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JAWS MAFIA - Game Thread


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Listen if someone can support the theory that harpoons can kill the shark, I'm fine going with it. However, 80 has sort of breadcrumbed the thread with insight about the shark being killed by a bomb only.

So as of this moment, I find the people pushing the aim all harpoons at Hess theories to be highly suspect as scum trying divert harpoon shots away from them.

Smash in particular.

that's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Im trying to figure out ways to kill a shark and you in all your infinite wisdom call that scummy ? wtf is wrong with you ? Why would 80 breadcrumb anything ? whats the ****ing point ? Even if 80 was scum or town its in his best interests to see the shark dead so if he had an option he thought would work why in the hell would he breadcrumb rather than just come out and say it ?

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Christine, thats a dumb theory. DPR stated Quint in the begining of the game in singular. Hes obviously town from the movie, aka, one of the good guys.

I think a bunch of people should request a harpoon once day starts and then fire at Hess.

Ok, so then who the **** is the mafia?

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That's entirely possible although I'm not sure WHY he would do that since generally that would mean a counterclaim battle which (from scums POV) could only end with AVMs death in a day or two and wouldn't clear Pac besides

But regardless are we really going to use a lynch on either me or AVM based on that when we've got (IMO) far scummier targets?

It's Night time and we are all using that downtime to throw some wild ass theories around but when day breaks we should go back to scumhunting and lynching scum

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Ok, so then who the **** is the mafia?

random townspeople most likely

IIRC the mayor reopened the beach even though he knew there was still a threat

maybe those two guys who thought they got Jaws but didn't are also mafia idk

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Ok, so then who the **** is the mafia?

1. JC - Town Doc, Executed D1

2. Ape

3. Leelou

4. Hess

5. Verb

6. JiF - Town Voyeur, harpooned N3

7. Crush - Killed N2

8. Lils

9. Wombat

10. Christine

11. Rand - Had the good sense to leave.

12. Nolder

13. Pac - Mafia Dirty Rolecop & Ninja - harpooned D2 - Do you see any reference to Quint in Pac's Scene ? here's your mafia

14. 80

15. SMC

16. Shinori

17. Sharrow

18. Phoenix - Town Gunsmith, lynched D2

19. Tina

20. BG

21. CTM - Town Bodyguard. Shot N2

22. Migsi - Town / Weak Doc. Eaten D1

23. JVoR - Town Lie Detector, Eaten D3

24. Smash

25. AVM

26. Ishy - Town Cop. Eaten D2

27. Vic

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that's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Im trying to figure out ways to kill a shark and you in all your infinite wisdom call that scummy ? wtf is wrong with you ? Why would 80 breadcrumb anything ? whats the ****ing point ? Even if 80 was scum or town its in his best interests to see the shark dead so if he had an option he thought would work why in the hell would he breadcrumb rather than just come out and say it ?

You aren't trying to figure out ways to kill the shark, you are supporting other people's theories for how to do it. Big difference.

When the suggestion is "everyone aim the harpoons at the shark until they are used up", then yeah, I see it as something scum would fully come forward to endorse. It benefits their agenda - remove the shark and remove the harpoons.

Also, with regards to 80, he's already written what I referenced IN thread. So your questions about "why he would do..." are irrelevant. Because he already has. Either he's having a stroke of genius, totally off-base or he's got more info than us. Either way it is Hess's wifom now. It's silly to even insinuate that Hess hasn't picked up on 80's comments.

Frankly I put more stock in 80 having more info than us, than any of the craphole theories I'm hearing. Especially when you consider the source of the harpoon theories and the people endorsing them.

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My take on this night phase.

AVM and Nolder need to be lynched, to remove the risk of a gambit - since if the real bomb goes off, they are both cruising to endgame.

Christine has dumb brains. Interesting wifom her "quints" thing creates. I would think her scummates would have corrected her on that before she called attention to herself in thread with it. Leaning town on her, scum on Smash and waffling on Wombat.

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*rolls eyes*

Hope that eye roll is directed at yourself there sweetie. :)

you lynch one of us and shark/scum kills the other and then they only have to worry about the bomb

it's a retarded move that's just going to get us both killed

You've made your point. I've made mine. We can revisit it tomorrow. The more you argue the more I just want to drive your lynch for the lulz.

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I have a theory. Maybe, just maybe, there is a mason Dolphin team. And they can team up and attack Jaws. You know, like in real life when sharks try to hunt their babies. I bet they can make really high pitch noises that deafen Jaws and make him vulnerable to attacks. THEN, they can ram him with their noses and weaken him creating opportunity for the town to us harpoons to finally, kill Jaws!!!

And maybe, Quint, is actually a Leperchaun. And the only way scum can find him is to follow the rainbow to his pot of gold/harpoons/vests and bribe him with Lucky Charms.

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A lone figure walked out to the end of the jetty with a harpoon in hand. They did not have a boat, but it didn't matter - the shark had been spotted here plenty of times, and the next time it swam by, the figure would send the harpoon straight into the devil's heart.

Islanders are stoic by nature, and this one was no different, they were content to wait for days if necessary, but as the fin surfaced and cut a path straight toward the waiting harpooner, it was clear that no wait would be necessary.

The figure took the harpoon into their grip and leaned back, waiting for the perfect moment to throw. The fish just kept coming, and the moment came...

It was a perfect throw.

The steel barb buried itself into the fish, just at the back of its head.

The shark didn't seem to notice. It just swam by and when it got close enough, it looked at the thrower with that polished coal of an eye, and there was no doubt of its intention.

The shark swam away then, the harpoon sticking out it like a second dorsal fin.

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I have a theory. Maybe, just maybe, there is a mason Dolphin team. And they can team up and attack Jaws. You know, like in real life when sharks try to hunt their babies. I bet they can make really high pitch noises that deafen Jaws and make him vulnerable to attacks. THEN, they can ram him with their noses and weaken him creating opportunity for the town to us harpoons to finally, kill Jaws!!!

And maybe, Quint, is actually a Leperchaun. And the only way scum can find him is to follow the rainbow to his pot of gold/harpoons/vests and bribe him with Lucky Charms.

hahaha... lots of words just to serve up a meatball pitch by mentioning rainbows. Fag.

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I have a theory. Maybe, just maybe, there is a mason Dolphin team. And they can team up and attack Jaws. You know, like in real life when sharks try to hunt their babies. I bet they can make really high pitch noises that deafen Jaws and make him vulnerable to attacks. THEN, they can ram him with their noses and weaken him creating opportunity for the town to us harpoons to finally, kill Jaws!!!

And maybe, Quint, is actually a Leperchaun. And the only way scum can find him is to follow the rainbow to his pot of gold/harpoons/vests and bribe him with Lucky Charms.

Damn. Not much use is playing the rest of the game now.

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LOL @ the people agreeing to ignore mafia for now. Like...um...Lily.

It seems obvious that we need to get Hess to eat a bomb. It obviously isn't that the bomb needs to hammer Hess, otherwise I'm sure they would have ensured they were the hammer vote. That didn't happen, so........I'm guessing we need to get the bomb eaten. The best way to ensure Hess eats a bomb is to get rid of the mafia and only have town targets for Hess....with 1 being the active bomb.

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LOL @ the people agreeing to ignore mafia for now. Like...um...Lily.

It seems obvious that we need to get Hess to eat a bomb. It obviously isn't that the bomb needs to hammer Hess, otherwise I'm sure they would have ensured they were the hammer vote. That didn't happen, so........I'm guessing we need to get the bomb eaten. The best way to ensure Hess eats a bomb is to get rid of the mafia and only have town targets for Hess....with 1 being the active bomb.

This. Destroy mafia, hope Hess eats some along the way or he eats the bomb.

Batman is going to continue doing his work as the greatest scum hunter ever. Wwwbgay is first in line for this caped crusader, he's the dumbass that suggested it. I mean, why not just say, "hey guys, I know I'm scum, mind not killing me for a while so we can have Hess gobble you all up while we do our thing? Thanks!"

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