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Ryan and Sporano a Good Choice for Tebow


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For me it is nice to see two coaches that are actually working with and pushing Tim to get better. I am glad that they ride him when he is too slow on the throw. push him to huddle faster, and improve his intermediate passing. I hope that the kid succeeds, and, as R. jaworski stated, it is entirely possible to change one's "muscle memory" giving the amount of throws one does in a year. He said he once counted 30,000 throws that did over a season.

I do not how many of you have worked in places where you did not have the support of the people around you but I can tell you its hard as heck to do. Tebow was in a near impossible situation last year, anyone that has been working for a long time can proabbly relate to this.

I say that we give the kid a chance and stop beating him up. That means he gets a full year and another summer to improve his throwing. If he cant throw well by August of 2013 then its on Tebow for not practicing the new mechanics enough. This year, I am pulling for him. That doesnt mean I am pulling for him to replace Sanchez. That shuld only happen if Sanchez gets hurt, loses his confidence, or if Tebow magically improves.

Regardelss, Tebow is a Jet now, so I say give him a chance. Stop talking about his meechanics. Instead, simply comment on whether he plays well or not.


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To be honest I'm not so sure Sparano and Rex have Tebows long term interests in mind. They had him gain 20 lbs and turn himself into Mike Alstott. Not exactly the prototypical physique for an NFL QB.

He's here for the Wildcat and to gain whatever small advantage they think they can by having be a punt protector. I'm sure if you asked them privately there's no way they'd want him to be the starter.

Not that I feel bad for Tebow.. He's very well paid, adored by millions, and gets to play football for a living. The team is filled with hired guns.. he just happens to be more popular then the rest.

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Who is to say what benefits a person long term. If I were Rex I too would use his abilities as they are best suited now. I would also make him work on getting better at "normal" passing. That appears to be exaclty what rex is doing. If Tebow never develops as a normal passer and stays in short yardage and wildcat situations so what. Its not Rex's problem if Tebow's NFL lifespan is that of a running-back because of it. Tebow is a grown man and will have to accept that he may only last a few years. If he learns to pass well then great, he will have a longer NFL career.

Anyone that runs head first into the endzone against the Pittsburgh Steelers is one tough S.O.B and belongs on the football field.

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For me it is nice to see two coaches that are actually working with and pushing Tim to get better. I am glad that they ride him when he is too slow on the throw. push him to huddle faster, and improve his intermediate passing. I hope that the kid succeeds, and, as R. jaworski stated, it is entirely possible to change one's "muscle memory" giving the amount of throws one does in a year. He said he once counted 30,000 throws that did over a season.

I do not how many of you have worked in places where you did not have the support of the people around you but I can tell you its hard as heck to do. Tebow was in a near impossible situation last year, anyone that has been working for a long time can proabbly relate to this.

I say that we give the kid a chance and stop beating him up. That means he gets a full year and another summer to improve his throwing. If he cant throw well by August of 2013 then its on Tebow for not practicing the new mechanics enough. This year, I am pulling for him. That doesnt mean I am pulling for him to replace Sanchez. That shuld only happen if Sanchez gets hurt, loses his confidence, or if Tebow magically improves.

Regardelss, Tebow is a Jet now, so I say give him a chance. Stop talking about his meechanics. Instead, simply comment on whether he plays well or not.


Agreed. Welcome to the board.

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Who is to say what benefits a person long term. If I were Rex I too would use his abilities as they are best suited now. I would also make him work on getting better at "normal" passing. That appears to be exaclty what rex is doing. If Tebow never develops as a normal passer and stays in short yardage and wildcat situations so what. Its not Rex's problem if Tebow's NFL lifespan is that of a running-back because of it. Tebow is a grown man and will have to accept that he may only last a few years. If he learns to pass well then great, he will have a longer NFL career.

Anyone that runs head first into the endzone against the Pittsburgh Steelers is one tough S.O.B and belongs on the football field.

There's a reason most QB's don't look like Tebow - and it's not because they're afraid to lift.

It stands to reason that having him bulk up will also limit his flexibility, which in turn could impact his accuracy. I think that's why he doesn't seem to have many issues with the long bomb but is erratic with intermediate passes.

I've read a couple articles where coaches prefer a wiry body as opposed to a hulk for their QB.

If you think about it we usually either see "normal" sized QBs or fat ones..

I don't even disagree with them instructing him to transform into a FB. I just think your suggestion that they're looking to make him better isn't necessarily the case. They want him better for what they envision his role to be.

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