting to see the point about him trying to deflect from the Hess lynch.

Hess needs to die.

TBH...no matter how Hess flips it'll be spun negatively on me, so at this point why jump ship? lol

cry cry cry

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Disingenuous. I look for scum in the nuance and subtleties all the time.

No dude, I was being 100% sincere. I know you won't believe me now...but at the end of the game we can quote this whole bit. I spit water out on my laptop reading that because you're completely serious. Douche.

whine whine whine

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no the basis was he completely missed the possibility of scum CCing and sacrificing one of their own to have a chance to put the numbers up to 6 dead townies to 1 dead scum with a useless Nolder dead in there somewhere meaning the scum will have the upper hand if the doc and cop donot get lucky. but it looks like the scum team did not take the oppurtinity so my point is wasted.

You the odd night SK? Or perhaps Mafia with a target in mind?

read: "I'm gonna kill you tonight"


you have all the M's

Not buying the whole "confirmed townie" routine, nice try though.

nobody said you were confirmed, people seem to think you might be town but I've yet to see anyone confirm you as 100% town

Since there is still plenty of time and no one case in particular is truelly sitting big with me at the moment, I'll wait until I get to work to cast my vote.

and this one is still trying too hard. get him into hammer range and I'll send him to the afterlife.

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Yeah, personally I feel good about AVM. I don't see this parade of shi-t of his if he's scum. No reason to go bonkers about the Apes suspicions and draw huge amounts of attention to himself like this if he's scum. But I'm starting to see the point about him trying to deflect from the Hess lynch.

Hess needs to die.

Hess - 5 - Crusher, Ape, PAC, JC, SMC

More info to be gleaned from Hess's lynch = Pac keeps listing me and Crusher as suspects, but then follows us in voting Hess.

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More info to be gleaned from Hess's lynch = Pac keeps listing me and Crusher as suspects, but then follows us in voting Hess.

you're a disgusting pile of dung.

IVE been on Hess and Crusher longer than anyone. If Hess flips scum my streak of perfection continues. not YOU.

and as far as Crusher voting Hess you ever heard of a bus?


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and this one is still trying too hard. get him into hammer range and I'll send him to the afterlife.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Swear? unvote vote EP

How come you don't always do the cry cry complain whine sh*t each post?

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